{ config, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ../. ]; # Load framework for themes environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ nordic paper-icon-theme # for rofi ]; fonts.fonts = [ pkgs.nerdfonts ]; services.compton = { backend = "glx"; activeOpacity = "0.96"; inactiveOpacity = "0.75"; opacityRules = [ "100:class_g = 'Firefox'" "100:class_g = 'Gimp'" "100:class_g = 'inkscape'" "100:class_g = 'aseprite'" "100:class_g = 'krita'" "100:class_g = 'Peek'" "100:class_g = 'feh'" "100:class_g = 'mpv'" ]; settings = { blur-background = true; blur-background-frame = true; blur-background-fixed = true; blur-kern = "7x7box"; blur-strength = 340; blur-background-exclude = [ "window_type = 'dock'" "window_type = 'desktop'" "class_g = 'Peek'" "_GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS@:c" ]; }; }; services.xserver.displayManager.lightdm = { background = "${./wallpaper.blurred.jpg}"; greeters.mini.extraConfig = '' text-color = "#bbc2cf" password-background-color = "#29323d" window-color = "#0b1117" border-color = "#0b1117" ''; }; home-manager.users.hlissner = { home.file.".background-image".source = ./wallpaper.jpg; xdg.configFile = { "xtheme/90-theme".source = ./Xresources; "dunst/dunstrc".source = ./dunstrc; "bspwm/rc.d/theme".source = ./bspwmrc; "bspwm/rc.d/polybar".source = ./polybar/run.sh; "polybar" = { source = ./polybar; recursive = true; }; "rofi/theme" = { source = ./rofi; recursive = true; }; "zsh/prompt.zsh".source = ./zsh/prompt.zsh; # GTK "gtk-3.0/settings.ini".text = '' [Settings] gtk-theme-name=Nordic-blue gtk-icon-theme-name=Paper gtk-fallback-icon-theme=gnome gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme=true gtk-cursor-theme-name=Paper gtk-xft-hinting=1 gtk-xft-hintstyle=hintfull gtk-xft-rgba=none ''; # GTK2 global theme (widget and icon theme) "gtk-2.0/gtkrc".text = '' gtk-theme-name="Nordic-blue" gtk-icon-theme-name="Paper-Mono-Dark" gtk-font-name="Sans 10" ''; # QT4/5 global theme "Trolltech.conf".text = '' [Qt] style=Nordic-blue ''; }; }; }