diff --git a/lib/fennel b/lib/fennel
index 55fe415..36fea57 100755
--- a/lib/fennel
+++ b/lib/fennel
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ package.preload["fennelview"] = package.preload["fennelview"] or function(...)
local function sort_keys(a, b)
local ta = type(a)
local tb = type(b)
- if ((ta == tb) and (ta ~= "boolean") and ((ta == "string") or (ta == "number"))) then
+ if ((ta == tb) and ((ta == "string") or (ta == "number"))) then
return (a < b)
local dta = type_order[a]
@@ -207,9 +207,7 @@ package.preload["fennelview"] = package.preload["fennelview"] or function(...)
count_table_appearances(k, appearances)
count_table_appearances(v, appearances)
- end
- else
- if (t and (t == t)) then
+ else
appearances[t] = ((appearances[t] or 0) + 1)
@@ -298,7 +296,7 @@ package.preload["fennelview"] = package.preload["fennelview"] or function(...)
metamethod = (self["metamethod?"] and _1_())
if (already_visited_3f(self, t) and self["detect-cycles?"]) then
- return puts(self, "#
+ return puts(self, "#")
elseif (self.level >= self.depth) then
return puts(self, "{...}")
elseif metamethod then
@@ -307,16 +305,17 @@ package.preload["fennelview"] = package.preload["fennelview"] or function(...)
local non_seq_keys, len = get_nonsequential_keys(t)
local id = get_id(self, t)
if ((1 < (self.appearances[t] or 0)) and self["detect-cycles?"]) then
- return puts(self, "#")
- elseif ((#non_seq_keys == 0) and (#t == 0)) then
- local function _2_()
+ puts(self, "@", id)
+ end
+ if ((#non_seq_keys == 0) and (#t == 0)) then
+ local function _3_()
if self["empty-as-square"] then
return "[]"
return "{}"
- return puts(self, _2_())
+ return puts(self, _3_())
elseif (#non_seq_keys == 0) then
return put_sequential_table(self, t, len)
elseif "else" then
@@ -468,7 +467,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.repl"] = package.preload["fennel.repl"] or function(...)
local old_root_options = utils.root.options
local env = nil
if options.env then
- env = utils["wrap-env"](options.env)
+ env = specials["wrap-env"](options.env)
env = setmetatable({}, {__index = (_G._ENV or _G)})
@@ -649,46 +648,50 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
local sub_scope0 = (sub_scope or compiler["make-scope"](scope))
local chunk0 = (chunk or {})
local len = #ast
- local outer_target = opts.target
- local outer_tail = opts.tail
local retexprs = {returned = true}
- if (not outer_target and (opts.nval ~= 0) and not outer_tail) then
- if opts.nval then
- local syms = {}
- for i = 1, opts.nval, 1 do
- local s = ((pre_syms and pre_syms[i]) or compiler.gensym(scope))
- syms[i] = s
- retexprs[i] = utils.expr(s, "sym")
- end
- outer_target = table.concat(syms, ", ")
- compiler.emit(parent, ("local %s"):format(outer_target), ast)
- compiler.emit(parent, "do", ast)
+ local function compile_body(outer_target, outer_tail, outer_retexprs)
+ if (len < start0) then
+ compiler.compile1(nil, sub_scope0, chunk0, {tail = outer_tail, target = outer_target})
- local fname = compiler.gensym(scope)
- local fargs = ((scope.vararg and "...") or "")
- compiler.emit(parent, ("local function %s(%s)"):format(fname, fargs), ast)
- retexprs = utils.expr((fname .. "(" .. fargs .. ")"), "statement")
- outer_tail = true
- outer_target = nil
- end
- else
- compiler.emit(parent, "do", ast)
- end
- if (len < start0) then
- compiler.compile1(nil, sub_scope0, chunk0, {tail = outer_tail, target = outer_target})
- else
- for i = start0, len do
- local subopts = {nval = (((i ~= len) and 0) or opts.nval), tail = (((i == len) and outer_tail) or nil), target = (((i == len) and outer_target) or nil)}
- utils["propagate-options"](opts, subopts)
- local subexprs = compiler.compile1(ast[i], sub_scope0, chunk0, subopts)
- if (i ~= len) then
- compiler["keep-side-effects"](subexprs, parent, nil, ast[i])
+ for i = start0, len do
+ local subopts = {nval = (((i ~= len) and 0) or opts.nval), tail = (((i == len) and outer_tail) or nil), target = (((i == len) and outer_target) or nil)}
+ local _ = utils["propagate-options"](opts, subopts)
+ local subexprs = compiler.compile1(ast[i], sub_scope0, chunk0, subopts)
+ if (i ~= len) then
+ compiler["keep-side-effects"](subexprs, parent, nil, ast[i])
+ end
+ compiler.emit(parent, chunk0, ast)
+ compiler.emit(parent, "end", ast)
+ return (outer_retexprs or retexprs)
+ end
+ if (opts.target or (opts.nval == 0) or opts.tail) then
+ compiler.emit(parent, "do", ast)
+ return compile_body(opts.target, opts.tail)
+ elseif opts.nval then
+ local syms = {}
+ for i = 1, opts.nval, 1 do
+ local s = ((pre_syms and pre_syms[i]) or compiler.gensym(scope))
+ syms[i] = s
+ retexprs[i] = utils.expr(s, "sym")
+ end
+ local outer_target = table.concat(syms, ", ")
+ compiler.emit(parent, string.format("local %s", outer_target), ast)
+ compiler.emit(parent, "do", ast)
+ return compile_body(outer_target, opts.tail)
+ else
+ local fname = compiler.gensym(scope)
+ local fargs = nil
+ if scope.vararg then
+ fargs = "..."
+ else
+ fargs = ""
+ end
+ compiler.emit(parent, string.format("local function %s(%s)", fname, fargs), ast)
+ utils.hook("do", ast, sub_scope0)
+ return compile_body(nil, true, utils.expr((fname .. "(" .. fargs .. ")"), "statement"))
- compiler.emit(parent, chunk0, ast)
- compiler.emit(parent, "end", ast)
- return retexprs
doc_special("do", {"..."}, "Evaluate multiple forms; return last value.")
SPECIALS.values = function(ast, scope, parent)
@@ -706,8 +709,40 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
return exprs
doc_special("values", {"..."}, "Return multiple values from a function. Must be in tail position.")
+ local function set_fn_metadata(arg_list, docstring, parent, fn_name)
+ if utils.root.options.useMetadata then
+ local args = nil
+ local function _0_(v)
+ if utils["table?"](v) then
+ return "\"#\""
+ else
+ return ("\"%s\""):format(tostring(v))
+ end
+ end
+ args = utils.map(arg_list, _0_)
+ local meta_fields = {"\"fnl/arglist\"", ("{" .. table.concat(args, ", ") .. "}")}
+ if docstring then
+ table.insert(meta_fields, "\"fnl/docstring\"")
+ table.insert(meta_fields, ("\"" .. docstring:gsub("%s+$", ""):gsub("\\", "\\\\"):gsub("\n", "\\n"):gsub("\"", "\\\"") .. "\""))
+ end
+ local meta_str = ("require(\"%s\").metadata"):format((utils.root.options.moduleName or "fennel"))
+ return compiler.emit(parent, ("pcall(function() %s:setall(%s, %s) end)"):format(meta_str, fn_name, table.concat(meta_fields, ", ")))
+ end
+ end
+ local function get_fn_name(ast, scope, fn_name, multi)
+ if (fn_name and (fn_name[1] ~= "nil")) then
+ local _0_
+ if not multi then
+ _0_ = compiler["declare-local"](fn_name, {}, scope, ast)
+ else
+ _0_ = compiler["symbol-to-expression"](fn_name, scope)[1]
+ end
+ return _0_, not multi, 3
+ else
+ return compiler.gensym(scope), true, 2
+ end
+ end
SPECIALS.fn = function(ast, scope, parent)
- local index, fn_name, is_local_fn, docstring = 2, utils["is-sym"](ast[2])
local f_scope = nil
local _0_0 = compiler["make-scope"](scope)
@@ -715,80 +750,48 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
f_scope = _0_0
local f_chunk = {}
- local multi = (fn_name and utils["is-multi-sym"](fn_name[1]))
- compiler.assert((not multi or not multi["multi-sym-method-call"]), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. tostring(fn_name)), ast[index])
- if (fn_name and (fn_name[1] ~= "nil")) then
- is_local_fn = not multi
- if is_local_fn then
- fn_name = compiler["declare-local"](fn_name, {}, scope, ast)
+ local fn_sym = utils["sym?"](ast[2])
+ local multi = (fn_sym and utils["multi-sym?"](fn_sym[1]))
+ local fn_name, local_fn_3f, index = get_fn_name(ast, scope, fn_sym, multi)
+ local arg_list = compiler.assert(utils["table?"](ast[index]), "expected parameters table", ast)
+ compiler.assert((not multi or not multi["multi-sym-method-call"]), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. tostring(fn_name)), fn_sym)
+ local function get_arg_name(arg)
+ if utils["varg?"](arg) then
+ compiler.assert((arg == arg_list[#arg_list]), "expected vararg as last parameter", ast)
+ f_scope.vararg = true
+ return "..."
+ elseif (utils["sym?"](arg) and (utils.deref(arg) ~= "nil") and not utils["multi-sym?"](utils.deref(arg))) then
+ return compiler["declare-local"](arg, {}, f_scope, ast)
+ elseif utils["table?"](arg) then
+ local raw = utils.sym(compiler.gensym(scope))
+ local declared = compiler["declare-local"](raw, {}, f_scope, ast)
+ compiler.destructure(arg, raw, ast, f_scope, f_chunk, {declaration = true, nomulti = true})
+ return declared
- fn_name = compiler["symbol-to-expression"](fn_name, scope)[1]
+ return compiler.assert(false, ("expected symbol for function parameter: %s"):format(tostring(arg)), ast[2])
- index = (index + 1)
- else
- is_local_fn = true
- fn_name = compiler.gensym(scope)
- local arg_list = nil
- local function _2_()
- if (type(ast[index]) == "table") then
- return ast[index]
- else
- return ast
- end
- end
- arg_list = compiler.assert(utils["is-table"](ast[index]), "expected parameters", _2_())
- local function get_arg_name(i, name)
- if utils["is-varg"](name) then
- compiler.assert((i == #arg_list), "expected vararg as last parameter", ast[2])
- f_scope.vararg = true
- return "..."
- elseif (utils["is-sym"](name) and (utils.deref(name) ~= "nil") and not utils["is-multi-sym"](utils.deref(name))) then
- return compiler["declare-local"](name, {}, f_scope, ast)
- elseif utils["is-table"](name) then
- local raw = utils.sym(compiler.gensym(scope))
- local declared = compiler["declare-local"](raw, {}, f_scope, ast)
- compiler.destructure(name, raw, ast, f_scope, f_chunk, {declaration = true, nomulti = true})
- return declared
- else
- return compiler.assert(false, ("expected symbol for function parameter: %s"):format(tostring(name)), ast[2])
- end
- end
- local arg_name_list = utils.kvmap(arg_list, get_arg_name)
+ local arg_name_list = utils.map(arg_list, get_arg_name)
+ local index0, docstring = nil, nil
if ((type(ast[(index + 1)]) == "string") and ((index + 1) < #ast)) then
- index = (index + 1)
- docstring = ast[index]
+ index0, docstring = (index + 1), ast[(index + 1)]
+ else
+ index0, docstring = index, nil
- for i = (index + 1), #ast, 1 do
+ for i = (index0 + 1), #ast, 1 do
compiler.compile1(ast[i], f_scope, f_chunk, {nval = (((i ~= #ast) and 0) or nil), tail = (i == #ast)})
- if is_local_fn then
+ if local_fn_3f then
compiler.emit(parent, ("local function %s(%s)"):format(fn_name, table.concat(arg_name_list, ", ")), ast)
compiler.emit(parent, ("%s = function(%s)"):format(fn_name, table.concat(arg_name_list, ", ")), ast)
compiler.emit(parent, f_chunk, ast)
compiler.emit(parent, "end", ast)
- if utils.root.options.useMetadata then
- local args = nil
- local function _5_(v)
- if utils["is-table"](v) then
- return "\"#\""
- else
- return ("\"%s\""):format(tostring(v))
- end
- end
- args = utils.map(arg_list, _5_)
- local meta_fields = {"\"fnl/arglist\"", ("{" .. table.concat(args, ", ") .. "}")}
- if docstring then
- table.insert(meta_fields, "\"fnl/docstring\"")
- table.insert(meta_fields, ("\"" .. docstring:gsub("%s+$", ""):gsub("\\", "\\\\"):gsub("\n", "\\n"):gsub("\"", "\\\"") .. "\""))
- end
- local meta_str = ("require(\"%s\").metadata"):format((utils.root.options.moduleName or "fennel"))
- compiler.emit(parent, ("pcall(function() %s:setall(%s, %s) end)"):format(meta_str, fn_name, table.concat(meta_fields, ", ")))
- end
+ set_fn_metadata(arg_list, docstring, parent, fn_name)
+ utils.hook("fn", ast, f_scope)
return utils.expr(fn_name, "sym")
doc_special("fn", {"name?", "args", "docstring?", "..."}, "Function syntax. May optionally include a name and docstring.\nIf a name is provided, the function will be bound in the current scope.\nWhen called with the wrong number of args, excess args will be discarded\nand lacking args will be nil, use lambda for arity-checked functions.")
@@ -827,11 +830,12 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
if ((type(index) == "string") and utils["valid-lua-identifier?"](index)) then
table.insert(indices, ("." .. index))
- index = compiler.compile1(index, scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]
- table.insert(indices, ("[" .. tostring(index) .. "]"))
+ local _0_ = compiler.compile1(index, scope, parent, {nval = 1})
+ local index0 = _0_[1]
+ table.insert(indices, ("[" .. tostring(index0) .. "]"))
- if utils["is-table"](ast[2]) then
+ if utils["table?"](ast[2]) then
return ("(" .. tostring(lhs[1]) .. ")" .. table.concat(indices))
return (tostring(lhs[1]) .. table.concat(indices))
@@ -874,7 +878,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
SPECIALS.let = function(ast, scope, parent, opts)
local bindings = ast[2]
local pre_syms = {}
- compiler.assert((utils["is-list"](bindings) or utils["is-table"](bindings)), "expected binding table", ast)
+ compiler.assert((utils["list?"](bindings) or utils["table?"](bindings)), "expected binding table", ast)
compiler.assert(((#bindings % 2) == 0), "expected even number of name/value bindings", ast[2])
compiler.assert((#ast >= 3), "expected body expression", ast[1])
for _ = 1, (opts.nval or 0), 1 do
@@ -907,28 +911,26 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
return compiler.emit(parent, fmtstr:format(tostring(root), table.concat(keys, "]["), tostring(value)), ast)
doc_special("tset", {"tbl", "key1", "...", "keyN", "val"}, "Set the value of a table field. Can take additional keys to set\nnested values, but all parents must contain an existing table.")
