%title {title}:[:[:G:r:a:t:i:t:u:d:e: :]:]: :R:e:v:i:e:w: :J:o:u:r:n:a:l:%date {date}What went well today: * Chores * Dominating Debs roommate when she came to pack up her stuff * Finishing all my fried rice What did not go well today: * Work * Free time utilization * Creative energies * Fighting with Riya What can I do tomorrow to improve: * Commit to pomodoro * Work in a seperate space to fun spaces (ie The Edge) * Try not to be so sensitive about passing comments * If you do feel sensitive, say so instead of becoming condescending * Spend more time in places that foster my creativity (online and in person) Today I am grateful for: * Playing with Tofu (Deb's dog) * Hanging out with my friends * Lots of free time * My hair being less purple and more gray * Morning work out * Catching up on other slacks