%title {title}:R:e:v:i:e:w: :[:[:G:r:a:t:i:t:u:d:e: :]:]: :J:o:u:r:n:a:l:%date {date}what went well today: * when i sat down to work -> getting it done * getting inked * cleaning up browser tabs on curve what did not go well today: * getting enough sleep * working during the day * being annoyed and complaining a lot * wanting to smoke a joint * endless feed scrolling what can i do tomorrow to improve: * if i cant sleep just get out of bed for a little while * if you're not able to focus on work, take a long break, but do something specific so you can delineate work from non-work easier * start doing daily 'plans for the morn' (now would be a good time to start, but it's late and im tired) today i am grateful for: * getting inked * having the disposable income to spend on things i want (inked, climbing shoes, etc) * bumping into chtl in the city * having friends to share my happiness with * trying my best to hit all my goals