+ local function calculate_target(scope, opts)
+ if not (opts.tail or opts.target or opts.nval) then
+ return "iife", true, nil
+ elseif (opts.nval and (opts.nval ~= 0) and not opts.target) then
+ local accum = {}
+ local target_exprs = {}
+ for i = 1, opts.nval, 1 do
+ local s = compiler.gensym(scope)
+ accum[i] = s
+ target_exprs[i] = utils.expr(s, "sym")
+ end
+ return "target", opts.tail, table.concat(accum, ", "), target_exprs
+ else
+ return "none", opts.tail, opts.target
+ end
+ end
local function if_2a(ast, scope, parent, opts)
local do_scope = compiler["make-scope"](scope)
local branches = {}
- local has_else = ((#ast > 3) and ((#ast % 2) == 0))
- local else_branch = nil
- local wrapper, inner_tail, inner_target, target_exprs = nil
- if (opts.tail or opts.target or opts.nval) then
- if (opts.nval and (opts.nval ~= 0) and not opts.target) then
- local accum = {}
- target_exprs = {}
- for i = 1, opts.nval, 1 do
- local s = compiler.gensym(scope)
- accum[i] = s
- target_exprs[i] = utils.expr(s, "sym")
- end
- wrapper, inner_tail, inner_target = "target", opts.tail, table.concat(accum, ", ")
- else
- wrapper, inner_tail, inner_target = "none", opts.tail, opts.target
- end
- else
- wrapper, inner_tail, inner_target = "iife", true, nil
- end
+ local wrapper, inner_tail, inner_target, target_exprs = calculate_target(scope, opts)
local body_opts = {nval = opts.nval, tail = inner_tail, target = inner_target}
local function compile_body(i)
local chunk = {}
@@ -946,9 +948,8 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
branch.nested = ((i ~= 2) and (next(condchunk, nil) == nil))
table.insert(branches, branch)
- if has_else then
- else_branch = compile_body(#ast)
- end
+ local has_else_3f = ((#ast > 3) and ((#ast % 2) == 0))
+ local else_branch = (has_else_3f and compile_body(#ast))
local s = compiler.gensym(scope)
local buffer = {}
local last_buffer = buffer
@@ -977,7 +978,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
compiler.emit(last_buffer, cond_line, ast)
compiler.emit(last_buffer, branch.chunk, ast)
if (i == #branches) then
- if has_else then
+ if has_else_3f then
compiler.emit(last_buffer, "else", ast)
compiler.emit(last_buffer, else_branch.chunk, ast)
elseif (inner_target and (cond_line ~= "else")) then
@@ -1016,13 +1017,13 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
doc_special("if", {"cond1", "body1", "...", "condN", "bodyN"}, "Conditional form.\nTakes any number of condition/body pairs and evaluates the first body where\nthe condition evaluates to truthy. Similar to cond in other lisps.")
SPECIALS.each = function(ast, scope, parent)
compiler.assert((#ast >= 3), "expected body expression", ast[1])
- local binding = compiler.assert(utils["is-table"](ast[2]), "expected binding table", ast)
+ local binding = compiler.assert(utils["table?"](ast[2]), "expected binding table", ast)
local iter = table.remove(binding, #binding)
local destructures = {}
local new_manglings = {}
local sub_scope = compiler["make-scope"](scope)
local function destructure_binding(v)
- if utils["is-sym"](v) then
+ if utils["sym?"](v) then
return compiler["declare-local"](v, {}, sub_scope, ast, new_manglings)
local raw = utils.sym(compiler.gensym(sub_scope))
@@ -1066,12 +1067,12 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
SPECIALS["while"] = while_2a
doc_special("while", {"condition", "..."}, "The classic while loop. Evaluates body until a condition is non-truthy.")
local function for_2a(ast, scope, parent)
- local ranges = compiler.assert(utils["is-table"](ast[2]), "expected binding table", ast)
+ local ranges = compiler.assert(utils["table?"](ast[2]), "expected binding table", ast)
local binding_sym = table.remove(ast[2], 1)
local sub_scope = compiler["make-scope"](scope)
local range_args = {}
local chunk = {}
- compiler.assert(utils["is-sym"](binding_sym), ("unable to bind %s %s"):format(type(binding_sym), tostring(binding_sym)), ast[2])
+ compiler.assert(utils["sym?"](binding_sym), ("unable to bind %s %s"):format(type(binding_sym), tostring(binding_sym)), ast[2])
compiler.assert((#ast >= 3), "expected body expression", ast[1])
for i = 1, math.min(#ranges, 3), 1 do
range_args[i] = tostring(compiler.compile1(ranges[i], sub_scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1])
@@ -1098,13 +1099,13 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
local function nonnative_method_call(ast, scope, parent, target, args)
local method_string = tostring(compiler.compile1(ast[3], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1])
- table.insert(args, tostring(target))
- return utils.expr(string.format("%s[%s](%s)", tostring(target), method_string, tostring(target), table.concat(args, ", ")), "statement")
+ local args0 = {tostring(target), unpack(args)}
+ return utils.expr(string.format("%s[%s](%s)", tostring(target), method_string, table.concat(args0, ", ")), "statement")
local function double_eval_protected_method_call(ast, scope, parent, target, args)
local method_string = tostring(compiler.compile1(ast[3], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1])
local call = "(function(tgt, m, ...) return tgt[m](tgt, ...) end)(%s, %s)"
- table.insert(args, method_string)
+ table.insert(args, 1, method_string)
return utils.expr(string.format(call, tostring(target), table.concat(args, ", ")), "statement")
local function method_call(ast, scope, parent)
@@ -1141,6 +1142,19 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
return compiler.emit(parent, ("-- " .. table.concat(els, " ")), ast)
doc_special("comment", {"..."}, "Comment which will be emitted in Lua output.")
+ local function hashfn_max_used(f_scope, i, max)
+ local max0 = nil
+ if f_scope.symmeta[("$" .. i)].used then
+ max0 = i
+ else
+ max0 = max
+ end
+ if (i < 9) then
+ return hashfn_max_used(f_scope, (i + 1), max0)
+ else
+ return max0
+ end
+ end
SPECIALS.hashfn = function(ast, scope, parent)
compiler.assert((#ast == 2), "expected one argument", ast)
local f_scope = nil
@@ -1153,35 +1167,33 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
local f_chunk = {}
local name = compiler.gensym(scope)
local symbol = utils.sym(name)
- compiler["declare-local"](symbol, {}, scope, ast)
local args = {}
+ compiler["declare-local"](symbol, {}, scope, ast)
for i = 1, 9 do
args[i] = compiler["declare-local"](utils.sym(("$" .. i)), {}, f_scope, ast)
local function walker(idx, node, parent_node)
- if (utils["is-sym"](node) and (utils.deref(node) == "$...")) then
+ if (utils["sym?"](node) and (utils.deref(node) == "$...")) then
parent_node[idx] = utils.varg()
f_scope.vararg = true
return nil
- return (utils["is-list"](node) or utils["is-table"](node))
+ return (utils["list?"](node) or utils["table?"](node))
utils["walk-tree"](ast[2], walker)
compiler.compile1(ast[2], f_scope, f_chunk, {tail = true})
- local max_used = 0
- for i = 1, 9, 1 do
- if f_scope.symmeta[("$" .. i)].used then
- max_used = i
- end
- end
+ local max_used = hashfn_max_used(f_scope, 1, 0)
if f_scope.vararg then
compiler.assert((max_used == 0), "$ and $... in hashfn are mutually exclusive", ast)
- args = {utils.deref(utils.varg())}
- max_used = 1
- local arg_str = table.concat(args, ", ", 1, max_used)
- compiler.emit(parent, ("local function %s(%s)"):format(name, arg_str), ast)
+ local arg_str = nil
+ if f_scope.vararg then
+ arg_str = utils.deref(utils.varg())
+ else
+ arg_str = table.concat(args, ", ", 1, max_used)
+ end
+ compiler.emit(parent, string.format("local function %s(%s)", name, arg_str), ast)
compiler.emit(parent, f_chunk, ast)
compiler.emit(parent, "end", ast)
return utils.expr(name, "sym")
@@ -1321,6 +1333,17 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
return compiler["do-quote"](ast[2], scope, parent, runtime)
doc_special("quote", {"x"}, "Quasiquote the following form. Only works in macro/compiler scope.")
+ local already_warned_3f = {}
+ local compile_env_warning = ("WARNING: Attempting to %s %s in compile" .. " scope.\nIn future versions of Fennel this will not" .. " be allowed without the\n--no-compiler-sandbox flag" .. " or passing :compiler-env _G in options.\n")
+ local function compiler_env_warn(env, key)
+ local v = _G[key]
+ if (v and io and io.stderr and not already_warned_3f[key]) then
+ already_warned_3f[key] = true
+ do end (io.stderr):write(compile_env_warning:format("use global", key))
+ end
+ return v
+ end
+ local safe_compiler_env = setmetatable({assert = assert, bit = _G.bit, error = error, getmetatable = getmetatable, ipairs = ipairs, math = math, next = next, pairs = pairs, pcall = pcall, print = print, rawequal = rawequal, rawget = rawget, rawlen = _G.rawlen, rawset = rawset, select = select, setmetatable = setmetatable, string = string, table = table, tonumber = tonumber, tostring = tostring, type = type, xpcall = xpcall}, {__index = compiler_env_warn})
local function make_compiler_env(ast, scope, parent)
local function _1_()
return compiler.scopes.macro
@@ -1336,7 +1359,18 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
compiler.assert(compiler.scopes.macro, "must call from macro", ast)
return compiler.macroexpand(form, compiler.scopes.macro)
- return setmetatable({["get-scope"] = _1_, ["in-scope?"] = _2_, ["list?"] = utils["is-list"], ["multi-sym?"] = utils["is-multi-sym"], ["sequence?"] = utils["is-sequence"], ["sym?"] = utils["is-sym"], ["table?"] = utils["is-table"], ["varg?"] = utils["is-varg"], _AST = ast, _CHUNK = parent, _IS_COMPILER = true, _SCOPE = scope, _SPECIALS = compiler.scopes.global.specials, _VARARG = utils.varg(), fennel = utils["fennel-module"], gensym = _3_, list = utils.list, macroexpand = _4_, sequence = utils.sequence, sym = utils.sym, unpack = unpack}, {__index = (_ENV or _G)})
+ local _6_
+ do
+ local _5_0 = utils.root.options
+ if ((type(_5_0) == "table") and (nil ~= _5_0["compiler-env"])) then
+ local compiler_env = _5_0["compiler-env"]
+ _6_ = compiler_env
+ else
+ local _ = _5_0
+ _6_ = safe_compiler_env
+ end
+ end
+ return setmetatable({["assert-compile"] = compiler.assert, ["get-scope"] = _1_, ["in-scope?"] = _2_, ["list?"] = utils["list?"], ["multi-sym?"] = utils["multi-sym?"], ["sequence?"] = utils["sequence?"], ["sym?"] = utils["sym?"], ["table?"] = utils["table?"], ["varg?"] = utils["varg?"], _AST = ast, _CHUNK = parent, _IS_COMPILER = true, _SCOPE = scope, _SPECIALS = compiler.scopes.global.specials, _VARARG = utils.varg(), gensym = _3_, list = utils.list, macroexpand = _4_, sequence = utils.sequence, sym = utils.sym, unpack = unpack}, {__index = _6_})
local cfg = string.gmatch(package.config, "([^\n]+)")
local dirsep, pathsep, pathmark = (cfg() or "/"), (cfg() or ";"), (cfg() or "?")
@@ -1391,26 +1425,39 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
return allowed
+ local function compiler_env_domodule(modname, env, _3fast)
+ local filename = compiler.assert(search_module(modname), (modname .. " module not found."), _3fast)
+ local globals = macro_globals(env, current_global_names())
+ return utils["fennel-module"].dofile(filename, {allowedGlobals = globals, env = env, scope = compiler.scopes.compiler, useMetadata = utils.root.options.useMetadata})
+ end
+ local macro_loaded = {}
+ local function metadata_only_fennel(modname)
+ if ((modname == "fennel.macros") or (package and package.loaded and ("table" == type(package.loaded[modname])) and (package.loaded[modname].metadata == compiler.metadata))) then
+ return {metadata = compiler.metadata}
+ end
+ end
+ safe_compiler_env.require = function(modname)
+ local function _1_()
+ local mod = compiler_env_domodule(modname, safe_compiler_env)
+ macro_loaded[modname] = mod
+ return mod
+ end
+ return (macro_loaded[modname] or metadata_only_fennel(modname) or _1_())
+ end
local function add_macros(macros_2a, ast, scope)
- compiler.assert(utils["is-table"](macros_2a), "expected macros to be table", ast)
+ compiler.assert(utils["table?"](macros_2a), "expected macros to be table", ast)
for k, v in pairs(macros_2a) do
compiler.assert((type(v) == "function"), "expected each macro to be function", ast)
scope.macros[k] = v
return nil
- local function load_macros(modname, ast, scope, parent)
- local filename = compiler.assert(search_module(modname), (modname .. " module not found."), ast)
- local env = make_compiler_env(ast, scope, parent)
- local globals = macro_globals(env, current_global_names())
- return utils["fennel-module"].dofile(filename, {allowedGlobals = globals, env = env, scope = compiler.scopes.compiler, useMetadata = utils.root.options.useMetadata})
- end
- local macro_loaded = {}
SPECIALS["require-macros"] = function(ast, scope, parent)
compiler.assert((#ast == 2), "Expected one module name argument", ast)
local modname = ast[2]
if not macro_loaded[modname] then
- macro_loaded[modname] = load_macros(modname, ast, scope, parent)
+ local env = make_compiler_env(ast, scope, parent)
+ macro_loaded[modname] = compiler_env_domodule(modname, env, ast)
return add_macros(macro_loaded[modname], ast, scope, parent)
@@ -1511,10 +1558,11 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
doc_special("include", {"module-name-literal"}, "Like require but load the target module during compilation and embed it in the\nLua output. The module must be a string literal and resolvable at compile time.")
local function eval_compiler_2a(ast, scope, parent)
- local scope0 = compiler["make-scope"](compiler.scopes.compiler)
- local luasrc = compiler.compile(ast, {scope = scope0, useMetadata = utils.root.options.useMetadata})
- local loader = load_code(luasrc, wrap_env(make_compiler_env(ast, scope0, parent)))
- return loader()
+ local env = make_compiler_env(ast, scope, parent)
+ local opts = utils.copy(utils.root.options)
+ opts.scope = compiler["make-scope"](compiler.scopes.compiler)
+ opts.allowedGlobals = macro_globals(env, current_global_names())
+ return load_code(compiler.compile(ast, opts), wrap_env(env))()
SPECIALS.macros = function(ast, scope, parent)
compiler.assert((#ast == 2), "Expected one table argument", ast)
@@ -1559,7 +1607,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local line = ((m and m.line) or ast.line or "?")
