wallabag initial commit

This commit is contained in:
Anish Lakhwara 2022-09-03 12:31:22 +10:00
parent 8b9381d5e1
commit 58344f0a37
2 changed files with 146 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -75,7 +75,11 @@
shellHook = '' shellHook = ''
[[ -z $SHAARLI_TOKEN ]] && echo "::dhyan:: Necessary Env Var missing: SHAARLI_TOKEN" [[ -z $SHAARLI_TOKEN ]] && echo "::dhyan:: Necessary Env Var missing: SHAARLI_TOKEN"
[[ -z $MATRIX_PASSWORD ]] && echo "::dhyan:: Necessary Env Var missing: MATRIX_PASSWORD" [[ -z $MATRIX_PASSWORD ]] && echo "::dhyan:: Necessary Env Var missing: MATRIX_PASSWORD"
[[ -z $folder ]] && echo "::dhyan:: Necessary Env Var missing: folder" [[ -z $WALLABAG_CLIENT_ID ]] && echo "::dhyan:: Necessary Env Var missing: WALLABAG_CLIENT_ID"
[[ -z $WALLABAG_CLIENT_SECRET ]] && echo "::dhyan:: Necessary Env Var missing: WALLABAG_CLIENT_SECRET"
[[ -z $WALLABAG_USERNAME ]] && echo "::dhyan:: Necessary Env Var missing: WALLABAG_USERNAME"
[[ -z $WALLABAG_PASSWORD ]] && echo "::dhyan:: Necessary Env Var missing: WALLABAG_PASSWORD"
# [[ -z $folder ]] && echo "::dhyan:: Necessary Env Var missing: folder"
''; '';
}; };
}; };

View file

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
(ns dhyan.connections.wallabag
(:require [cheshire.core :as json]
[babashka.curl :as curl]))
(defn generate-token
"Generates a token from either inputs or the environment variables"
(let [client-id (System/getenv "WALLABAG_CLIENT_ID")
client-secret (System/getenv "WALLABAG_CLIENT_SECRET")
username (System/getenv "WALLABAG_USERNAME")
password (System/getenv "WALLABAG_PASSWORD")]
(generate-token client-id client-secret username password)))
([client-id client-secret username password]
(-> (curl/post (str "http://read.mossnet.lan/oauth/v2/token")
{:raw-args ["-d" "grant_type=password"
"-d" (str "client_id=" client-id)
"-d" (str "client_secret=" client-secret)
"-d" (str "username=" username)
"-d" (str "password=" password)]})
; Setup Token as an atom for use later on
(def token (atom 1))
(reset! token (generate-token))
(defn make-request
"Given a link and a token make a get request to wallabag at the link"
[link token]
(-> (curl/get link {:headers {"Authorization" (str "Bearer " token)}})
(defn build-link
"Creates a wallabag link at mossnet.lan/api/entries given certain parameters"
(build-link 1 20 0 "metadata"))
([page per-page archive detail]
(let [link (str "http://read.mossnet.lan/api/entries?"
"&perPage=" per-page
"&archive=" archive
"&page=" page
"&detail=" detail)]
(defn select-useful-keys
"Given a list of *entries* filter out all the garbage keys"
(let [useful-keys [:tags :title :url :annotations :id]]
(mapv #(select-keys % useful-keys) entries)))
(defn make-wallabag-link
"Given a single entry turn the :id key into a hardcoded mossnet wallabag clickable link"
(let [wallabag-link (get entry :id)
full-link (str "https://read.mossnet.lan/view/" wallabag-link)]
(-> entry
(assoc :wallabag-url full-link)
(dissoc :id))))
(defn map-wallabag-link
"Maps the function that turns id into clickable mossnet wallabag link"
(mapv make-wallabag-link entries))
(defn get-entries
"Turns a response from wallabag client into entries"
(-> resp
(get-in [:_embedded :items])))
(defn make-resp-to-entries
"Turns a response into a filtered list of entries that we can then use"
(-> resp
(defn get-all-entries
"The big pal function
Recursively pages through the wallabag api to get all the entries given a set of parameters
Defaults to unarchived metadata at 20 links per page
Hardcoded to start from page 1 (we want all the entries afterall)
Handles making requests, turning them into filtered entries, and accumalating them across pages"
(get-all-entries {:per-page 20 :archive 0 :detail "metadata"}))
([{per-page :per-page archive :archive detail :detail}]
(let [link (build-link 1 per-page archive detail)
token (get @token :access_token)
acc (vector)
resp (make-request link token)
entries (make-resp-to-entries resp)
next-link (-> resp
(get-in [:_links :next :href]))
acc-new (-> entries
((fn foo [items] (into [] (concat acc items)))))]
(get-all-entries next-link acc-new)))
([link acc]
(let [token (get @token :access_token)
resp (make-request link token)
entries (make-resp-to-entries resp)
next-link (-> resp
(get-in [:_links :next :href]))
last-link (-> resp
(get-in [:_links :last :href]))
acc-new (-> entries
((fn foo [items] (into [] (concat acc items)))))]
(if (not (empty? next-link)) ; clj-kondo: (seq? str) returns false always
(get-all-entries next-link acc-new)
(if (= link last-link)
(get-all-entries last-link acc))))))
(defn get-all-archived-entries
"Returns a filtered list of all archived entries"
(get-all-entries {:per-page 20 :archive 1 :detail "metadata"}))
(-> (make-request (build-link) (get @token :access_token))
(count (get-all-archived-entries))
(def next-link (atom ""))
; Repeatedly get next link until it's not there anymore
(let [link (build-link 1 20 1 "metadata")
token (get @token :access_token)
resp (make-request link token)]
(reset! next-link (get-in resp [:_links :next :href]))
(println @next-link)
(while (not (empty? @next-link))
(println @next-link)
(reset! next-link (get-in (make-request @next-link token) [:_links :next :href]))
(println @next-link)))))