alias ta='tmux attach' alias tl='tmux ls' if [ -n "$TMUX" ]; then alias t='tmux' alias tf='tmux find-window' # Detach all other clients to this session alias mine='tmux detach -a' # Send command to other tmux window tt() { tmux send-keys -t .+ C-u && tmux set-buffer "$*" && tmux paste-buffer -t .+ && tmux send-keys -t .+ Enter; } # Create new session (from inside one) tn() { local name="${1:-`basename $PWD`}" TMUX= tmux new-session -d -s "$name" tmux switch-client -t "$name" tmux display-message "Session #S created" } else t() { if (( $# > 0 )); then tmux $@ || tmux attach -t main else tmux new -s main; fi } # Start grouped session so I can be in two different windows in one session tdup() { tmux new-session -t "${1:-`tmux display-message -p '#S'`}"; } fi