local target = nil
local function _1_()
- if utils["is-sym"](ast[1]) then
+ if utils["sym?"](ast[1]) then
return utils.deref(ast[1])
return (ast[1] or "()")
@@ -1582,27 +1630,27 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local function _0_(_241)
return ("\\" .. _241:byte())
- return ("%q"):format(str):gsub(".", serialize_subst):gsub("[\128-\255]", _0_)
+ return string.gsub(string.gsub(string.format("%q", str), ".", serialize_subst), "[\128-\255]", _0_)
local function global_mangling(str)
if utils["valid-lua-identifier?"](str) then
return str
local function _0_(_241)
- return ("_%02x"):format(_241:byte())
+ return string.format("_%02x", _241:byte())
return ("__fnl_global__" .. str:gsub("[^%w]", _0_))
local function global_unmangling(identifier)
- local _0_0 = identifier:match("^__fnl_global__(.*)$")
+ local _0_0 = string.match(identifier, "^__fnl_global__(.*)$")
if (nil ~= _0_0) then
local rest = _0_0
local _1_0 = nil
local function _2_(_241)
return string.char(tonumber(_241:sub(2), 16))
- _1_0 = rest:gsub("_[%da-f][%da-f]", _2_)
+ _1_0 = string.gsub(rest, "_[%da-f][%da-f]", _2_)
return _1_0
local _ = _0_0
@@ -1615,36 +1663,37 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
if not allowed_globals then
return true
- for _, g in ipairs(allowed_globals) do
- if (g == name) then
- found_3f = true
- end
- end
- return found_3f
+ return utils["member?"](name, allowed_globals)
+ end
+ end
+ local function unique_mangling(original, mangling, scope, append)
+ if scope.unmanglings[mangling] then
+ return unique_mangling(original, (original .. append), scope, (append + 1))
+ else
+ return mangling
local function local_mangling(str, scope, ast, temp_manglings)
+ assert_compile(not utils["multi-sym?"](str), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. str), ast)
local append = 0
- local mangling = str
- assert_compile(not utils["is-multi-sym"](str), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. str), ast)
- if (utils["lua-keywords"][mangling] or mangling:match("^%d")) then
- mangling = ("_" .. mangling)
+ local raw = nil
+ if (utils["lua-keywords"][str] or str:match("^%d")) then
+ raw = ("_" .. str)
+ else
+ raw = str
+ local mangling = nil
local function _1_(_241)
- return ("_%02x"):format(_241:byte())
+ return string.format("_%02x", _241:byte())
- mangling = mangling:gsub("-", "_"):gsub("[^%w_]", _1_)
- local raw = mangling
- while scope.unmanglings[mangling] do
- mangling = (raw .. append)
- append = (append + 1)
- end
- scope.unmanglings[mangling] = str
+ mangling = string.gsub(string.gsub(raw, "-", "_"), "[^%w_]", _1_)
+ local unique = unique_mangling(mangling, mangling, scope, 0)
+ scope.unmanglings[unique] = str
local manglings = (temp_manglings or scope.manglings)
- manglings[str] = mangling
+ manglings[str] = unique
- return mangling
+ return unique
local function apply_manglings(scope, new_manglings, ast)
for raw, mangled in pairs(new_manglings) do
@@ -1678,7 +1727,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
return mangling
local function autogensym(base, scope)
- local _0_0 = utils["is-multi-sym"](base)
+ local _0_0 = utils["multi-sym?"](base)
if (nil ~= _0_0) then
local parts = _0_0
parts[1] = autogensym(parts[1], scope)
@@ -1696,37 +1745,40 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local function check_binding_valid(symbol, scope, ast)
local name = utils.deref(symbol)
assert_compile(not (scope.specials[name] or scope.macros[name]), ("local %s was overshadowed by a special form or macro"):format(name), ast)
- return assert_compile(not utils["is-quoted"](symbol), ("macro tried to bind %s without gensym"):format(name), symbol)
+ return assert_compile(not utils["quoted?"](symbol), string.format("macro tried to bind %s without gensym", name), symbol)
local function declare_local(symbol, meta, scope, ast, temp_manglings)
check_binding_valid(symbol, scope, ast)
local name = utils.deref(symbol)
- assert_compile(not utils["is-multi-sym"](name), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. name), ast)
+ assert_compile(not utils["multi-sym?"](name), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. name), ast)
scope.symmeta[name] = meta
return local_mangling(name, scope, ast, temp_manglings)
- local function symbol_to_expression(symbol, scope, is_reference)
- local name = symbol[1]
- local multi_sym_parts = utils["is-multi-sym"](name)
- if scope.hashfn then
- if (name == "$") then
- name = "$1"
- end
- if multi_sym_parts then
- if (multi_sym_parts[1] == "$") then
- multi_sym_parts[1] = "$1"
- name = table.concat(multi_sym_parts, ".")
- end
+ local function hashfn_arg_name(name, multi_sym_parts, scope)
+ if not scope.hashfn then
+ return nil
+ elseif (name == "$") then
+ return "$1"
+ elseif multi_sym_parts then
+ if (multi_sym_parts and (multi_sym_parts[1] == "$")) then
+ multi_sym_parts[1] = "$1"
+ return table.concat(multi_sym_parts, ".")
- local parts = (multi_sym_parts or {name})
+ end
+ local function symbol_to_expression(symbol, scope, reference_3f)
+ utils.hook("symbol-to-expression", symbol, scope, reference_3f)
+ local name = symbol[1]
+ local multi_sym_parts = utils["multi-sym?"](name)
+ local name0 = (hashfn_arg_name(name, multi_sym_parts, scope) or name)
+ local parts = (multi_sym_parts or {name0})
local etype = (((#parts > 1) and "expression") or "sym")
- local is_local = scope.manglings[parts[1]]
- if (is_local and scope.symmeta[parts[1]]) then
+ local local_3f = scope.manglings[parts[1]]
+ if (local_3f and scope.symmeta[parts[1]]) then
scope.symmeta[parts[1]]["used"] = true
- assert_compile((not is_reference or is_local or global_allowed(parts[1])), ("unknown global in strict mode: " .. parts[1]), symbol)
- if (allowed_globals and not is_local) then
+ assert_compile((not reference_3f or local_3f or global_allowed(parts[1])), ("unknown global in strict mode: " .. parts[1]), symbol)
+ if (allowed_globals and not local_3f) then
utils.root.scope.refedglobals[parts[1]] = true
return utils.expr(combine_parts(parts, scope), etype)
@@ -1809,9 +1861,10 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
if (c.leaf or (#c > 0)) then
local sub = flatten_chunk(sm, c, tab0, (depth + 1))
if (depth > 0) then
- sub = (tab0 .. sub:gsub("\n", ("\n" .. tab0)))
+ return (tab0 .. sub:gsub("\n", ("\n" .. tab0)))
+ else
+ return sub
- return sub
return table.concat(utils.map(chunk, parter), "\n")
@@ -1834,17 +1887,13 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local sm = {}
local ret = flatten_chunk(sm, chunk0, options.indent, 0)
if sm then
- local key, short_src = nil
+ sm.short_src = (options.filename or ret)
if options.filename then
- short_src = options.filename
- key = ("@" .. short_src)
+ sm.key = ("@" .. options.filename)
- key = ret
- short_src = make_short_src((options.source or ret))
+ sm.key = ret
- sm.short_src = short_src
- sm.key = key
- fennel_sourcemap[key] = sm
+ fennel_sourcemap[sm.key] = sm
return ret, sm
@@ -1882,7 +1931,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
for j = start0, #exprs, 1 do
local se = exprs[j]
if ((se.type == "expression") and (se[1] ~= "nil")) then
- emit(chunk, ("do local _ = %s end"):format(tostring(se)), ast)
+ emit(chunk, string.format("do local _ = %s end", tostring(se)), ast)
elseif (se.type == "statement") then
local code = tostring(se)
emit(chunk, (((code:byte() == 40) and ("do end " .. code)) or code), ast)
@@ -1908,38 +1957,49 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
if opts.tail then
- emit(parent, ("return %s"):format(exprs1(exprs)), ast)
+ emit(parent, string.format("return %s", exprs1(exprs)), ast)
if opts.target then
local result = exprs1(exprs)
- if (result == "") then
- result = "nil"
+ local function _2_()
+ if (result == "") then
+ return "nil"
+ else
+ return result
+ end
- emit(parent, ("%s = %s"):format(opts.target, result), ast)
+ emit(parent, string.format("%s = %s", opts.target, _2_()), ast)
if (opts.tail or opts.target) then
- return {}
+ return {returned = true}
- return exprs
+ local _3_0 = exprs
+ _3_0["returned"] = true
+ return _3_0
+ end
+ end
+ local function find_macro(ast, scope, multi_sym_parts)
+ local function find_in_table(t, i)
+ if (i <= #multi_sym_parts) then
+ return find_in_table((utils["table?"](t) and t[multi_sym_parts[i]]), (i + 1))
+ else
+ return t
+ end
+ end
+ local macro_2a = (utils["sym?"](ast[1]) and scope.macros[utils.deref(ast[1])])
+ if (not macro_2a and multi_sym_parts) then
+ local nested_macro = find_in_table(scope.macros, 1)
+ assert_compile((not scope.macros[multi_sym_parts[1]] or (type(nested_macro) == "function")), "macro not found in imported macro module", ast)
+ return nested_macro
+ else
+ return macro_2a
local function macroexpand_2a(ast, scope, once)
- if not utils["is-list"](ast) then
+ if not utils["list?"](ast) then
return ast
- local multi_sym_parts = utils["is-multi-sym"](ast[1])
- local macro_2a = (utils["is-sym"](ast[1]) and scope.macros[utils.deref(ast[1])])
- if (not macro_2a and multi_sym_parts) then
- local in_macro_module = nil
- macro_2a = scope.macros
- for i = 1, #multi_sym_parts, 1 do
- macro_2a = (utils["is-table"](macro_2a) and macro_2a[multi_sym_parts[i]])
- if macro_2a then
- in_macro_module = true
- end
- end
- assert_compile((not in_macro_module or (type(macro_2a) == "function")), "macro not found in imported macro module", ast)
- end
+ local macro_2a = find_macro(ast, scope, utils["multi-sym?"](ast[1]))
if not macro_2a then
return ast
@@ -1958,117 +2018,152 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
+ local function compile_special(ast, scope, parent, opts, special)
+ local exprs = (special(ast, scope, parent, opts) or utils.expr("nil", "literal"))
+ local exprs0 = nil
+ if (type(exprs) == "string") then
+ exprs0 = utils.expr(exprs, "expression")
+ else
+ exprs0 = exprs
+ end
+ local exprs2 = nil
+ if utils["expr?"](exprs0) then
+ exprs2 = {exprs0}
+ else
+ exprs2 = exprs0
+ end
+ if not exprs2.returned then
+ return handle_compile_opts(exprs2, parent, opts, ast)
+ elseif (opts.tail or opts.target) then
+ return {returned = true}
+ else
+ return exprs2
+ end
+ end
+ local function compile_call(ast, scope, parent, opts, compile1)
+ utils.hook("call", ast, scope)
+ local len = #ast
+ local first = ast[1]
+ local multi_sym_parts = utils["multi-sym?"](first)
+ local special = (utils["sym?"](first) and scope.specials[utils.deref(first)])
+ assert_compile((len > 0), "expected a function, macro, or special to call", ast)
+ if special then
+ return compile_special(ast, scope, parent, opts, special)
+ elseif (multi_sym_parts and multi_sym_parts["multi-sym-method-call"]) then
+ local table_with_method = table.concat({unpack(multi_sym_parts, 1, (#multi_sym_parts - 1))}, ".")
+ local method_to_call = multi_sym_parts[#multi_sym_parts]
+ local new_ast = utils.list(utils.sym(":", scope), utils.sym(table_with_method, scope), method_to_call)
+ for i = 2, len, 1 do
+ new_ast[(#new_ast + 1)] = ast[i]
+ end
+ return compile1(new_ast, scope, parent, opts)
+ else
+ local fargs = {}
+ local fcallee = compile1(ast[1], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]
+ assert_compile((fcallee.type ~= "literal"), ("cannot call literal value " .. tostring(first)), ast)
+ for i = 2, len, 1 do
+ local subexprs = compile1(ast[i], scope, parent, {nval = (((i ~= len) and 1) or nil)})
+ fargs[(#fargs + 1)] = (subexprs[1] or utils.expr("nil", "literal"))
+ if (i == len) then
+ for j = 2, #subexprs, 1 do
+ fargs[(#fargs + 1)] = subexprs[j]
+ end
+ else
+ keep_side_effects(subexprs, parent, 2, ast[i])
+ end
+ end
+ local call = string.format("%s(%s)", tostring(fcallee), exprs1(fargs))
+ return handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(call, "statement")}, parent, opts, ast)
+ end
+ end
+ local function compile_varg(ast, scope, parent, opts)
+ assert_compile(scope.vararg, "unexpected vararg", ast)
+ return handle_compile_opts({utils.expr("...", "varg")}, parent, opts, ast)
+ end
+ local function compile_sym(ast, scope, parent, opts)
+ local multi_sym_parts = utils["multi-sym?"](ast)
+ assert_compile(not (multi_sym_parts and multi_sym_parts["multi-sym-method-call"]), "multisym method calls may only be in call position", ast)
+ local e = nil
+ if (ast[1] == "nil") then
+ e = utils.expr("nil", "literal")
+ else
+ e = symbol_to_expression(ast, scope, true)
+ end
+ return handle_compile_opts({e}, parent, opts, ast)
+ end
+ local function compile_scalar(ast, scope, parent, opts)
+ local serialize = nil
+ do
+ local _0_0 = type(ast)
+ if (_0_0 == "nil") then
+ serialize = tostring
+ elseif (_0_0 == "boolean") then
+ serialize = tostring
+ elseif (_0_0 == "string") then
+ serialize = serialize_string
+ elseif (_0_0 == "number") then
+ local function _1_(...)
+ return string.format("%.17g", ...)
+ end
+ serialize = _1_
+ else
+ serialize = nil
+ end
+ end
+ return handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(serialize(ast), "literal")}, parent, opts)
+ end
+ local function compile_table(ast, scope, parent, opts, compile1)
+ local buffer = {}
+ for i = 1, #ast, 1 do
+ local nval = ((i ~= #ast) and 1)
+ buffer[(#buffer + 1)] = exprs1(compile1(ast[i], scope, parent, {nval = nval}))
+ end
+ local function write_other_values(k)
+ if ((type(k) ~= "number") or (math.floor(k) ~= k) or (k < 1) or (k > #ast)) then
+ if ((type(k) == "string") and utils["valid-lua-identifier?"](k)) then
+ return {k, k}
+ else
+ local _0_ = compile1(k, scope, parent, {nval = 1})
+ local compiled = _0_[1]
+ local kstr = ("[" .. tostring(compiled) .. "]")
+ return {kstr, k}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ do
+ local keys = nil
+ do
+ local _0_0 = utils.kvmap(ast, write_other_values)
+ local function _1_(a, b)
+ return (a[1] < b[1])
+ end
+ table.sort(_0_0, _1_)
+ keys = _0_0
+ end
+ local function _1_(k)
+ local v = tostring(compile1(ast[k[2]], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1])
+ return string.format("%s = %s", k[1], v)
+ end
+ utils.map(keys, _1_, buffer)
+ end
+ return handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(("{" .. table.concat(buffer, ", ") .. "}"), "expression")}, parent, opts, ast)
+ end
local function compile1(ast, scope, parent, opts)
local opts0 = (opts or {})
local ast0 = macroexpand_2a(ast, scope)
- local exprs = {}
- if utils["is-list"](ast0) then
- local len = #ast0
- local first = ast0[1]
- local multi_sym_parts = utils["is-multi-sym"](first)
- local special = (utils["is-sym"](first) and scope.specials[utils.deref(first)])
- assert_compile((#ast0 > 0), "expected a function, macro, or special to call", ast0)
- if special then
- exprs = (special(ast0, scope, parent, opts0) or utils.expr("nil", "literal"))
- if (type(exprs) == "string") then
- exprs = utils.expr(exprs, "expression")
- end
- if utils["is-expr"](exprs) then
- exprs = {exprs}
- end
- if not exprs.returned then
- exprs = handle_compile_opts(exprs, parent, opts0, ast0)
- elseif (opts0.tail or opts0.target) then
- exprs = {}
- end
- elseif (multi_sym_parts and multi_sym_parts["multi-sym-method-call"]) then
- local table_with_method = table.concat({unpack(multi_sym_parts, 1, (#multi_sym_parts - 1))}, ".")
- local method_to_call = multi_sym_parts[#multi_sym_parts]
- local new_ast = utils.list(utils.sym(":", scope), utils.sym(table_with_method, scope), method_to_call)
- for i = 2, len, 1 do
- new_ast[(#new_ast + 1)] = ast0[i]
- end
- exprs = compile1(new_ast, scope, parent, opts0)
- else
- local fargs = {}
- local fcallee = compile1(ast0[1], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]
- assert_compile((fcallee.type ~= "literal"), ("cannot call literal value " .. tostring(ast0[1])), ast0)
- fcallee = tostring(fcallee)
- for i = 2, len, 1 do
- local subexprs = compile1(ast0[i], scope, parent, {nval = (((i ~= len) and 1) or nil)})
- fargs[(#fargs + 1)] = (subexprs[1] or utils.expr("nil", "literal"))
- if (i == len) then
- for j = 2, #subexprs, 1 do
- fargs[(#fargs + 1)] = subexprs[j]
- end
- else
- keep_side_effects(subexprs, parent, 2, ast0[i])
- end
- end
- local call = ("%s(%s)"):format(tostring(fcallee), exprs1(fargs))
- exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(call, "statement")}, parent, opts0, ast0)
- end
- elseif utils["is-varg"](ast0) then
- assert_compile(scope.vararg, "unexpected vararg", ast0)
- exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr("...", "varg")}, parent, opts0, ast0)
- elseif utils["is-sym"](ast0) then
- local multi_sym_parts = utils["is-multi-sym"](ast0)
- local e = nil
- assert_compile(not (multi_sym_parts and multi_sym_parts["multi-sym-method-call"]), "multisym method calls may only be in call position", ast0)
- if (ast0[1] == "nil") then
- e = utils.expr("nil", "literal")
- else
- e = symbol_to_expression(ast0, scope, true)
- end
- exprs = handle_compile_opts({e}, parent, opts0, ast0)
- elseif ((type(ast0) == "nil") or (type(ast0) == "boolean")) then
- exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(tostring(ast0), "literal")}, parent, opts0)
- elseif (type(ast0) == "number") then
- local n = ("%.17g"):format(ast0)
- exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(n, "literal")}, parent, opts0)
- elseif (type(ast0) == "string") then
- local s = serialize_string(ast0)
- exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(s, "literal")}, parent, opts0)
+ if utils["list?"](ast0) then
+ return compile_call(ast0, scope, parent, opts0, compile1)
+ elseif utils["varg?"](ast0) then
+ return compile_varg(ast0, scope, parent, opts0)
+ elseif utils["sym?"](ast0) then
+ return compile_sym(ast0, scope, parent, opts0)
elseif (type(ast0) == "table") then
- local buffer = {}
- for i = 1, #ast0, 1 do
- local nval = ((i ~= #ast0) and 1)
- buffer[(#buffer + 1)] = exprs1(compile1(ast0[i], scope, parent, {nval = nval}))
- end
- local function write_other_values(k)
- if ((type(k) ~= "number") or (math.floor(k) ~= k) or (k < 1) or (k > #ast0)) then
- if ((type(k) == "string") and utils["valid-lua-identifier?"](k)) then
- return {k, k}
- else
- local _0_ = compile1(k, scope, parent, {nval = 1})
- local compiled = _0_[1]
- local kstr = ("[" .. tostring(compiled) .. "]")
- return {kstr, k}
- end
- end
- end
- do
- local keys = nil
- do
- local _0_0 = utils.kvmap(ast0, write_other_values)
- local function _1_(a, b)
- return (a[1] < b[1])
- end
- table.sort(_0_0, _1_)
- keys = _0_0
- end
- local function _1_(k)
- local v = tostring(compile1(ast0[k[2]], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1])
- return ("%s = %s"):format(k[1], v)
- end
- utils.map(keys, _1_, buffer)
- end
- exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(("{" .. table.concat(buffer, ", ") .. "}"), "expression")}, parent, opts0, ast0)
+ return compile_table(ast0, scope, parent, opts0, compile1)
+ elseif ((type(ast0) == "nil") or (type(ast0) == "boolean") or (type(ast0) == "number") or (type(ast0) == "string")) then
+ return compile_scalar(ast0, scope, parent, opts0)
- assert_compile(false, ("could not compile value of type " .. type(ast0)), ast0)
+ return assert_compile(false, ("could not compile value of type " .. type(ast0)), ast0)
- exprs.returned = true
- return exprs
local function destructure(to, from, ast, scope, parent, opts)
local opts0 = (opts or {})
@@ -2088,14 +2183,14 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local new_manglings = {}
local function getname(symbol, up1)
local raw = symbol[1]
- assert_compile(not (nomulti and utils["is-multi-sym"](raw)), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. raw), up1)
+ assert_compile(not (nomulti and utils["multi-sym?"](raw)), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. raw), up1)
if declaration then
return declare_local(symbol, {var = isvar}, scope, symbol, new_manglings)
- local parts = (utils["is-multi-sym"](raw) or {raw})
+ local parts = (utils["multi-sym?"](raw) or {raw})
local meta = scope.symmeta[parts[1]]
if ((#parts == 1) and not forceset) then
- assert_compile(not (forceglobal and meta), ("global %s conflicts with local"):format(tostring(symbol)), symbol)
+ assert_compile(not (forceglobal and meta), string.format("global %s conflicts with local", tostring(symbol)), symbol)
assert_compile(not (meta and not meta.var), ("expected var " .. raw), symbol)
assert_compile((meta or not noundef), ("expected local " .. parts[1]), symbol)
@@ -2139,7 +2234,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
return ret
local function destructure1(left, rightexprs, up1, top)
- if (utils["is-sym"](left) and (left[1] ~= "nil")) then
+ if (utils["sym?"](left) and (left[1] ~= "nil")) then
local lname = getname(left, up1)
check_binding_valid(left, scope, left)
if top then
@@ -2147,7 +2242,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
emit(parent, setter:format(lname, exprs1(rightexprs)), left)
- elseif utils["is-table"](left) then
+ elseif utils["table?"](left) then
local s = gensym(scope)
local right = nil
if top then
@@ -2158,30 +2253,31 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
if (right == "") then
right = "nil"
- emit(parent, ("local %s = %s"):format(s, right), left)
+ emit(parent, string.format("local %s = %s", s, right), left)
for k, v in utils.stablepairs(left) do
- if (utils["is-sym"](left[k]) and (left[k][1] == "&")) then
+ if (utils["sym?"](left[k]) and (left[k][1] == "&")) then
assert_compile(((type(k) == "number") and not left[(k + 2)]), "expected rest argument before last parameter", left)
- local formatted = ("{(table.unpack or unpack)(%s, %s)}"):format(s, k)
+ local unpack_str = "{(table.unpack or unpack)(%s, %s)}"
+ local formatted = string.format(unpack_str, s, k)
local subexpr = utils.expr(formatted, "expression")
destructure1(left[(k + 1)], {subexpr}, left)
- if (utils["is-sym"](k) and (tostring(k) == ":") and utils["is-sym"](v)) then
+ if (utils["sym?"](k) and (tostring(k) == ":") and utils["sym?"](v)) then
k = tostring(v)
if (type(k) ~= "number") then
k = serialize_string(k)
- local subexpr = utils.expr(("%s[%s]"):format(s, k), "expression")
+ local subexpr = utils.expr(string.format("%s[%s]", s, k), "expression")
destructure1(v, {subexpr}, left)
- elseif utils["is-list"](left) then
+ elseif utils["list?"](left) then
local left_names, tables = {}, {}
for i, name in ipairs(left) do
local symname = nil
- if utils["is-sym"](name) then
+ if utils["sym?"](name) then
symname = getname(name, up1)
symname = gensym(scope)
@@ -2200,19 +2296,20 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
destructure1(pair[1], {pair[2]}, left)
- assert_compile(false, ("unable to bind %s %s"):format(type(left), tostring(left)), (((type(up1[2]) == "table") and up1[2]) or up1))
+ assert_compile(false, string.format("unable to bind %s %s", type(left), tostring(left)), (((type(up1[2]) == "table") and up1[2]) or up1))
if top then
return {returned = true}
local ret = destructure1(to, nil, ast, true)
+ utils.hook("destructure", from, to, scope)
apply_manglings(scope, new_manglings, ast)
return ret
local function require_include(ast, scope, parent, opts)
opts.fallback = function(e)
- return utils.expr(("require(%s)"):format(tostring(e)), "statement")
+ return utils.expr(string.format("require(%s)", tostring(e)), "statement")
return scopes.global.specials.include(ast, scope, parent, opts)
@@ -2269,7 +2366,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local function traceback_frame(info)
if ((info.what == "C") and info.name) then
- return (" [C]: in function '%s'"):format(info.name)
+ return string.format(" [C]: in function '%s'", info.name)
elseif (info.what == "C") then
return " [C]: in ?"
@@ -2296,7 +2393,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local function traceback(msg, start)
local msg0 = (msg or "")
- if ((msg0:find("^Compile error") or msg0:find("^Parse error")) and not utils["debug-on"]("trace")) then
+ if ((msg0:find("^Compile error") or msg0:find("^Parse error")) and not utils["debug-on?"]("trace")) then
return msg0
local lines = {}
@@ -2352,47 +2449,47 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
return ret
- local function do_quote(form, scope, parent, runtime)
+ local function do_quote(form, scope, parent, runtime_3f)
local function q(x)
- return do_quote(x, scope, parent, runtime)
+ return do_quote(x, scope, parent, runtime_3f)
- if utils["is-varg"](form) then
- assert_compile(not runtime, "quoted ... may only be used at compile time", form)
+ if utils["varg?"](form) then
+ assert_compile(not runtime_3f, "quoted ... may only be used at compile time", form)
return "_VARARG"
- elseif utils["is-sym"](form) then
+ elseif utils["sym?"](form) then
local filename = nil
if form.filename then
- filename = ("%q"):format(form.filename)
+ filename = string.format("%q", form.filename)
filename = "nil"
local symstr = utils.deref(form)
- assert_compile(not runtime, "symbols may only be used at compile time", form)
+ assert_compile(not runtime_3f, "symbols may only be used at compile time", form)
if (symstr:find("#$") or symstr:find("#[:.]")) then
- return ("sym('%s', nil, {filename=%s, line=%s})"):format(autogensym(symstr, scope), filename, (form.line or "nil"))
+ return string.format("sym('%s', nil, {filename=%s, line=%s})", autogensym(symstr, scope), filename, (form.line or "nil"))
- return ("sym('%s', nil, {quoted=true, filename=%s, line=%s})"):format(symstr, filename, (form.line or "nil"))
+ return string.format("sym('%s', nil, {quoted=true, filename=%s, line=%s})", symstr, filename, (form.line or "nil"))
- elseif (utils["is-list"](form) and utils["is-sym"](form[1]) and (utils.deref(form[1]) == "unquote")) then
+ elseif (utils["list?"](form) and utils["sym?"](form[1]) and (utils.deref(form[1]) == "unquote")) then
local payload = form[2]
local res = unpack(compile1(payload, scope, parent))
return res[1]
- elseif utils["is-list"](form) then
+ elseif utils["list?"](form) then
local mapped = utils.kvmap(form, entry_transform(no, q))
local filename = nil
if form.filename then
- filename = ("%q"):format(form.filename)
+ filename = string.format("%q", form.filename)
filename = "nil"
- assert_compile(not runtime, "lists may only be used at compile time", form)
- return (("setmetatable({filename=%s, line=%s, bytestart=%s, %s}" .. ", getmetatable(list()))")):format(filename, (form.line or "nil"), (form.bytestart or "nil"), mixed_concat(mapped, ", "))
+ assert_compile(not runtime_3f, "lists may only be used at compile time", form)
+ return string.format(("setmetatable({filename=%s, line=%s, bytestart=%s, %s}" .. ", getmetatable(list()))"), filename, (form.line or "nil"), (form.bytestart or "nil"), mixed_concat(mapped, ", "))
elseif (type(form) == "table") then
local mapped = utils.kvmap(form, entry_transform(q, q))
local source = getmetatable(form)
local filename = nil
if source.filename then
- filename = ("%q"):format(source.filename)
+ filename = string.format("%q", source.filename)
filename = "nil"
@@ -2403,7 +2500,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
return "nil"
- return ("setmetatable({%s}, {filename=%s, line=%s})"):format(mixed_concat(mapped, ", "), filename, _1_())
+ return string.format("setmetatable({%s}, {filename=%s, line=%s})", mixed_concat(mapped, ", "), filename, _1_())
elseif (type(form) == "string") then
return serialize_string(form)
@@ -2517,11 +2614,9 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
local friend = require("fennel.friend")
local unpack = (_G.unpack or table.unpack)
local function granulate(getchunk)
- local c = ""
- local index = 1
- local done = false
+ local c, index, done_3f = "", 1, false
local function _0_(parser_state)
- if not done then
+ if not done_3f then
if (index <= #c) then
local b = c:byte(index)
index = (index + 1)
@@ -2529,7 +2624,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
c = getchunk(parser_state)
if (not c or (c == "")) then
- done = true
+ done_3f = true
return nil
index = 2
@@ -2554,10 +2649,10 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
return _0_
local delims = {[123] = 125, [125] = true, [40] = 41, [41] = true, [91] = 93, [93] = true}
- local function iswhitespace(b)
+ local function whitespace_3f(b)
return ((b == 32) or ((b >= 9) and (b <= 13)))
- local function issymbolchar(b)
+ local function symbolchar_3f(b)
return ((b > 32) and not delims[b] and (b ~= 127) and (b ~= 34) and (b ~= 39) and (b ~= 126) and (b ~= 59) and (b ~= 44) and (b ~= 64) and (b ~= 96))
local prefixes = {[35] = "hashfn", [39] = "quote", [44] = "unquote", [96] = "quote"}
@@ -2593,18 +2688,16 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
local unfriendly = _0_["unfriendly"]
if unfriendly then
- return error(("Parse error in %s:%s: %s"):format((filename or "unknown"), (line or "?"), msg), 0)
+ return error(string.format("Parse error in %s:%s: %s", (filename or "unknown"), (line or "?"), msg), 0)
return friend["parse-error"](msg, (filename or "unknown"), (line or "?"), byteindex, source)
local function parse_stream()
- local whitespace_since_dispatch, done, retval = true
+ local whitespace_since_dispatch, done_3f, retval = true
local function dispatch(v)
if (#stack == 0) then
- retval = v
- done = true
- whitespace_since_dispatch = false
+ retval, done_3f, whitespace_since_dispatch = v, true, false
return nil
elseif stack[#stack].prefix then
local stacktop = stack[#stack]
@@ -2617,16 +2710,16 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
local function badend()
local accum = utils.map(stack, "closer")
- return parse_error(("expected closing delimiter%s %s"):format((((#stack == 1) and "") or "s"), string.char(unpack(accum))))
+ return parse_error(string.format("expected closing delimiter%s %s", (((#stack == 1) and "") or "s"), string.char(unpack(accum))))
while true do
local b = nil
while true do
b = getb()
- if (b and iswhitespace(b)) then
+ if (b and whitespace_3f(b)) then
whitespace_since_dispatch = true
- if (not b or not iswhitespace(b)) then
+ if (not b or not whitespace_3f(b)) then
@@ -2649,10 +2742,10 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
table.insert(stack, setmetatable({bytestart = byteindex, closer = delims[b], filename = filename, line = line}, getmetatable(utils.list())))
elseif delims[b] then
+ local last = stack[#stack]
if (#stack == 0) then
parse_error(("unexpected closing delimiter " .. string.char(b)))
- local last = stack[#stack]
local val = nil
if (last.closer ~= b) then
parse_error(("mismatched closing delimiter " .. string.char(b) .. ", expected " .. string.char(last.closer)))
@@ -2673,7 +2766,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
val = {}
setmetatable(val, last)
for i = 1, #last, 2 do
- if ((tostring(last[i]) == ":") and utils["is-sym"](last[(i + 1)]) and utils["is-sym"](last[i])) then
+ if ((tostring(last[i]) == ":") and utils["sym?"](last[(i + 1)]) and utils["sym?"](last[i])) then
last[i] = tostring(last[(i + 1)])
val[last[i]] = last[(i + 1)]
@@ -2682,8 +2775,8 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
stack[#stack] = nil
elseif (b == 34) then
- local state = "base"
local chars = {34}
+ local state = "base"
stack[(#stack + 1)] = {closer = 34}
while true do
b = getb()
@@ -2711,12 +2804,12 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
return ("\\" .. c:byte())
formatted = raw:gsub("[\1-\31]", _2_)
- local load_fn = (_G.loadstring or load)(("return %s"):format(formatted))
+ local load_fn = (_G.loadstring or load)(string.format("return %s", formatted))
elseif prefixes[b] then
table.insert(stack, {prefix = prefixes[b]})
local nextb = getb()
- if iswhitespace(nextb) then
+ if whitespace_3f(nextb) then
if (b ~= 35) then
parse_error("invalid whitespace after quoting prefix")
@@ -2724,13 +2817,13 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
- elseif (issymbolchar(b) or (b == string.byte("~"))) then
+ elseif (symbolchar_3f(b) or (b == string.byte("~"))) then
local chars = {}
local bytestart = byteindex
while true do
chars[(#chars + 1)] = b
b = getb()
- if (not b or not issymbolchar(b)) then
+ if (not b or not symbolchar_3f(b)) then
@@ -2776,7 +2869,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
parse_error(("illegal character: " .. string.char(b)))
- if done then
+ if done_3f then
@@ -2857,12 +2950,23 @@ package.preload["fennel.utils"] = package.preload["fennel.utils"] or function(..
