%title {title}:T:r:a:v:e:l: :D:r:e:a:m: :J:o:u:r:n:a:l:%date {date}Feeling some sort of way after my dream last night and being in NZ and far away. Almost constrained in dome sense. In my dream I was back at school for some reason as though I hadn't graduated. There I met Jay who kept talking about Parul and that made me feel weird. As though there was something I was missing, and I woke up feeling that way too. Like there was something wrong and that I'd always be just off for people, for the people I'm closest to. It reminded me of the time I tried to burn those bridges but they wouldn't let me. I can't tell if I feel alone or excited, or just done. I think I'll send them a message Also the lines from Ultra Light Beam are stuck in my head "I will field your questions, I will shield your pain"