Needs: - surrond? - diagnostics icons - cmp still seems to shit the bed sometimes - lspsaga breadcrumbs on lualine - more which-key config!! - tests on svelte / web dev
48 lines
1.4 KiB
48 lines
1.4 KiB
(local nvim (require :lib/nvim))
(nvim.g :mapleader " ")
; (nvim.opt :runtimepath (.. vim.opt.runtimepath "/home/anish/.config/nvim/,"))
(nvim.opt :tabstop 2)
(nvim.opt :showmatch true)
(nvim.opt :shiftwidth 2)
(nvim.opt :autoindent true)
(nvim.opt :undofile true)
(nvim.opt :signcolumn "auto:4")
(nvim.opt :title true)
(nvim.opt :number true)
; (nvim.opt :nocompatible)
(nvim.opt :relativenumber true)
(nvim.opt :showtabline 2)
(nvim.opt :expandtab true)
(nvim.opt :autowriteall true)
(nvim.opt :cmdheight 2)
(nvim.opt :spelllang "en_gb")
(nvim.opt :ignorecase true)
(nvim.opt :smartcase true)
(nvim.opt :incsearch true)
(nvim.opt :updatetime 300) ; Diagnostics response time
(nvim.opt :signcolumn "yes")
(nvim.opt :cursorline true)
(nvim.opt :lisp true) ; include - in word to move better in snake-case)
(nvim.g :sexp_filetypes "clojure,scheme,lisp,janet,fennel,yuck") ; include the lisps I use
(nvim.opt :termguicolors)
(nvim.colorscheme "ayu-mirage")
(require :conf.plugins)
(require :conf.mappings)
(require :conf.lsp)
(require :conf.plugins.cmp)
(require :conf.formatting)
; (require :conf.kitaab)
; Spelling
(vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd ["BufRead" "BufNewFile"]
{:pattern ["*.wiki" "*.txt" "*.md" "*.tex"]
:command "setlocal spell"})
(vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd ["FileType"]
{:pattern ["mail"]
:command "setlocal spell"})