return out0
- local function copy(from)
- local to = {}
+ local function copy(from, to)
+ local to0 = (to or {})
for k, v in pairs((from or {})) do
- to[k] = v
+ to0[k] = v
+ end
+ return to0
+ end
+ local function member_3f(x, tbl, n)
+ local _0_0 = tbl[(n or 1)]
+ if (_0_0 == x) then
+ return true
+ elseif (_0_0 == nil) then
+ return false
+ else
+ local _ = _0_0
+ return member_3f(x, tbl, ((n or 1) + 1))
- return to
local function allpairs(tbl)
assert((type(tbl) == "table"), "allpairs expects a table")
@@ -2889,7 +2993,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.utils"] = package.preload["fennel.utils"] or function(..
return self[1]
local nil_sym = nil
- local function list_to_string(self, tostring2)
+ local function list__3estring(self, tostring2)
local safe, max = {}, 0
for k in pairs(self) do
if ((type(k) == "number") and (k > max)) then
@@ -2901,22 +3005,22 @@ package.preload["fennel.utils"] = package.preload["fennel.utils"] or function(..
return ("(" .. table.concat(map(safe, (tostring2 or tostring)), " ", 1, max) .. ")")
- local SYMBOL_MT = {"SYMBOL", __fennelview = deref, __tostring = deref}
- local EXPR_MT = {"EXPR", __tostring = deref}
- local LIST_MT = {"LIST", __fennelview = list_to_string, __tostring = list_to_string}
- local VARARG = setmetatable({"..."}, {"VARARG", __fennelview = deref, __tostring = deref})
+ local symbol_mt = {"SYMBOL", __fennelview = deref, __tostring = deref}
+ local expr_mt = {"EXPR", __tostring = deref}
+ local list_mt = {"LIST", __fennelview = list__3estring, __tostring = list__3estring}
+ local sequence_marker = {"SEQUENCE"}
+ local vararg = setmetatable({"..."}, {"VARARG", __fennelview = deref, __tostring = deref})
local getenv = nil
local function _0_()
return nil
getenv = ((os and os.getenv) or _0_)
- local function debug_on(flag)
+ local function debug_on_3f(flag)
local level = (getenv("FENNEL_DEBUG") or "")
return ((level == "all") or level:find(flag))
local function list(...)
- return setmetatable({...}, LIST_MT)
+ return setmetatable({...}, list_mt)
local function sym(str, scope, source)
local s = {str, scope = scope}
@@ -2925,40 +3029,40 @@ package.preload["fennel.utils"] = package.preload["fennel.utils"] or function(..
s[k] = v
- return setmetatable(s, SYMBOL_MT)
+ return setmetatable(s, symbol_mt)
nil_sym = sym("nil")
local function sequence(...)
- return setmetatable({...}, {sequence = SEQUENCE_MARKER})
+ return setmetatable({...}, {sequence = sequence_marker})
local function expr(strcode, etype)
- return setmetatable({strcode, type = etype}, EXPR_MT)
+ return setmetatable({strcode, type = etype}, expr_mt)
local function varg()
- return VARARG
+ return vararg
- local function is_expr(x)
- return ((type(x) == "table") and (getmetatable(x) == EXPR_MT) and x)
+ local function expr_3f(x)
+ return ((type(x) == "table") and (getmetatable(x) == expr_mt) and x)
- local function is_varg(x)
- return ((x == VARARG) and x)
+ local function varg_3f(x)
+ return ((x == vararg) and x)
- local function is_list(x)
- return ((type(x) == "table") and (getmetatable(x) == LIST_MT) and x)
+ local function list_3f(x)
+ return ((type(x) == "table") and (getmetatable(x) == list_mt) and x)
- local function is_sym(x)
- return ((type(x) == "table") and (getmetatable(x) == SYMBOL_MT) and x)
+ local function sym_3f(x)
+ return ((type(x) == "table") and (getmetatable(x) == symbol_mt) and x)
- local function is_table(x)
- return ((type(x) == "table") and (x ~= VARARG) and (getmetatable(x) ~= LIST_MT) and (getmetatable(x) ~= SYMBOL_MT) and x)
+ local function table_3f(x)
+ return ((type(x) == "table") and (x ~= vararg) and (getmetatable(x) ~= list_mt) and (getmetatable(x) ~= symbol_mt) and x)
- local function is_sequence(x)
+ local function sequence_3f(x)
local mt = ((type(x) == "table") and getmetatable(x))
- return (mt and (mt.sequence == SEQUENCE_MARKER) and x)
+ return (mt and (mt.sequence == sequence_marker) and x)
- local function is_multi_sym(str)
- if is_sym(str) then
- return is_multi_sym(tostring(str))
+ local function multi_sym_3f(str)
+ if sym_3f(str) then
+ return multi_sym_3f(tostring(str))
elseif (type(str) ~= "string") then
return false
@@ -2977,7 +3081,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.utils"] = package.preload["fennel.utils"] or function(..
return ((#parts > 0) and (str:match("%.") or str:match(":")) and not str:match("%.%.") and (str:byte() ~= string.byte(".")) and (str:byte(( - 1)) ~= string.byte(".")) and parts)
- local function is_quoted(symbol)
+ local function quoted_3f(symbol)
return symbol.quoted
local function walk_tree(root, f, custom_iterator)
@@ -2999,7 +3103,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.utils"] = package.preload["fennel.utils"] or function(..
local function valid_lua_identifier_3f(str)
return (str:match("^[%a_][%w_]*$") and not lua_keywords[str])
- local propagated_options = {"allowedGlobals", "indent", "correlate", "useMetadata", "env"}
+ local propagated_options = {"allowedGlobals", "indent", "correlate", "useMetadata", "env", "compiler-env"}
local function propagate_options(options, subopts)
for _, name in ipairs(propagated_options) do
subopts[name] = options[name]
@@ -3010,20 +3114,31 @@ package.preload["fennel.utils"] = package.preload["fennel.utils"] or function(..
local function _1_()
root = {chunk = nil, options = nil, reset = _1_, scope = nil}
- root["set-reset"] = function(new_root)
+ root["set-reset"] = function(_2_0)
+ local _3_ = _2_0
+ local chunk = _3_["chunk"]
+ local options = _3_["options"]
+ local reset = _3_["reset"]
+ local scope = _3_["scope"]
root.reset = function()
- root.chunk, root.scope, root.options, root.reset = new_root.chunk, new_root.scope, new_root.options, new_root.reset
+ root.chunk, root.scope, root.options, root.reset = chunk, scope, options, reset
return nil
return root.reset
- local _3_
- do
- local _2_0 = {"./?.fnl", "./?/init.fnl"}
- table.insert(_2_0, getenv("FENNEL_PATH"))
- _3_ = _2_0
+ local function hook(event, ...)
+ if (root.options and root.options.plugins) then
+ for _, plugin in ipairs(root.options.plugins) do
+ local _3_0 = plugin[event]
+ if (nil ~= _3_0) then
+ local f = _3_0
+ f(...)
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
- return {["debug-on"] = debug_on, ["is-expr"] = is_expr, ["is-list"] = is_list, ["is-multi-sym"] = is_multi_sym, ["is-quoted"] = is_quoted, ["is-sequence"] = is_sequence, ["is-sym"] = is_sym, ["is-table"] = is_table, ["is-varg"] = is_varg, ["lua-keywords"] = lua_keywords, ["propagate-options"] = propagate_options, ["valid-lua-identifier?"] = valid_lua_identifier_3f, ["walk-tree"] = walk_tree, allpairs = allpairs, copy = copy, deref = deref, expr = expr, kvmap = kvmap, list = list, map = map, path = table.concat(_3_, ";"), root = root, sequence = sequence, stablepairs = stablepairs, sym = sym, varg = varg}
+ return {["debug-on?"] = debug_on_3f, ["expr?"] = expr_3f, ["list?"] = list_3f, ["lua-keywords"] = lua_keywords, ["member?"] = member_3f, ["multi-sym?"] = multi_sym_3f, ["propagate-options"] = propagate_options, ["quoted?"] = quoted_3f, ["sequence?"] = sequence_3f, ["sym?"] = sym_3f, ["table?"] = table_3f, ["valid-lua-identifier?"] = valid_lua_identifier_3f, ["varg?"] = varg_3f, ["walk-tree"] = walk_tree, allpairs = allpairs, copy = copy, deref = deref, expr = expr, hook = hook, kvmap = kvmap, list = list, map = map, path = table.concat({"./?.fnl", "./?/init.fnl", getenv("FENNEL_PATH")}, ";"), root = root, sequence = sequence, stablepairs = stablepairs, sym = sym, varg = varg}
package.preload["fennel"] = package.preload["fennel"] or function(...)
local utils = require("fennel.utils")
@@ -3040,32 +3155,41 @@ package.preload["fennel"] = package.preload["fennel"] or function(...)
_ = nil
- local env = (opts.env and specials["wrap-env"](opts.env))
+ local env = nil
+ if (opts.env == "_COMPILER") then
+ env = specials["wrap-env"](specials["make-compiler-env"](nil, compiler.scopes.compiler, {}))
+ else
+ env = (opts.env and specials["wrap-env"](opts.env))
+ end
local lua_source = compiler["compile-string"](str, opts)
local loader = nil
- local function _1_(...)
+ local function _2_(...)
if opts.filename then
return ("@" .. opts.filename)
return str
- loader = specials["load-code"](lua_source, env, _1_(...))
+ loader = specials["load-code"](lua_source, env, _2_(...))
opts.filename = nil
return loader(...)
local function dofile_2a(filename, options, ...)
local opts = utils.copy(options)
local f = assert(io.open(filename, "rb"))
- local source = f:read("*all")
+ local source = assert(f:read("*all"), ("Could not read " .. filename))
opts.filename = filename
return eval(source, opts, ...)
- local mod = {["compile-stream"] = compiler["compile-stream"], ["compile-string"] = compiler["compile-string"], ["load-code"] = specials["load-code"], ["macro-loaded"] = specials["macro-loaded"], ["make-searcher"] = specials["make-searcher"], ["search-module"] = specials["search-module"], ["string-stream"] = parser["string-stream"], compile = compiler.compile, compile1 = compiler.compile1, compileStream = compiler["compile-stream"], compileString = compiler["compile-string"], doc = specials.doc, dofile = dofile_2a, eval = eval, gensym = compiler.gensym, granulate = parser.granulate, list = utils.list, loadCode = specials["load-code"], macroLoaded = specials["macro-loaded"], makeSearcher = specials["make-searcher"], make_searcher = specials["make-searcher"], mangle = compiler["global-mangling"], metadata = compiler.metadata, parser = parser.parser, path = utils.path, repl = repl, scope = compiler["make-scope"], searchModule = specials["search-module"], searcher = specials["make-searcher"](), stringStream = parser["string-stream"], sym = utils.sym, traceback = compiler.traceback, unmangle = compiler["global-unmangling"], varg = utils.varg, version = "0.5.1-dev"}
+ local mod = {["compile-stream"] = compiler["compile-stream"], ["compile-string"] = compiler["compile-string"], ["list?"] = utils["list?"], ["load-code"] = specials["load-code"], ["macro-loaded"] = specials["macro-loaded"], ["make-searcher"] = specials["make-searcher"], ["search-module"] = specials["search-module"], ["string-stream"] = parser["string-stream"], ["sym?"] = utils["sym?"], compile = compiler.compile, compile1 = compiler.compile1, compileStream = compiler["compile-stream"], compileString = compiler["compile-string"], doc = specials.doc, dofile = dofile_2a, eval = eval, gensym = compiler.gensym, granulate = parser.granulate, list = utils.list, loadCode = specials["load-code"], macroLoaded = specials["macro-loaded"], makeSearcher = specials["make-searcher"], make_searcher = specials["make-searcher"], mangle = compiler["global-mangling"], metadata = compiler.metadata, parser = parser.parser, path = utils.path, repl = repl, scope = compiler["make-scope"], searchModule = specials["search-module"], searcher = specials["make-searcher"](), stringStream = parser["string-stream"], sym = utils.sym, traceback = compiler.traceback, unmangle = compiler["global-unmangling"], varg = utils.varg, version = "0.6.1-dev"}
utils["fennel-module"] = mod
- local builtin_macros = [===[;; The code for these macros is somewhat idiosyncratic because it cannot use any
+ local builtin_macros = [===[;; This module contains all the built-in Fennel macros. Unlike all the other
+ ;; modules that are loaded by the old bootstrap compiler, this runs in the
+ ;; compiler scope of the version of the compiler being defined.
