#!/usr/bin/env cached-nix-shell #! nix-shell -p ruby_2_7 -i "ruby -S" --quiet DESC = <<~DESC Nix's CLI has a poor user story, in my opinion. It could be better; Guix is a good role model here. I wrote this script to abstract the more common workflows, like rebuilding (nixos-rebuild), cleaning up (nix-collect-garbage), package/env management (nix-env), updating, rolling back, etc. As well as some utility operations (like managing generations, building remotely, or swapping themes on the fly). Because I can go months without shaving yaks in NixOS, exact flags or details are often and easily forgotten. This spares me that fumbling phase and also serves as a reference. Note: `hey` can also be used as a shortcut for nix-env: hey -q hey -iA nixos.htop hey -e htop DESC require 'shellwords' require 'optparse' module Hey extend self Command = Struct.new(:name, :desc, :args, :opts, :fn) @@opts = {} @@alias = {} @@commands = {} @@cli = nil def self.defcmd names, &block names = (names.kind_of?(Array) ? names : [names]).map(&:to_s) names.drop(1).each { |n| @@alias[n] = names.first } cli = Command.new names.first, [], [] cli.opts = OptionParser.new do |opt| opt.banner = "Usage: #{opt.program_name} #{cli.name} [options]" opt.separator "\nOptions:" opt.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Prints this help') { puts opt; exit } end @@cli = cli fn = block.call cli cli.fn = lambda do |args| begin cli.opts.banner += (cli.args ? " #{cli.args.join ' '}" : "") + (cli.desc ? "\n\n#{cli.desc[0]}\n\n#{cli.desc[1..].join "\n"}" : "") cli.opts.order!(args, into: @@opts) fn.call args ensure @@cli = nil end end @@commands[cli.name] = @@cli end def self.opts(*args) @@cli.opts.on(*args) end def self.args(*args) @@cli.args = args end def self.desc(*args) @@cli.desc = args end def self.sh(args, sudo: false, noerror: false) raise ArgumentError unless args.kind_of?(Array) args.unshift('sudo') if sudo if @@opts[:dryrun] print "#{args.compact}\n" return true else result = system "#{args.compact.shelljoin} 2>&1" exit($?.exitstatus) unless noerror or result return result end end def self.rebuild(*args, sudo: false, host: nil) host ||= ENV['HOST'] || `hostname`.rstrip sh ["nixos-rebuild", "--flake", "#{@@opts[:flake]}##{host}", "--option", "pure-eval", "no", *args], sudo: sudo end # defcmd [:shell, :sh] do desc "Open a nix-shell with the dotfiles loaded" lambda do |args| sh ["nix", "develop", args.first || @@opts[:flake]] end end defcmd :repl do desc "Open a nix-repl with nixpkgs and dotfiles preloaded" lambda do |args| sh ["nix", "repl", "", *args] end end defcmd [:check, :ch] do desc "Run 'nix flake check' on your dotfiles" lambda do |args| sh ["nix", "flake", "check", @@opts[:flake]] end end defcmd :show do desc "[ARGS...]", "Run 'nix flake show' on your dotfiles" lambda do |args| sh ["nix", "flake", "show", @@opts[:flake]] end end defcmd :theme do desc 'Quickly swap to another theme module' args "THEME_NAME" lambda do |args| ENV["THEME"] = args.shift rebuild "--fast", "test" end end defcmd [:test, :t] do desc "Quickly rebuild, for quick iteration" lambda do |args| rebuild "--fast", "test", *args end end defcmd [:rebuild, :re] do desc "Rebuild the current system's flake" opts '--build-host HOST', "Where to build the flake" opts '--target-host HOST', "Where to deploy the built derivations" opts '--host HOST', "The target nixosConfiguration to build" opts '--user', "Rebuild as user, rather than root" opts '--fast', "Equivalent to --no-build-nix --show-trace for quick rebuilding" lambda do |args| Dir.chdir(@@opts[:flake]) do args = ["switch"] unless args.length > 0 rebuild(*(@@opts[:"build-host"] ? ["--build-host", @@opts[:"build-host"]] : []), *(@@opts[:"target-host"] ? ["--target-host", @@opts[:"target-host"]] : []), @@opts[:fast] ? "--fast" : nil, @@opts[:debug] ? "--show-trace" : nil, *args, sudo: !