#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'colorize' # A start-script for my local webserver. Mac-only and requires Homebrew BASE = File.expand_path(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) PREFIX = `brew --prefix`.strip CONF = "#{BASE}/conf" PID = "#{PREFIX}/var/run" WWW = "#{PREFIX}/www" ## Services ### def cmd_exists(cmd) return system("which #{cmd} 2>&1 >/dev/null") end SERVICES = {} if cmd_exists("php-fpm") SERVICES[:php] = { :bin => `which php-fpm`.strip, :opts => "-p '/usr/local/var' -c '#{CONF}/php/php.ini' --fpm-config '#{CONF}/php/php-fpm.conf' --pid '#{PID}/php-fpm-pid'", :pid => "#{PID}/php-fpm.pid" } end if cmd_exists("nginx") SERVICES[:nginx] = { :bin => "sudo #{`which nginx`.strip}", :opts => "-c '#{CONF}/nginx/nginx.conf'", :pid => "#{PID}/nginx.pid" } end if cmd_exists("memcached") SERVICES[:memcached] = { :bin => `which memcached`.strip, :opts => "-d -P '#{PID}/memcached.pid' -u #{`whoami`.strip}", :pid => "#{PID}/memcached.pid" } end if cmd_exists("mysql.server") SERVICES[:db] = { :bin => "su #{`whoami`.strip} -c #{`which mysql.server`.strip} start", :opts => "", :pid => "#{PREFIX}/var/mysql/#{`hostname`}.pid" } end ## Functions ## def start SERVICES.each_pair do |key,opts| if File.exist?(opts[:pid]) puts " * #{key} is already running".red else puts " * Starting #{key}".green `#{opts[:bin]} #{opts[:opts]}` end end end def stop SERVICES.each_pair do |key,opts| if File.exist?(opts[:pid]) puts " * Stopping #{key}".green `sudo kill #{`cat #{opts[:pid]}`.strip}` `sudo rm #{opts[:pid]} >/dev/null 2>&1` else puts " * #{key} is not running".red end end end def restart stop start end # Change the local webserver's root to the current directory def chdir `rm -f #{WWW}` `ln -sf "#{`pwd`.strip}" "#{WWW}"` restart end def usage puts "Usage: web (start|stop|restart|chdir)" exit end ## Bootstrap ## if ARGV.length == 0 usage else case ARGV[0] when "start" puts "Starting web services" start when "stop" puts "Stopping web services" stop when "restart" restart when "chdir" chdir else usage end end