#!/usr/bin/env bash timer=5 # Options select="麗" window="类" screen="" delay="" cancel="" # Variable passed to rofi options="$select\n$window\n$screen\n$delay\n$cancel" rofi_command="rofi -theme theme/screenshotmenu.rasi" setFilename() { directory="/tmp/" filename="IMG_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).jpg" filepath=$directory$filename } notify() { dunstify "Screenshot saved and copied to clipboard" -i accessories-screenshot } chosen="$(echo -e "$options" | $rofi_command -dmenu)" case $chosen in $select) setFilename maim -Buosd 0.25 \ | tee $filepath | xclip -selection c -t image/png notify ;; $window) setFilename maim -Buod 0.25 -i $(xdotool getactivewindow) \ | tee $filepath | xclip -selection c -t image/png notify ;; $screen) setFilename maim -Buod 0.25 \ | tee $filepath | xclip -selection c -t image/png notify ;; $delay) setFilename maim -Buod $timer \ | tee $filepath | xclip -selection c -t image/png notify ;; esac