@@opts[:user], host: @@opts[:host]) end end end defcmd :rollback do desc "Roll back to last generation" lambda do |_args| rebuild "--rollback", "switch" end end defcmd [:update, :u] do desc "Update specific flakes or all of them" args "[INPUT...]" lambda do |args| args.each do |flake| puts "Trying to update #{flake}..." sh ["nix", "flake", "update", "--update-input", flake, @@opts[:flake]] end.empty? and begin puts "Updating all flakes.." sh ["nix", "flake", "update", "--recreate-lock-file", @@opts[:flake]] end end end defcmd [:upgrade, :up] do desc "Update all flakes and rebuild system" lambda do |_args| update rebuild :switch end end defcmd [:search, :s] do desc "Search nixpkgs for a package" lambda do |args| sh ["nix", "search", "nixpkgs", *args] end end defcmd :swap do desc "Recursively swap nix-store links (or folders thereof) with copies.", "The purpose is so you can have copies of your dotfiles that can be modified in", "place (so you can iterate on them quickly instead of 'hey re'ing between", "changes). Run again to restore the old link(s).\n", "Warning: backup your copies, or they will be destroyed when restored!" args "PATH", "[PATHS...]" lambda do |args| for target in args if File.directory? target files = Dir.glob("#{target}/**/*.nix-store-backup") if files.length > 0 puts "There are swapped files here. Unswapping!" call :swap, *files else puts "Swapping files in #{target}" call :swap, *(Dir.glob("#{target}/**/*") .select { |f| File.symlink? f } .select { |l| File.readlink(l).match '^/nix/store/' }) end elsif File.file? "#{target}.nix-store-backup" puts "Unswapping #{target}" sh [:mv, '-i', "#{target}.nix-store-backup", target] elsif File.file? target puts "Swapping #{target}" sh [:mv, target, "#{target}.nix-store-backup"] sh [:cp, "#{target}.nix-store-backup", target] else puts "Not a valid target: #{target}" exit 1 end end end end defcmd :gc do desc "Garbage collect & optimize nix store" opts "-a", "--all", "GC both the user and system profiles" opts "-s", "--system", "Only GC the system profile" lambda do |_args| if @@opts[:all] or not @@opts[:system] puts "Cleaning up your user profile..." sh %w{nix-collect-garbage -d} end if @@opts[:all] or @@opts[:system] puts "Cleaning up your system profile..." sh %w{nix-collect-garbage -d}, sudo: true sh %w{nix-store --optimise}, sudo: true # Clear out left-over secrets. The switch-to-configuration call below will # regenerate them. if File.exists?("/run/secrets/*") sh %w{rm -rf /run/secrets/*}, sudo: true end # nix-collect-garbage is a Nix tool, not a NixOS tool. It won't delete old # boot entries until you do a nixos-rebuild (which means we'll always have # 2 boot entries at any time). Instead, we properly delete them by # reloading the current environment. sh %w{nix-env --delete-generations old --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system}, sudo: true sh %w{/nix/var/nix/profiles/system/bin/switch-to-configuration switch}, sudo: true end end end defcmd :ssh do desc "Run a bin/hey command on a remote NixOS system", "If COMMAND is one of switch, test, or boot (if omitted, 'test' is assumed),", "that host's config is built locally and then copied to the remote over ssh.", "This will prompt you for your root password, as it temporarily opens root ssh", "access (via your existing ssh key) to the remote -- which is immediately removed", "upon completion.", "", "If COMMAND is anything else, it merely runs 'nix run github:hlissner/dotfiles", "-- COMMAND' on the rmeote." args "HOST", "[COMMAND]" opts '--host HOST', "The nixos