/* -*- mode: css; -*- */ configuration { icon-theme: "Paper"; cycle: true; disable-history: false; monitor: "-4"; /* Vim-esque C-j/C-k as up/down in rofi */ kb-accept-entry: "Return,Control+m,KP_Enter"; kb-row-down: "Down,Control+n,Control+j"; kb-remove-to-eol: ""; kb-row-up: "Up,Control+p,Control+k"; } * { bg-light: #1c1c1c; bg-focus: #282a36; bg-dark: #181a23; fg-list: #bbc2cf; on: #8BD49C; off: #cc6666; accent: #ffcc66; bg: #1f2430f3; separatorcolor: transparent; fg: #bfbab0; selectioncolor: #fafafa; text-color: @foregroundcolor; magenta: #bd93f9; blue: #61bfff; text-font: "Fira Sans 15"; text-mono-font: "Fira Code 13"; /* icon-font: "Hurmit Nerd Font Mono 26"; */ icon-font: "FontAwesome 20"; background-color: transparent; text-color: @fg-list; font: @text-font; border-color: @bg-dark; } /**** Layout ****/ window { width: 1000px; y-offset: -150px; anchor: north; location: center; border: 1px; border-radius: 6px 6px 0 0; children: [ inputbar, listview ]; } listview { lines: 12; fixed-height: false; /* reverse: true; */ columns: 2; scrollbar: true; spacing: 1px; /* Remove strange gap between listview and inputbar */ margin: -2px 0 0; } /* TODO Not supported in stable branch of rofi @media only (max-height: 1080px) { window { y-offset: -30%; } listview { lines: 14; } } */ scrollbar { handle-width: 1px; } inputbar { children: [ textbox-icon, prompt, entry ]; border: 0 0 0; } textbox-icon, prompt { padding: 11px; expand: false; border: 0 1px 0 0; margin: 0 -2px 0 0; } textbox-icon { padding: 7px 4px 0; } entry, element { padding: 10px 13px; } textbox { padding: 24px; margin: 20px; } /**** Looks ****/ scrollbar { background-color: @bg-dark; handle-color: @accent; border-color: @bg-dark; } listview, inputbar { background-color: @bg; } textbox-icon, prompt, entry { text-color: @accent; } prompt, entry { background-color: @bg; } textbox-icon, prompt { background-color: #2f313d; } prompt { background-color: @bg-focus; } textbox-icon { font: @icon-font; } entry { font: @text-font-mono; text-color: @fg; } element { background-color: @bg; text-color: @fg; } element selected { background-color: @bg-dark; text-color: @accent; }