#!/usr/bin/env cached-nix-shell #! nix-shell -p ruby_2_7 -i "ruby -S" # A rofi client for vaultwarden. Similar to passmenu, but uses rofi. (Badly) # written in ruby because data persistence and frontend logic would be a pain to # write in bash or zsh. I'll refactor this later perhaps. Maybe. require 'shellwords' require 'json' require 'optparse' require 'uri' require 'base64' require 'fileutils' PersistentData = Struct.new(:path, :ttl, :pid, :data) do DATADIR = "#{ENV['XDG_DATA_HOME']}/bwmenu" def self.load name, ttl: nil path = "#{DATADIR}/#{name}" data = JSON::load(Base64.decode64(File.read(path))) if File.exists?(path) d = PersistentData.new *(data || {}).values d.path = path d.ttl = ttl d end def expire File.delete(self.path) if File.exists?(self.path) end def save data = nil, onfinish = nil self.data = data if data FileUtils.mkdir_p DATADIR unless File.directory?(DATADIR) File.open(self.path, 'w') do |f| f.chmod 0600 f.write Base64.encode64(self.to_h.to_json) end if self.pid and system("ps -f p #{self.pid}") Process.kill self.pid end if self.ttl self.pid = fork do Signal.trap('TERM') { throw :terminate } catch :terminate do sleep self.ttl end onfinish.call(self, data) if onfinish.respond_to? :call self.expire end end end end module BW extend self EXE = {} def self.bin exe EXE[exe] = `which #{exe} 2>/dev/null`.rstrip unless EXE[exe] raise "Couldn't find #{exe} in PATH" if EXE[exe].empty? EXE[exe] end def self.sh *args, input: nil, sudo: false, nooutput: false exe, *args = args.flatten.compact.map(&:to_s) bin exe cmd = [sudo ? "sudo" : nil, exe, *args.shelljoin].compact.join(' ') $stderr.puts "$ #{cmd}" if input IO.popen(cmd, "r+") do |pipe| pipe.puts input pipe.close_write (pipe.gets || "").rstrip unless nooutput end else (`#{cmd}` || "").rstrip end end def self.rofi items, *args input = items.keys.join("\n") if items result = sh(['rofi', '-dmenu', '-markup-rows', '-theme', 'theme/passmenu.rasi', *args], input: input) if items items[result] else result end end def self.notify message, title: nil, urgency: "normal" sh 'notify-send', '-u', urgency, '-a', "Vaultwarden", *[title, message].compact end def self.error message $stderr.puts message notify message, urgency: 'low' exit 1 end def self.bw *args sh [:bw, '--session', @@session_id, *args] end def self.xclip *args, **opts sh :xclip, '-selection', 'clipboard', *args, **opts end @@session = nil @@session_id = nil def self.run argv opts = {} OptionParser.new do |opt| opt.banner = "Usage: bwmenu [options] [URL]" opt.on '--autolock TTL', "How long to keep the vault open" opt.on '--autoclear TTL' "How long to keep secrets in the clipboard" opt.on '--debug', "Be more verbose" opt.on '-f', '--field FIELD', "Extract specific field from selected entry; accepts 'whole' for whole entry" opt.on '-o', '--output', "Write output to stdout rather than the clipboard" opt.on '--select', "Select first entry" opt.on '--select-if-only', "Select first entry if only entry" opt.on '--default ID', "Highlight item with ID by default" opt.on '-r', "Resume where you last left off" end.parse! argv, into: opts clipboard_ttl = opts[:autoclear] || 20 vault_ttl = opts[:autolock] || 900 @@session = PersistentData.load :session, ttl: vault_ttl if @@session.data sid, data = @@session.data @@session_id = sid else pass = rofi nil, %w{-p Master\ Password -password -lines 0} error "No password given. Aborting..." if pass.empty? sid = sh [:bw, :unlock, '--raw', pass] error "Failed to unlock vault. Aborting..." unless $?.success? @@session_id = sid data = JSON.parse(bw(:list, :items)) @@session.save [sid, data] end raise "No session ID" unless @@session_id last = PersistentData.load :last_id last_id, last_field = last.data if last if opts[:r] and last_id.data selected = data.find { |u| u['id'] == last_id } else select_type = opts[:"select-if-only"] ? :if_only : opts[:select] selected = list_items data, argv.first, default: opts[:default], select: select_type end begin error "Nothing selected. Aborting..." if selected.empty? last_id = selected['id'] item = show_item selected, field: opts[:field] if not item error "Nothing selected. Aborting..." if selected.empty? elsif item.respond_to? :call item.call elsif opts[:output] puts item.rstrip else notify "Copied to clipboard for #{clipboard_ttl} seconds" xclip '-in', input: item.rstrip, nooutput: true clipboard = PersistentData.load :clipboard, ttl: clipboard_ttl clipboard.save( item.rstrip, lambda { |_, data| xclip('-in', '/dev/null') if item.rstrip == xclip('-out') } ) end ensure last.save [ last_id, last_field ] end end # def list_items data, query = nil, default: nil, select: false rofiData = {} rofiData["Sync Vault"] = lambda { notify "Sync vault", bw(:sync) }, rofiData["Open Vault in Browser"] = lambda { sh ENV['BROWSER'], bw(:config, :server) } data = data.map do |i| default_id = i['id'] if i['id'] == default icon = ["", "", "", ""][i['type'] - 1] case i['type'] when 1 # logins urls = (i['login']['uris'] || []).filter_map do |u| return unless u['uri'] uri = URI(u['uri']) not i['name'].include?((uri.hostname || uri.path).downcase) and uri.hostname || uri.path end subtitle = urls.join ", " if i['type'] == 1 subtitle = " <span size=\"x-small\">(#{subtitle})</span>" unless urls.empty? when 2 # secure notes when 3 # cards subtitle = " <span size=\"x-small\">(#{i['card']['brand'].downcase})</span>" when 4 # identities end ["<span font_desc=\"Fira Code\" font_weight=\"bold\">#{icon} </span> <b>#{i['name']}</b>#{subtitle}", i] end case select when :if_only return data[0][1] if data.length == 1 when true return data[0][1] end rofi rofiData.merge(data.to_h), '-p', 'Vaultwarden', '-filter', (query || "") end def show_item item, field: nil return item.to_json if field == 'whole' preamble = {} data = {} case item['type'] when 1 # logins url = item['login']['uris'][0]['uri'] preamble[" Launch #{url}"] = lambda { sh ENV['BROWSER'], url } data['Username'] = item['login']['username'] data['Password'] = item['login']['password'] data['TOTP'] = bw :get, :totp, url if item['login']['totp'] return (data[field.capitalize] || item[field]) if field when 2 # secure notes data['Notes'] = item['notes'] return item[field] if field when 3 # cards cardInfo = item['card'] data['Card Type'] = cardInfo['brand'] data['Card Name'] = cardInfo['cardholderName'] data['Card Number'] = cardInfo['number'] data['Expiry Date'] = "#{cardInfo['expMonth']}/#{cardInfo['expYear']}" data['Security Code'] = cardInfo['code'] return cardInfo[field] if field when 4 # identities item['identity'].each { |k,v| data[k] = v if v } return item['identity'][field] if field end (item['fields'] || []).each do |field| data[field['name']] = field['value'] end maxLength = data.keys.map(&:length).max + 5 rofiData = {} preamble.merge(data).each do |label, value| if value.kind_of? String valueLabel = value valueLabel = value.gsub /./, '*' if label == 'Password' rofiData["<span font_desc=\"Fira Code\" font_weight=\"bold\">%-#{maxLength}s</span> %s" % [label, valueLabel]] = value else rofiData[label] = value end end rofi rofiData, '-p', item['name'] end end BW.run ARGV.dup