+ ;; The code for these macros is somewhat idiosyncratic because it cannot use any
;; macros which have not yet been defined.
(fn -> [val ...]
@@ -3249,7 +3373,8 @@ package.preload["fennel"] = package.preload["fennel"] or function(...)
(local subscope (fennel.scope scope))
(fennel.compile-string (string.format "(require-macros %q)"
- {:scope subscope})
+ {:scope subscope
+ :compiler-env utils.root.options.compiler-env})
(if (sym? binding)
;; bind whole table of macros to table bound to symbol
(do (tset scope.macros (. binding 1) {})
@@ -3383,7 +3508,14 @@ package.preload["fennel"] = package.preload["fennel"] or function(...)
package.preload[module_name] = _0_
_ = nil
- local env = specials["make-compiler-env"](nil, compiler.scopes.compiler, {})
+ local env = nil
+ do
+ local _1_0 = specials["make-compiler-env"](nil, compiler.scopes.compiler, {})
+ _1_0["require"] = require
+ _1_0["utils"] = utils
+ _1_0["fennel"] = mod
+ env = _1_0
+ end
local built_ins = eval(builtin_macros, {allowedGlobals = false, env = env, filename = "src/fennel/macros.fnl", moduleName = module_name, scope = compiler.scopes.compiler, useMetadata = true})
for k, v in pairs(built_ins) do
compiler.scopes.global.macros[k] = v
@@ -3395,8 +3527,8 @@ package.preload["fennel"] = package.preload["fennel"] or function(...)
fennel = require("fennel")
local unpack = (_G.unpack or table.unpack)
-local help = "\nUsage: fennel [FLAG] [FILE]\n\nRun fennel, a lisp programming language for the Lua runtime.\n\n --repl : Command to launch an interactive repl session\n --compile FILES : Command to compile files and write Lua to stdout\n --eval SOURCE (-e) : Command to evaluate source code and print the result\n\n --no-searcher : Skip installing package.searchers entry\n --indent VAL : Indent compiler output with VAL\n --add-package-path PATH : Add PATH to package.path for finding Lua modules\n --add-fennel-path PATH : Add PATH to fennel.path for finding Fennel modules\n --globals G1[,G2...] : Allow these globals in addition to standard ones\n --globals-only G1[,G2] : Same as above, but exclude standard ones\n --require-as-include : Inline required modules in the output\n --metadata : Enable function metadata, even in compiled output\n --no-metadata : Disable function metadata, even in REPL\n --correlate : Make Lua output line numbers match Fennel input\n --load FILE (-l) : Load the specified FILE before executing the command\n --no-fennelrc : Skip loading ~/.fennelrc when launching repl\n --compile-binary FILE\n OUT LUA_LIB LUA_DIR : Compile FILE to standalone binary OUT (experimental)\n --compile-binary --help : Display further help for compiling binaries\n\n --help (-h) : Display this text\n --version (-v) : Show version\n\n Metadata is typically considered a development feature and is not recommended\n for production. It is used for docstrings and enabled by default in the REPL.\n\n When not given a command, runs the file given as the first argument.\n When given neither command nor file, launches a repl.\n\n If ~/.fennelrc exists, loads it before launching a repl."
-local options = {}
+local help = "\nUsage: fennel [FLAG] [FILE]\n\nRun fennel, a lisp programming language for the Lua runtime.\n\n --repl : Command to launch an interactive repl session\n --compile FILES : Command to AOT compile files, writing Lua to stdout\n --eval SOURCE (-e) : Command to evaluate source code and print the result\n\n --no-searcher : Skip installing package.searchers entry\n --indent VAL : Indent compiler output with VAL\n --add-package-path PATH : Add PATH to package.path for finding Lua modules\n --add-fennel-path PATH : Add PATH to fennel.path for finding Fennel modules\n --globals G1[,G2...] : Allow these globals in addition to standard ones\n --globals-only G1[,G2] : Same as above, but exclude standard ones\n --require-as-include : Inline required modules in the output\n --metadata : Enable function metadata, even in compiled output\n --no-metadata : Disable function metadata, even in REPL\n --correlate : Make Lua output line numbers match Fennel input\n --load FILE (-l) : Load the specified FILE before executing the command\n --lua LUA_EXE : Run in a child process with LUA_EXE (experimental)\n --no-fennelrc : Skip loading ~/.fennelrc when launching repl\n --plugin FILE : Activate the compiler plugin in FILE\n --compile-binary FILE\n OUT LUA_LIB LUA_DIR : Compile FILE to standalone binary OUT (experimental)\n --compile-binary --help : Display further help for compiling binaries\n --no-compiler-sandbox : Do not limit compiler environment to minimal sandbox\n\n --help (-h) : Display this text\n --version (-v) : Show version\n\n Globals are not checked when doing AOT (ahead-of-time) compilation unless\n the --globals-only flag is provided.\n\n Metadata is typically considered a development feature and is not recommended\n for production. It is used for docstrings and enabled by default in the REPL.\n\n When not given a command, runs the file given as the first argument.\n When given neither command nor file, launches a repl.\n\n If ~/.fennelrc exists, loads it before launching a repl."
+local options = {plugins = {}}
local function dosafely(f, ...)
local args = {...}
local ok, val = nil, nil
@@ -3422,6 +3554,28 @@ local function handle_load(i)
dosafely(fennel.dofile, file, options)
return table.remove(arg, i)
+local function handle_lua(i)
+ table.remove(arg, i)
+ local tgt_lua = table.remove(arg, i)
+ local cmd = {string.format("%s %s", tgt_lua, arg[0])}
+ for i0 = 1, #arg do
+ table.insert(cmd, string.format("%q", arg[i0]))
+ end
+ local ok = os.execute(table.concat(cmd, " "))
+ local _0_
+ if ok then
+ _0_ = 0
+ else
+ _0_ = 1
+ end
+ return os.exit(_0_, true)
+for i = #arg, 1, -1 do
+ local _0_0 = arg[i]
+ if (_0_0 == "--lua") then
+ handle_lua(i)
+ end
for i = #arg, 1, -1 do
local _0_0 = arg[i]
if (_0_0 == "--no-searcher") then
@@ -3472,6 +3626,13 @@ for i = #arg, 1, -1 do
elseif (_0_0 == "--no-metadata") then
options.useMetadata = false
table.remove(arg, i)
+ elseif (_0_0 == "--no-compiler-sandbox") then
+ options["compiler-env"] = _G
+ table.remove(arg, i)
+ elseif (_0_0 == "--plugin") then
+ local plugin = fennel.dofile(table.remove(arg, (i + 1)), {env = "_COMPILER"})
+ table.insert(options.plugins, 1, plugin)
+ table.remove(arg, i)
if not options.no_searcher then
diff --git a/lib/fennel.lua b/lib/fennel.lua
index b7fa3f3..b693004 100644
--- a/lib/fennel.lua
+++ b/lib/fennel.lua
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.repl"] = package.preload["fennel.repl"] or function(...)
local old_root_options = utils.root.options
local env = nil
if options.env then
- env = utils["wrap-env"](options.env)
+ env = specials["wrap-env"](options.env)
env = setmetatable({}, {__index = (_G._ENV or _G)})
@@ -281,46 +281,50 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
local sub_scope0 = (sub_scope or compiler["make-scope"](scope))
local chunk0 = (chunk or {})
local len = #ast
- local outer_target = opts.target
- local outer_tail = opts.tail
local retexprs = {returned = true}
- if (not outer_target and (opts.nval ~= 0) and not outer_tail) then
- if opts.nval then
- local syms = {}
- for i = 1, opts.nval, 1 do
- local s = ((pre_syms and pre_syms[i]) or compiler.gensym(scope))
- syms[i] = s
- retexprs[i] = utils.expr(s, "sym")
- end
- outer_target = table.concat(syms, ", ")
- compiler.emit(parent, ("local %s"):format(outer_target), ast)
- compiler.emit(parent, "do", ast)
+ local function compile_body(outer_target, outer_tail, outer_retexprs)
+ if (len < start0) then
+ compiler.compile1(nil, sub_scope0, chunk0, {tail = outer_tail, target = outer_target})
- local fname = compiler.gensym(scope)
- local fargs = ((scope.vararg and "...") or "")
- compiler.emit(parent, ("local function %s(%s)"):format(fname, fargs), ast)
- retexprs = utils.expr((fname .. "(" .. fargs .. ")"), "statement")
- outer_tail = true
- outer_target = nil
- end
- else
- compiler.emit(parent, "do", ast)
- end
- if (len < start0) then
- compiler.compile1(nil, sub_scope0, chunk0, {tail = outer_tail, target = outer_target})
- else
- for i = start0, len do
- local subopts = {nval = (((i ~= len) and 0) or opts.nval), tail = (((i == len) and outer_tail) or nil), target = (((i == len) and outer_target) or nil)}
- utils["propagate-options"](opts, subopts)
- local subexprs = compiler.compile1(ast[i], sub_scope0, chunk0, subopts)
- if (i ~= len) then
- compiler["keep-side-effects"](subexprs, parent, nil, ast[i])
+ for i = start0, len do
+ local subopts = {nval = (((i ~= len) and 0) or opts.nval), tail = (((i == len) and outer_tail) or nil), target = (((i == len) and outer_target) or nil)}
+ local _ = utils["propagate-options"](opts, subopts)
+ local subexprs = compiler.compile1(ast[i], sub_scope0, chunk0, subopts)
+ if (i ~= len) then
+ compiler["keep-side-effects"](subexprs, parent, nil, ast[i])
+ end
+ compiler.emit(parent, chunk0, ast)
+ compiler.emit(parent, "end", ast)
+ return (outer_retexprs or retexprs)
+ end
+ if (opts.target or (opts.nval == 0) or opts.tail) then
+ compiler.emit(parent, "do", ast)
+ return compile_body(opts.target, opts.tail)
+ elseif opts.nval then
+ local syms = {}
+ for i = 1, opts.nval, 1 do
+ local s = ((pre_syms and pre_syms[i]) or compiler.gensym(scope))
+ syms[i] = s
+ retexprs[i] = utils.expr(s, "sym")
+ end
+ local outer_target = table.concat(syms, ", ")
+ compiler.emit(parent, string.format("local %s", outer_target), ast)
+ compiler.emit(parent, "do", ast)
+ return compile_body(outer_target, opts.tail)
+ else
+ local fname = compiler.gensym(scope)
+ local fargs = nil
+ if scope.vararg then
+ fargs = "..."
+ else
+ fargs = ""
+ end
+ compiler.emit(parent, string.format("local function %s(%s)", fname, fargs), ast)
+ utils.hook("do", ast, sub_scope0)
+ return compile_body(nil, true, utils.expr((fname .. "(" .. fargs .. ")"), "statement"))
- compiler.emit(parent, chunk0, ast)
- compiler.emit(parent, "end", ast)
- return retexprs
doc_special("do", {"..."}, "Evaluate multiple forms; return last value.")
SPECIALS.values = function(ast, scope, parent)
@@ -338,8 +342,40 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
return exprs
doc_special("values", {"..."}, "Return multiple values from a function. Must be in tail position.")
+ local function set_fn_metadata(arg_list, docstring, parent, fn_name)
+ if utils.root.options.useMetadata then
+ local args = nil
+ local function _0_(v)
+ if utils["table?"](v) then
+ return "\"#\""
+ else
+ return ("\"%s\""):format(tostring(v))
+ end
+ end
+ args = utils.map(arg_list, _0_)
+ local meta_fields = {"\"fnl/arglist\"", ("{" .. table.concat(args, ", ") .. "}")}
+ if docstring then
+ table.insert(meta_fields, "\"fnl/docstring\"")
+ table.insert(meta_fields, ("\"" .. docstring:gsub("%s+$", ""):gsub("\\", "\\\\"):gsub("\n", "\\n"):gsub("\"", "\\\"") .. "\""))
+ end
+ local meta_str = ("require(\"%s\").metadata"):format((utils.root.options.moduleName or "fennel"))
+ return compiler.emit(parent, ("pcall(function() %s:setall(%s, %s) end)"):format(meta_str, fn_name, table.concat(meta_fields, ", ")))
+ end
+ end
+ local function get_fn_name(ast, scope, fn_name, multi)
+ if (fn_name and (fn_name[1] ~= "nil")) then
+ local _0_
+ if not multi then
+ _0_ = compiler["declare-local"](fn_name, {}, scope, ast)
+ else
+ _0_ = compiler["symbol-to-expression"](fn_name, scope)[1]
+ end
+ return _0_, not multi, 3
+ else
+ return compiler.gensym(scope), true, 2
+ end
+ end
SPECIALS.fn = function(ast, scope, parent)
- local index, fn_name, is_local_fn, docstring = 2, utils["is-sym"](ast[2])
local f_scope = nil
local _0_0 = compiler["make-scope"](scope)
@@ -347,80 +383,48 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
f_scope = _0_0
local f_chunk = {}
- local multi = (fn_name and utils["is-multi-sym"](fn_name[1]))
- compiler.assert((not multi or not multi["multi-sym-method-call"]), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. tostring(fn_name)), ast[index])
- if (fn_name and (fn_name[1] ~= "nil")) then
- is_local_fn = not multi
- if is_local_fn then
- fn_name = compiler["declare-local"](fn_name, {}, scope, ast)
+ local fn_sym = utils["sym?"](ast[2])
+ local multi = (fn_sym and utils["multi-sym?"](fn_sym[1]))
+ local fn_name, local_fn_3f, index = get_fn_name(ast, scope, fn_sym, multi)
+ local arg_list = compiler.assert(utils["table?"](ast[index]), "expected parameters table", ast)
+ compiler.assert((not multi or not multi["multi-sym-method-call"]), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. tostring(fn_name)), fn_sym)
+ local function get_arg_name(arg)
+ if utils["varg?"](arg) then
+ compiler.assert((arg == arg_list[#arg_list]), "expected vararg as last parameter", ast)
+ f_scope.vararg = true
+ return "..."
+ elseif (utils["sym?"](arg) and (utils.deref(arg) ~= "nil") and not utils["multi-sym?"](utils.deref(arg))) then
+ return compiler["declare-local"](arg, {}, f_scope, ast)
+ elseif utils["table?"](arg) then
+ local raw = utils.sym(compiler.gensym(scope))
+ local declared = compiler["declare-local"](raw, {}, f_scope, ast)
+ compiler.destructure(arg, raw, ast, f_scope, f_chunk, {declaration = true, nomulti = true})
+ return declared
- fn_name = compiler["symbol-to-expression"](fn_name, scope)[1]
+ return compiler.assert(false, ("expected symbol for function parameter: %s"):format(tostring(arg)), ast[2])
- index = (index + 1)
- else
- is_local_fn = true
- fn_name = compiler.gensym(scope)
- local arg_list = nil
- local function _2_()
- if (type(ast[index]) == "table") then
- return ast[index]
- else
- return ast
- end
- end
- arg_list = compiler.assert(utils["is-table"](ast[index]), "expected parameters", _2_())
- local function get_arg_name(i, name)
- if utils["is-varg"](name) then
- compiler.assert((i == #arg_list), "expected vararg as last parameter", ast[2])
- f_scope.vararg = true
- return "..."
