# Disable autocorrect behavior, very annoying! unsetopt correct_all # HISTORY HISTFILE=~/.histfile HISTSIZE=5000 SAVEHIST=5000 # No longer prompt to update oh-my-zsh DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE="true" # Don't overwrite, append! setopt APPEND_HISTORY # Sharing history between shell instances setopt SHARE_HISTORY # If I type cd and then cd again, only save the last one setopt HIST_IGNORE_DUPS # Don't save lines that are just whitespace setopt HIST_IGNORE_SPACE setopt HIST_NO_STORE # Reduce extra whitespace setopt HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS # Save time and how long a command ran setopt EXTENDED_HISTORY # Beep boop setopt NO_BEEP setopt EXTENDED_GLOB setopt PROMPT_SUBST setopt COMPLETE_IN_WORD setopt NO_AUTO_MENU setopt NO_ALWAYS_LAST_PROMPT setopt PROMPTSUBST setopt AUTO_PUSHD setopt PUSHD_IGNORE_DUPS export EDITOR=vim export RUBYOPT=rubygems COMPLETION_WAITING_DOTS="true" ################################## # Make zsh prompt act like vi zle -N edit-command-line bindkey -v bindkey '^f' edit-command-line bindkey '^r' history-incremental-search-backward bindkey '^w' backward-kill-word bindkey '^a' beginning-of-line bindkey '^e' end-of-line bindkey ${terminfo[kdch1]} delete-char bindkey -M viins 'jj' vi-cmd-mode # Switch between block and line cursor (Only in iterm) if is_mac; then function zle-keymap-select zle-line-init { # change cursor shape in iTerm2 case $KEYMAP in vicmd) print -n -- "\E]50;CursorShape=0\C-G";; # block cursor viins|main) print -n -- "\E]50;CursorShape=1\C-G";; # line cursor esac zle reset-prompt zle -R } function zle-line-finish { print -n -- "\E]50;CursorShape=0\C-G" # block cursor } zle -N zle-line-init zle -N zle-line-finish zle -N zle-keymap-select fi autoload colors if [[ "$terminfo[colors]" -gt 8 ]]; then colors fi for COLOR in RED GREEN YELLOW BLUE MAGENTA CYAN BLACK WHITE; do eval $COLOR='$fg_no_bold[${(L)COLOR}]' eval BOLD_$COLOR='$fg_bold[${(L)COLOR}]' done eval RESET='$reset_color' # vim:set ft=zsh: