# Basant I collect a lot of information. Basant is a tool to help me refine, reflect and understand the vast troves of data I generate. Think of it like a unified front end to all the data sources I have. From these vairous outputs can be created, with the end goal eventually being a matrix bot to publish to The Feed, a front page showing latest changes, and of course, my website. I'd like to be able to draw 'links' or annotations between the tags I use across various different pieces of software, These are the tools I use construct the space. The map is not the teritory. ## Architecture Basant is made from various different data sources, each with their own folder. Each data source will have a `grab`, `build`, raw & output. `grab` gets the raw data, and `build` makes it into HTML Depending on the data source, there may be additional partial/ asset/ media/ folders in the directory. I'm not yet sure how to cascade these and build upwards. Some of those HTML files get published For better ideas look into [HPI](https://github.com/karlicoss/hpi) and how it's structured ### Inputs `kitaab-public` requires a local copy, stored in /home/anish/vimwiki/ there needs to be a .vimwiki_tags file there (which can be built in vimwiki using `:VimwikiRebuildTags`; how to automate this?) It'll grab the relevant files, censor them, and then add them to raw/ `kitaab` should run the same thing, but without the filtering and censoring streams is a big TODO - wallabag - shaarli - rss - kobo - tasks - habits ### Build TODO depending on the file location (which is in turn determined by input source) a specific template gets applied links get made and it saves it to output ### Publish TODO some nix concotion that grabs the HTML and publishes it to anish.lakhwara.com