- elseif (utils["is-sym"](name) and (utils.deref(name) ~= "nil") and not utils["is-multi-sym"](utils.deref(name))) then
- return compiler["declare-local"](name, {}, f_scope, ast)
- elseif utils["is-table"](name) then
- local raw = utils.sym(compiler.gensym(scope))
- local declared = compiler["declare-local"](raw, {}, f_scope, ast)
- compiler.destructure(name, raw, ast, f_scope, f_chunk, {declaration = true, nomulti = true})
- return declared
- else
- return compiler.assert(false, ("expected symbol for function parameter: %s"):format(tostring(name)), ast[2])
- end
- end
- local arg_name_list = utils.kvmap(arg_list, get_arg_name)
+ local arg_name_list = utils.map(arg_list, get_arg_name)
+ local index0, docstring = nil, nil
if ((type(ast[(index + 1)]) == "string") and ((index + 1) < #ast)) then
- index = (index + 1)
- docstring = ast[index]
+ index0, docstring = (index + 1), ast[(index + 1)]
+ else
+ index0, docstring = index, nil
- for i = (index + 1), #ast, 1 do
+ for i = (index0 + 1), #ast, 1 do
compiler.compile1(ast[i], f_scope, f_chunk, {nval = (((i ~= #ast) and 0) or nil), tail = (i == #ast)})
- if is_local_fn then
+ if local_fn_3f then
compiler.emit(parent, ("local function %s(%s)"):format(fn_name, table.concat(arg_name_list, ", ")), ast)
compiler.emit(parent, ("%s = function(%s)"):format(fn_name, table.concat(arg_name_list, ", ")), ast)
compiler.emit(parent, f_chunk, ast)
compiler.emit(parent, "end", ast)
- if utils.root.options.useMetadata then
- local args = nil
- local function _5_(v)
- if utils["is-table"](v) then
- return "\"#\""
- else
- return ("\"%s\""):format(tostring(v))
- end
- end
- args = utils.map(arg_list, _5_)
- local meta_fields = {"\"fnl/arglist\"", ("{" .. table.concat(args, ", ") .. "}")}
- if docstring then
- table.insert(meta_fields, "\"fnl/docstring\"")
- table.insert(meta_fields, ("\"" .. docstring:gsub("%s+$", ""):gsub("\\", "\\\\"):gsub("\n", "\\n"):gsub("\"", "\\\"") .. "\""))
- end
- local meta_str = ("require(\"%s\").metadata"):format((utils.root.options.moduleName or "fennel"))
- compiler.emit(parent, ("pcall(function() %s:setall(%s, %s) end)"):format(meta_str, fn_name, table.concat(meta_fields, ", ")))
- end
+ set_fn_metadata(arg_list, docstring, parent, fn_name)
+ utils.hook("fn", ast, f_scope)
return utils.expr(fn_name, "sym")
doc_special("fn", {"name?", "args", "docstring?", "..."}, "Function syntax. May optionally include a name and docstring.\nIf a name is provided, the function will be bound in the current scope.\nWhen called with the wrong number of args, excess args will be discarded\nand lacking args will be nil, use lambda for arity-checked functions.")
@@ -459,11 +463,12 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
if ((type(index) == "string") and utils["valid-lua-identifier?"](index)) then
table.insert(indices, ("." .. index))
- index = compiler.compile1(index, scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]
- table.insert(indices, ("[" .. tostring(index) .. "]"))
+ local _0_ = compiler.compile1(index, scope, parent, {nval = 1})
+ local index0 = _0_[1]
+ table.insert(indices, ("[" .. tostring(index0) .. "]"))
- if utils["is-table"](ast[2]) then
+ if utils["table?"](ast[2]) then
return ("(" .. tostring(lhs[1]) .. ")" .. table.concat(indices))
return (tostring(lhs[1]) .. table.concat(indices))
@@ -506,7 +511,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
SPECIALS.let = function(ast, scope, parent, opts)
local bindings = ast[2]
local pre_syms = {}
- compiler.assert((utils["is-list"](bindings) or utils["is-table"](bindings)), "expected binding table", ast)
+ compiler.assert((utils["list?"](bindings) or utils["table?"](bindings)), "expected binding table", ast)
compiler.assert(((#bindings % 2) == 0), "expected even number of name/value bindings", ast[2])
compiler.assert((#ast >= 3), "expected body expression", ast[1])
for _ = 1, (opts.nval or 0), 1 do
@@ -539,28 +544,26 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
return compiler.emit(parent, fmtstr:format(tostring(root), table.concat(keys, "]["), tostring(value)), ast)
doc_special("tset", {"tbl", "key1", "...", "keyN", "val"}, "Set the value of a table field. Can take additional keys to set\nnested values, but all parents must contain an existing table.")
+ local function calculate_target(scope, opts)
+ if not (opts.tail or opts.target or opts.nval) then
+ return "iife", true, nil
+ elseif (opts.nval and (opts.nval ~= 0) and not opts.target) then
+ local accum = {}
+ local target_exprs = {}
+ for i = 1, opts.nval, 1 do
+ local s = compiler.gensym(scope)
+ accum[i] = s
+ target_exprs[i] = utils.expr(s, "sym")
+ end
+ return "target", opts.tail, table.concat(accum, ", "), target_exprs
+ else
+ return "none", opts.tail, opts.target
+ end
+ end
local function if_2a(ast, scope, parent, opts)
local do_scope = compiler["make-scope"](scope)
local branches = {}
- local has_else = ((#ast > 3) and ((#ast % 2) == 0))
- local else_branch = nil
- local wrapper, inner_tail, inner_target, target_exprs = nil
- if (opts.tail or opts.target or opts.nval) then
- if (opts.nval and (opts.nval ~= 0) and not opts.target) then
- local accum = {}
- target_exprs = {}
- for i = 1, opts.nval, 1 do
- local s = compiler.gensym(scope)
- accum[i] = s
- target_exprs[i] = utils.expr(s, "sym")
- end
- wrapper, inner_tail, inner_target = "target", opts.tail, table.concat(accum, ", ")
- else
- wrapper, inner_tail, inner_target = "none", opts.tail, opts.target
- end
- else
- wrapper, inner_tail, inner_target = "iife", true, nil
- end
+ local wrapper, inner_tail, inner_target, target_exprs = calculate_target(scope, opts)
local body_opts = {nval = opts.nval, tail = inner_tail, target = inner_target}
local function compile_body(i)
local chunk = {}
@@ -578,9 +581,8 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
branch.nested = ((i ~= 2) and (next(condchunk, nil) == nil))
table.insert(branches, branch)
- if has_else then
- else_branch = compile_body(#ast)
- end
+ local has_else_3f = ((#ast > 3) and ((#ast % 2) == 0))
+ local else_branch = (has_else_3f and compile_body(#ast))
local s = compiler.gensym(scope)
local buffer = {}
local last_buffer = buffer
@@ -609,7 +611,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
compiler.emit(last_buffer, cond_line, ast)
compiler.emit(last_buffer, branch.chunk, ast)
if (i == #branches) then
- if has_else then
+ if has_else_3f then
compiler.emit(last_buffer, "else", ast)
compiler.emit(last_buffer, else_branch.chunk, ast)
elseif (inner_target and (cond_line ~= "else")) then
@@ -648,13 +650,13 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
doc_special("if", {"cond1", "body1", "...", "condN", "bodyN"}, "Conditional form.\nTakes any number of condition/body pairs and evaluates the first body where\nthe condition evaluates to truthy. Similar to cond in other lisps.")
SPECIALS.each = function(ast, scope, parent)
compiler.assert((#ast >= 3), "expected body expression", ast[1])
- local binding = compiler.assert(utils["is-table"](ast[2]), "expected binding table", ast)
+ local binding = compiler.assert(utils["table?"](ast[2]), "expected binding table", ast)
local iter = table.remove(binding, #binding)
local destructures = {}
local new_manglings = {}
local sub_scope = compiler["make-scope"](scope)
local function destructure_binding(v)
- if utils["is-sym"](v) then
+ if utils["sym?"](v) then
return compiler["declare-local"](v, {}, sub_scope, ast, new_manglings)
local raw = utils.sym(compiler.gensym(sub_scope))
@@ -698,12 +700,12 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
SPECIALS["while"] = while_2a
doc_special("while", {"condition", "..."}, "The classic while loop. Evaluates body until a condition is non-truthy.")
local function for_2a(ast, scope, parent)
- local ranges = compiler.assert(utils["is-table"](ast[2]), "expected binding table", ast)
+ local ranges = compiler.assert(utils["table?"](ast[2]), "expected binding table", ast)
local binding_sym = table.remove(ast[2], 1)
local sub_scope = compiler["make-scope"](scope)
local range_args = {}
local chunk = {}
- compiler.assert(utils["is-sym"](binding_sym), ("unable to bind %s %s"):format(type(binding_sym), tostring(binding_sym)), ast[2])
+ compiler.assert(utils["sym?"](binding_sym), ("unable to bind %s %s"):format(type(binding_sym), tostring(binding_sym)), ast[2])
compiler.assert((#ast >= 3), "expected body expression", ast[1])
for i = 1, math.min(#ranges, 3), 1 do
range_args[i] = tostring(compiler.compile1(ranges[i], sub_scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1])
@@ -730,13 +732,13 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
local function nonnative_method_call(ast, scope, parent, target, args)
local method_string = tostring(compiler.compile1(ast[3], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1])
- table.insert(args, tostring(target))
- return utils.expr(string.format("%s[%s](%s)", tostring(target), method_string, tostring(target), table.concat(args, ", ")), "statement")
+ local args0 = {tostring(target), unpack(args)}
+ return utils.expr(string.format("%s[%s](%s)", tostring(target), method_string, table.concat(args0, ", ")), "statement")
local function double_eval_protected_method_call(ast, scope, parent, target, args)
local method_string = tostring(compiler.compile1(ast[3], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1])
local call = "(function(tgt, m, ...) return tgt[m](tgt, ...) end)(%s, %s)"
- table.insert(args, method_string)
+ table.insert(args, 1, method_string)
return utils.expr(string.format(call, tostring(target), table.concat(args, ", ")), "statement")
local function method_call(ast, scope, parent)
@@ -773,6 +775,19 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
return compiler.emit(parent, ("-- " .. table.concat(els, " ")), ast)
doc_special("comment", {"..."}, "Comment which will be emitted in Lua output.")
+ local function hashfn_max_used(f_scope, i, max)
+ local max0 = nil
+ if f_scope.symmeta[("$" .. i)].used then
+ max0 = i
+ else
+ max0 = max
+ end
+ if (i < 9) then
+ return hashfn_max_used(f_scope, (i + 1), max0)
+ else
+ return max0
+ end
+ end
SPECIALS.hashfn = function(ast, scope, parent)
compiler.assert((#ast == 2), "expected one argument", ast)
local f_scope = nil
@@ -785,35 +800,33 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
local f_chunk = {}
local name = compiler.gensym(scope)
local symbol = utils.sym(name)
- compiler["declare-local"](symbol, {}, scope, ast)
local args = {}
+ compiler["declare-local"](symbol, {}, scope, ast)
for i = 1, 9 do
args[i] = compiler["declare-local"](utils.sym(("$" .. i)), {}, f_scope, ast)
local function walker(idx, node, parent_node)
- if (utils["is-sym"](node) and (utils.deref(node) == "$...")) then
+ if (utils["sym?"](node) and (utils.deref(node) == "$...")) then
parent_node[idx] = utils.varg()
f_scope.vararg = true
return nil
- return (utils["is-list"](node) or utils["is-table"](node))
+ return (utils["list?"](node) or utils["table?"](node))
utils["walk-tree"](ast[2], walker)
compiler.compile1(ast[2], f_scope, f_chunk, {tail = true})
- local max_used = 0
- for i = 1, 9, 1 do
- if f_scope.symmeta[("$" .. i)].used then
- max_used = i
- end
- end
+ local max_used = hashfn_max_used(f_scope, 1, 0)
if f_scope.vararg then
compiler.assert((max_used == 0), "$ and $... in hashfn are mutually exclusive", ast)
- args = {utils.deref(utils.varg())}
- max_used = 1
- local arg_str = table.concat(args, ", ", 1, max_used)
- compiler.emit(parent, ("local function %s(%s)"):format(name, arg_str), ast)
+ local arg_str = nil
+ if f_scope.vararg then
+ arg_str = utils.deref(utils.varg())
+ else
+ arg_str = table.concat(args, ", ", 1, max_used)
+ end
+ compiler.emit(parent, string.format("local function %s(%s)", name, arg_str), ast)
compiler.emit(parent, f_chunk, ast)
compiler.emit(parent, "end", ast)
return utils.expr(name, "sym")
@@ -953,6 +966,17 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
return compiler["do-quote"](ast[2], scope, parent, runtime)
doc_special("quote", {"x"}, "Quasiquote the following form. Only works in macro/compiler scope.")
+ local already_warned_3f = {}
+ local compile_env_warning = ("WARNING: Attempting to %s %s in compile" .. " scope.\nIn future versions of Fennel this will not" .. " be allowed without the\n--no-compiler-sandbox flag" .. " or passing :compiler-env _G in options.\n")
+ local function compiler_env_warn(env, key)
+ local v = _G[key]
+ if (v and io and io.stderr and not already_warned_3f[key]) then
+ already_warned_3f[key] = true
+ do end (io.stderr):write(compile_env_warning:format("use global", key))
+ end
+ return v
+ end
+ local safe_compiler_env = setmetatable({assert = assert, bit = _G.bit, error = error, getmetatable = getmetatable, ipairs = ipairs, math = math, next = next, pairs = pairs, pcall = pcall, print = print, rawequal = rawequal, rawget = rawget, rawlen = _G.rawlen, rawset = rawset, select = select, setmetatable = setmetatable, string = string, table = table, tonumber = tonumber, tostring = tostring, type = type, xpcall = xpcall}, {__index = compiler_env_warn})
local function make_compiler_env(ast, scope, parent)
local function _1_()
return compiler.scopes.macro
@@ -968,7 +992,18 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
compiler.assert(compiler.scopes.macro, "must call from macro", ast)
return compiler.macroexpand(form, compiler.scopes.macro)
- return setmetatable({["get-scope"] = _1_, ["in-scope?"] = _2_, ["list?"] = utils["is-list"], ["multi-sym?"] = utils["is-multi-sym"], ["sequence?"] = utils["is-sequence"], ["sym?"] = utils["is-sym"], ["table?"] = utils["is-table"], ["varg?"] = utils["is-varg"], _AST = ast, _CHUNK = parent, _IS_COMPILER = true, _SCOPE = scope, _SPECIALS = compiler.scopes.global.specials, _VARARG = utils.varg(), fennel = utils["fennel-module"], gensym = _3_, list = utils.list, macroexpand = _4_, sequence = utils.sequence, sym = utils.sym, unpack = unpack}, {__index = (_ENV or _G)})
+ local _6_
+ do
+ local _5_0 = utils.root.options
+ if ((type(_5_0) == "table") and (nil ~= _5_0["compiler-env"])) then
+ local compiler_env = _5_0["compiler-env"]
+ _6_ = compiler_env
+ else
+ local _ = _5_0
+ _6_ = safe_compiler_env
+ end
+ end
+ return setmetatable({["assert-compile"] = compiler.assert, ["get-scope"] = _1_, ["in-scope?"] = _2_, ["list?"] = utils["list?"], ["multi-sym?"] = utils["multi-sym?"], ["sequence?"] = utils["sequence?"], ["sym?"] = utils["sym?"], ["table?"] = utils["table?"], ["varg?"] = utils["varg?"], _AST = ast, _CHUNK = parent, _IS_COMPILER = true, _SCOPE = scope, _SPECIALS = compiler.scopes.global.specials, _VARARG = utils.varg(), gensym = _3_, list = utils.list, macroexpand = _4_, sequence = utils.sequence, sym = utils.sym, unpack = unpack}, {__index = _6_})
local cfg = string.gmatch(package.config, "([^\n]+)")
local dirsep, pathsep, pathmark = (cfg() or "/"), (cfg() or ";"), (cfg() or "?")
