#!/usr/bin/env bash # Fetches the FIELD in ENTRY. It expects pass fields to be colon-delimited. if (( $# != 2 )); then >&2 echo "Expected two arguments" >&2 echo "pass get ENTRY FIELD" exit 1 fi entry=$1 field=$2 secrets="$(pass show $entry)" if [[ ! $secrets ]]; then notify-send --urgency=critical "Failed to retrieve $entry" exit 2 fi if [[ $field == password || -z $field ]]; then printf "%s" "$(head -n1 <<<"$secrets")" else printf "%s" "$(awk -v "key=$field:" '$1 == key {print $2}' <<<"$secrets")" fi | xsel -i -b -t 15000 # echo "Copied $entry:$field to clipboard for 15s"