desc "Ensure zsh & prezto are installed" task :zsh => 'zsh:update' ENV["PREZTO_PATH"] = File.expand_path("~/.zprezto") namespace :zsh do task :install do echo "Attempting to install ZSH" Package.install "zsh" unless Dir.exists? ENV["PREZTO_PATH"] echo "Installing prezto", 2 github 'hlissner/prezto', ENV["PREZTO_PATH"] end sh_safe '~/.dotfiles/' unless `printenv SHELL | grep "/zsh$"` echo "Setting shell to ZSH", 2 zsh_bin = is_mac? ? "/usr/local/bin/zsh" : "/usr/bin/zsh" unless File.exists? zsh_bin error "ZSH isn't in #{File.dirname(zsh_bin)}" next end # Write the new zsh into shells if it isn't already there if `cat /etc/shells | grep "^#{zsh_bin}$"` echo "Writing '#{zsh_bin}' to /etc/shells", 3 sh_safe "echo '#{zsh_bin}' | sudo tee -a /etc/shells" end sh "chsh -s #{zsh_bin}" end echo "Comment out path_helper to fix PATH in emacs!" if is_mac? end task :update => "zsh:install" do echo "Updating zprezto" sh_safe 'cd ~/.zprezto && git pull' end task :remove do sh_safe 'rm -rf ~/.zprezto' if Dir.exists? ENV["PREZTO_PATH"] end end