config to build and deploy to HOST" lambda do |args| target, command = args.take(2) command ||= "test" if command.match(/switch|test|boot/) puts "Enabling root ssh access on #{target}. Enter root password for remote system:" if sh ["ssh", "-t", target, "sudo mkdir -p /root/.ssh && sudo cp -f ~/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/"], noerror: true begin puts "Building #{@@opts[:flake]}##{@@opts[:host] || target} for #{target}" call "rebuild", ["--user", "--host", @@opts[:host] || target, "--build-host", "localhost", "--target-host", "root@#{target}", command] ensure puts "Undoing root ssh access on #{target}" sh ["ssh", "-t", "root@#{target}", "rm -f /root/.ssh/authorized_keys"] end end else command = "nix run github:hlissner/dotfiles -- #{command}" puts "Running '#{command}' on #{target}" sh ["ssh", "-t", target, command] end end end # TODO Generalize this to nix profiles defcmd [:generations, :gen] do desc "Explore, manage, diff across generations" opts '--diff FROM TO', "Diff profiles FROM with TO (numbers)" opts '-r', '--remove PROFILE', "Delete PROFILE from history" lambda do |args| profile = "/nix/var/nix/profiles/system" case args.shift when "diff" from, to = *args if from == to puts "Comparing the same profile! Aborting..." exit 1 elsif [from, to].compact.select do |gen| File.exists? "#{profile}-#{gen}-link" or puts "Generation #{gen} does not exist!" end.length != [from, to].compact.length exit 2 end from = from ? "#{profile}-#{from}-link" : profile to = to ? "#{profile}-#{to}-link" : profile fromDevs = `nix-store -q --references #{from}`.split toDevs = `nix-store -q --references #{to}`.split puts (fromDevs - toDevs).map { |d| "\e[31m-#{d}\e[0m" } puts (toDevs - fromDevs).map { |d| "\e[32m+#{d}\e[0m" } when /ls|list/ sh ["nix-env", "--list-generations", "--profile", profile], sudo: true when "remove" sh ["nix-env", "--delete-generations", "--profile", profile, *args], sudo: true when "switch" puts "Targeted rollback not supported yet" # TODO Is this true? exit 1 end end end class UsageError < StandardError; end defcmd [:help, :h] do desc "Show usage information for this script or a subcommand" args "[SUBCOMMAND]" lambda do |args| raise UsageError unless args.first call args.first, ["-h", *args.drop(1)] end end # def self.call command, args cmd = command.to_s cmd = @@alias[cmd] while cmd and not @@commands.key?(cmd) if cmd @@commands[cmd].fn.call args elsif command puts "Couldn't recognize command '#{command}'" exit 1 else raise UsageError end end def self.run args=[] opts = OptionParser.new do |opt| opt.banner = "Usage: hey [global-options] [command] [sub-options]\n\n" + DESC opt.separator "\n\nAvailable Commands:" opt.separator (@@commands.values .reject { |c| c.desc.empty? } .sort { |a,b| a.name <=> b.name } .map { |c| " %-18s %s\n" % ["#{c.name} #{@@alias.key(c.name)}", c.desc[0]]}) opt.separator "\nOptions:" opt.on '-d', '--dryrun', "Don't change anything; preform dry run" opt.on '-D', '--debug', "Show trace on nix errors" opt.on '-f', '--flake URI', "Change target flake to URI" opt.on '-h', '--help', "Display this help, or help for a specific command" opt.on(*%w{-i -A -q -e -p}, "Forward to nix-env") { sh ["nix-env", *ARGV]; exit } end opts.order!(args, into: @@opts) if @@opts[:flake] and @@opts[:flake].include? "#" @@opts[:flake], @@opts[:host] = @@opts[:flake].split '#' end if not @@opts[:flake] or @@opts[:flake].empty? @@opts[:flake] = File.expand_path('../', File.dirname(__FILE__)) end begin args.unshift("help") if @@opts[:help] if args.length == 0 puts "Error: No command specified!" puts raise UsageError else call args.first, args.drop(1) end rescue UsageError puts opts end end end Hey.run ARGV.dup