alias q=exit alias clr=clear alias sudo='sudo ' # Tools alias ag='nocorrect noglob ag' alias l="ls -l" alias ll="ls -1" alias la="ls -la" alias ln="ln -v" # Verbose ln alias wget='wget -c' # Resume dl if possible alias rsyncd='rsync -va --delete' # Hard sync two directories zman() { PAGER="less -g -s '+/^ "$1"'" man zshall; } mkd() { mkdir "$1" && cd "$1"; } j() { local fasd_ret="$(fasd -i -d "$@")" if [[ -d "$fasd_ret" ]]; then cd "$fasd_ret" else print "$fasd_ret" fi } # transmission-remote if is-callable 'transmission-remote'; then alias bt='transmission-remote server' # pretty print torrent list on remote server btl() { local results results=`transmission-remote server -l | \ awk 'NR > 1 { s = ""; for (i = 10; i <= NF; i++) s = s $i " "; print $9 " | " s }' | \ sed '$d' | \ perl -pe 's/\s\[[a-zA-Z0-9]+\]\s/ /g'` if [ -z "$results" ]; then echo "No torrents!" else echo $results fi } fi # Editors v() { vim ${@:-.}; } # Open in vim e() { emacsclient -n ${@:-.}; } # Open in emacs (daemon) ee() { # emacs in project root if git root 2>/dev/null; then e "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" else e . fi } # Compilers, interpretors 'n builders alias va='vagrant' alias py='python' alias pye='pyenv' alias rb='ruby' alias rbe='rbenv' alias b='bundle' alias be='bundle exec' alias bi='bundle install -path vendor' alias ans='ansible' alias ansp='ansible-playbook' alias fabg='noglob fab -f ~/.dotfiles/ansible/' alias rk='noglob rake' alias rkg='noglob rake -g' alias m='make' alias c11='CPPFLAGS+=-std=c++11 ' # needs imagemagick and ghostscript (for ai) 2png() { mkdir -p _png; for f in *.(psd|ai); do convert -resize 1200x1200 ${f}[0] _png/${f}.png; done; } # GIT is-callable 'hub' && alias git='hub' g() { [ $# -eq 0 ] && git status --short || git $* } alias gi='git init' alias gs='git status' alias gsu='git submodule' alias gco='git checkout' alias gc='git commit' alias gcm='noglob git commit -m' alias gcma='noglob git commit --amend -m' alias gd='git diff' alias gp='git push' alias gl='git pull' alias ga='git add' alias ge='git exec' alias gb='git branch' alias gap='git add --patch' alias gr='git reset "HEAD^"' alias gre='git remote' # Tmux if is-callable 'tmux'; then alias t='tmux' alias ts='tmux send-keys' alias tl='tmux ls' # Start new session or create a grouped session so I'm not simply watching # the same session in both windows. ta() {tmux new -s $1 || tmux new -t $1 -s $1-2 || tmux attach -t $1-2;} # New instance attached to old session alias tn='tmux new-session -t $(hostname)' fi if is-mac; then # alias open='open' alias ls="ls -G" alias c11='clang++ -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++' alias eclimd='/Applications/eclipse/eclimd' # Homebrew alias br='brew' alias bru='brew update && brew upgrade --all' alias brc='brew cask' alias codekit='open -a CodeKit' # Quicklook ql() { (( $# > 0 )) && qlmanage -p "$@" &> /dev/null; } elif is-cygwin; then alias open='cygstart' alias pbcopy='tee > /dev/clipboard' alias pbpaste='cat /dev/clipboard' else alias open='xdg-open' alias ls="ls --color=auto" if (( $+commands[xclip] )); then alias pbcopy='xclip -selection clipboard -in' alias pbpaste='xclip -selection clipboard -out' elif (( $+commands[xsel] )); then alias pbcopy='xsel --clipboard --input' alias pbpaste='xsel --clipboard --output' fi fi # By default, open cwd o() { open ${@:-.}; }