%title {title}:R:e:v:i:e:w: :[:[:G:r:a:t:i:t:u:d:e: :]:]: :J:o:u:r:n:a:l:%date {date}What went well today: * Doing my kombucha * Cleaning my shoes * Getting back into some habits * Getting up early * Working out * Talking with Riya * Talking with my family What did not go well today: * Still sort of feeling like I need to get away and take breaks from Riya * Didnt do laundry * Still not finding time to write or blog * No creative output * Haven't found motivation to keep applying for jobs * Task list languishing What can I do to improve tomorrow: * Send at least 1 job app * Read my blog * Stay commited to working on my relationship with Riya * Fill in time spent with Riya by also making music/writing{?) Today I am grateful for: * Playing melee with Rob * My hair going nearly white * My friends and the party we had yesterday * Not being hungover * Starting work tomorrow * Essential oil smells * My family * Vape coils