@@ -1023,26 +1058,39 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
return allowed
+ local function compiler_env_domodule(modname, env, _3fast)
+ local filename = compiler.assert(search_module(modname), (modname .. " module not found."), _3fast)
+ local globals = macro_globals(env, current_global_names())
+ return utils["fennel-module"].dofile(filename, {allowedGlobals = globals, env = env, scope = compiler.scopes.compiler, useMetadata = utils.root.options.useMetadata})
+ end
+ local macro_loaded = {}
+ local function metadata_only_fennel(modname)
+ if ((modname == "fennel.macros") or (package and package.loaded and ("table" == type(package.loaded[modname])) and (package.loaded[modname].metadata == compiler.metadata))) then
+ return {metadata = compiler.metadata}
+ end
+ end
+ safe_compiler_env.require = function(modname)
+ local function _1_()
+ local mod = compiler_env_domodule(modname, safe_compiler_env)
+ macro_loaded[modname] = mod
+ return mod
+ end
+ return (macro_loaded[modname] or metadata_only_fennel(modname) or _1_())
+ end
local function add_macros(macros_2a, ast, scope)
- compiler.assert(utils["is-table"](macros_2a), "expected macros to be table", ast)
+ compiler.assert(utils["table?"](macros_2a), "expected macros to be table", ast)
for k, v in pairs(macros_2a) do
compiler.assert((type(v) == "function"), "expected each macro to be function", ast)
scope.macros[k] = v
return nil
- local function load_macros(modname, ast, scope, parent)
- local filename = compiler.assert(search_module(modname), (modname .. " module not found."), ast)
- local env = make_compiler_env(ast, scope, parent)
- local globals = macro_globals(env, current_global_names())
- return utils["fennel-module"].dofile(filename, {allowedGlobals = globals, env = env, scope = compiler.scopes.compiler, useMetadata = utils.root.options.useMetadata})
- end
- local macro_loaded = {}
SPECIALS["require-macros"] = function(ast, scope, parent)
compiler.assert((#ast == 2), "Expected one module name argument", ast)
local modname = ast[2]
if not macro_loaded[modname] then
- macro_loaded[modname] = load_macros(modname, ast, scope, parent)
+ local env = make_compiler_env(ast, scope, parent)
+ macro_loaded[modname] = compiler_env_domodule(modname, env, ast)
return add_macros(macro_loaded[modname], ast, scope, parent)
@@ -1143,10 +1191,11 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
doc_special("include", {"module-name-literal"}, "Like require but load the target module during compilation and embed it in the\nLua output. The module must be a string literal and resolvable at compile time.")
local function eval_compiler_2a(ast, scope, parent)
- local scope0 = compiler["make-scope"](compiler.scopes.compiler)
- local luasrc = compiler.compile(ast, {scope = scope0, useMetadata = utils.root.options.useMetadata})
- local loader = load_code(luasrc, wrap_env(make_compiler_env(ast, scope0, parent)))
- return loader()
+ local env = make_compiler_env(ast, scope, parent)
+ local opts = utils.copy(utils.root.options)
+ opts.scope = compiler["make-scope"](compiler.scopes.compiler)
+ opts.allowedGlobals = macro_globals(env, current_global_names())
+ return load_code(compiler.compile(ast, opts), wrap_env(env))()
SPECIALS.macros = function(ast, scope, parent)
compiler.assert((#ast == 2), "Expected one table argument", ast)
@@ -1191,7 +1240,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local line = ((m and m.line) or ast.line or "?")
local target = nil
local function _1_()
- if utils["is-sym"](ast[1]) then
+ if utils["sym?"](ast[1]) then
return utils.deref(ast[1])
return (ast[1] or "()")
@@ -1214,27 +1263,27 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local function _0_(_241)
return ("\\" .. _241:byte())
- return ("%q"):format(str):gsub(".", serialize_subst):gsub("[\128-\255]", _0_)
+ return string.gsub(string.gsub(string.format("%q", str), ".", serialize_subst), "[\128-\255]", _0_)
local function global_mangling(str)
if utils["valid-lua-identifier?"](str) then
return str
local function _0_(_241)
- return ("_%02x"):format(_241:byte())
+ return string.format("_%02x", _241:byte())
return ("__fnl_global__" .. str:gsub("[^%w]", _0_))
local function global_unmangling(identifier)
- local _0_0 = identifier:match("^__fnl_global__(.*)$")
+ local _0_0 = string.match(identifier, "^__fnl_global__(.*)$")
if (nil ~= _0_0) then
local rest = _0_0
local _1_0 = nil
local function _2_(_241)
return string.char(tonumber(_241:sub(2), 16))
- _1_0 = rest:gsub("_[%da-f][%da-f]", _2_)
+ _1_0 = string.gsub(rest, "_[%da-f][%da-f]", _2_)
return _1_0
local _ = _0_0
@@ -1247,36 +1296,37 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
if not allowed_globals then
return true
- for _, g in ipairs(allowed_globals) do
- if (g == name) then
- found_3f = true
- end
- end
- return found_3f
+ return utils["member?"](name, allowed_globals)
+ end
+ end
+ local function unique_mangling(original, mangling, scope, append)
+ if scope.unmanglings[mangling] then
+ return unique_mangling(original, (original .. append), scope, (append + 1))
+ else
+ return mangling
local function local_mangling(str, scope, ast, temp_manglings)
+ assert_compile(not utils["multi-sym?"](str), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. str), ast)
local append = 0
- local mangling = str
- assert_compile(not utils["is-multi-sym"](str), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. str), ast)
- if (utils["lua-keywords"][mangling] or mangling:match("^%d")) then
- mangling = ("_" .. mangling)
+ local raw = nil
+ if (utils["lua-keywords"][str] or str:match("^%d")) then
+ raw = ("_" .. str)
+ else
+ raw = str
+ local mangling = nil
local function _1_(_241)
- return ("_%02x"):format(_241:byte())
+ return string.format("_%02x", _241:byte())
- mangling = mangling:gsub("-", "_"):gsub("[^%w_]", _1_)
- local raw = mangling
- while scope.unmanglings[mangling] do
- mangling = (raw .. append)
- append = (append + 1)
- end
- scope.unmanglings[mangling] = str
+ mangling = string.gsub(string.gsub(raw, "-", "_"), "[^%w_]", _1_)
+ local unique = unique_mangling(mangling, mangling, scope, 0)
+ scope.unmanglings[unique] = str
local manglings = (temp_manglings or scope.manglings)
- manglings[str] = mangling
+ manglings[str] = unique
- return mangling
+ return unique
local function apply_manglings(scope, new_manglings, ast)
for raw, mangled in pairs(new_manglings) do
@@ -1310,7 +1360,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
return mangling
local function autogensym(base, scope)
- local _0_0 = utils["is-multi-sym"](base)
+ local _0_0 = utils["multi-sym?"](base)
if (nil ~= _0_0) then
local parts = _0_0
parts[1] = autogensym(parts[1], scope)
@@ -1328,37 +1378,40 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local function check_binding_valid(symbol, scope, ast)
local name = utils.deref(symbol)
assert_compile(not (scope.specials[name] or scope.macros[name]), ("local %s was overshadowed by a special form or macro"):format(name), ast)
- return assert_compile(not utils["is-quoted"](symbol), ("macro tried to bind %s without gensym"):format(name), symbol)
+ return assert_compile(not utils["quoted?"](symbol), string.format("macro tried to bind %s without gensym", name), symbol)
local function declare_local(symbol, meta, scope, ast, temp_manglings)
check_binding_valid(symbol, scope, ast)
local name = utils.deref(symbol)
- assert_compile(not utils["is-multi-sym"](name), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. name), ast)
+ assert_compile(not utils["multi-sym?"](name), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. name), ast)
scope.symmeta[name] = meta
return local_mangling(name, scope, ast, temp_manglings)
- local function symbol_to_expression(symbol, scope, is_reference)
- local name = symbol[1]
- local multi_sym_parts = utils["is-multi-sym"](name)
- if scope.hashfn then
- if (name == "$") then
- name = "$1"
- end
- if multi_sym_parts then
- if (multi_sym_parts[1] == "$") then
- multi_sym_parts[1] = "$1"
- name = table.concat(multi_sym_parts, ".")
- end
+ local function hashfn_arg_name(name, multi_sym_parts, scope)
+ if not scope.hashfn then
+ return nil
+ elseif (name == "$") then
+ return "$1"
+ elseif multi_sym_parts then
+ if (multi_sym_parts and (multi_sym_parts[1] == "$")) then
+ multi_sym_parts[1] = "$1"
+ return table.concat(multi_sym_parts, ".")
- local parts = (multi_sym_parts or {name})
+ end
+ local function symbol_to_expression(symbol, scope, reference_3f)
+ utils.hook("symbol-to-expression", symbol, scope, reference_3f)
+ local name = symbol[1]
+ local multi_sym_parts = utils["multi-sym?"](name)
+ local name0 = (hashfn_arg_name(name, multi_sym_parts, scope) or name)
+ local parts = (multi_sym_parts or {name0})
local etype = (((#parts > 1) and "expression") or "sym")
- local is_local = scope.manglings[parts[1]]
- if (is_local and scope.symmeta[parts[1]]) then
+ local local_3f = scope.manglings[parts[1]]
+ if (local_3f and scope.symmeta[parts[1]]) then
scope.symmeta[parts[1]]["used"] = true
- assert_compile((not is_reference or is_local or global_allowed(parts[1])), ("unknown global in strict mode: " .. parts[1]), symbol)
- if (allowed_globals and not is_local) then
+ assert_compile((not reference_3f or local_3f or global_allowed(parts[1])), ("unknown global in strict mode: " .. parts[1]), symbol)
+ if (allowed_globals and not local_3f) then
utils.root.scope.refedglobals[parts[1]] = true
return utils.expr(combine_parts(parts, scope), etype)
@@ -1441,9 +1494,10 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
if (c.leaf or (#c > 0)) then
local sub = flatten_chunk(sm, c, tab0, (depth + 1))
if (depth > 0) then
- sub = (tab0 .. sub:gsub("\n", ("\n" .. tab0)))
+ return (tab0 .. sub:gsub("\n", ("\n" .. tab0)))
+ else
+ return sub
- return sub
return table.concat(utils.map(chunk, parter), "\n")
@@ -1466,17 +1520,13 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local sm = {}
local ret = flatten_chunk(sm, chunk0, options.indent, 0)
if sm then
- local key, short_src = nil
+ sm.short_src = (options.filename or ret)
if options.filename then
- short_src = options.filename
- key = ("@" .. short_src)
+ sm.key = ("@" .. options.filename)
- key = ret
- short_src = make_short_src((options.source or ret))
+ sm.key = ret
- sm.short_src = short_src
- sm.key = key
- fennel_sourcemap[key] = sm
+ fennel_sourcemap[sm.key] = sm
return ret, sm
@@ -1514,7 +1564,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
for j = start0, #exprs, 1 do
local se = exprs[j]
if ((se.type == "expression") and (se[1] ~= "nil")) then
- emit(chunk, ("do local _ = %s end"):format(tostring(se)), ast)
+ emit(chunk, string.format("do local _ = %s end", tostring(se)), ast)
elseif (se.type == "statement") then
local code = tostring(se)
emit(chunk, (((code:byte() == 40) and ("do end " .. code)) or code), ast)
@@ -1540,38 +1590,49 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
if opts.tail then
- emit(parent, ("return %s"):format(exprs1(exprs)), ast)
+ emit(parent, string.format("return %s", exprs1(exprs)), ast)
if opts.target then
local result = exprs1(exprs)
- if (result == "") then
- result = "nil"
+ local function _2_()
+ if (result == "") then
+ return "nil"
+ else
+ return result
+ end
- emit(parent, ("%s = %s"):format(opts.target, result), ast)
+ emit(parent, string.format("%s = %s", opts.target, _2_()), ast)
if (opts.tail or opts.target) then
- return {}
+ return {returned = true}
- return exprs
+ local _3_0 = exprs
+ _3_0["returned"] = true
+ return _3_0
+ end
+ end
+ local function find_macro(ast, scope, multi_sym_parts)
+ local function find_in_table(t, i)
+ if (i <= #multi_sym_parts) then
+ return find_in_table((utils["table?"](t) and t[multi_sym_parts[i]]), (i + 1))
+ else
+ return t
+ end
+ end
+ local macro_2a = (utils["sym?"](ast[1]) and scope.macros[utils.deref(ast[1])])
+ if (not macro_2a and multi_sym_parts) then
+ local nested_macro = find_in_table(scope.macros, 1)
+ assert_compile((not scope.macros[multi_sym_parts[1]] or (type(nested_macro) == "function")), "macro not found in imported macro module", ast)
+ return nested_macro
+ else
+ return macro_2a
local function macroexpand_2a(ast, scope, once)
- if not utils["is-list"](ast) then
+ if not utils["list?"](ast) then
return ast
- local multi_sym_parts = utils["is-multi-sym"](ast[1])
- local macro_2a = (utils["is-sym"](ast[1]) and scope.macros[utils.deref(ast[1])])
- if (not macro_2a and multi_sym_parts) then
- local in_macro_module = nil
- macro_2a = scope.macros
- for i = 1, #multi_sym_parts, 1 do
- macro_2a = (utils["is-table"](macro_2a) and macro_2a[multi_sym_parts[i]])
- if macro_2a then
- in_macro_module = true
- end
- end
- assert_compile((not in_macro_module or (type(macro_2a) == "function")), "macro not found in imported macro module", ast)
- end
+ local macro_2a = find_macro(ast, scope, utils["multi-sym?"](ast[1]))
if not macro_2a then
return ast
@@ -1590,117 +1651,152 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
+ local function compile_special(ast, scope, parent, opts, special)
+ local exprs = (special(ast, scope, parent, opts) or utils.expr("nil", "literal"))
+ local exprs0 = nil
+ if (type(exprs) == "string") then
+ exprs0 = utils.expr(exprs, "expression")
+ else
+ exprs0 = exprs
+ end
+ local exprs2 = nil
+ if utils["expr?"](exprs0) then
+ exprs2 = {exprs0}
+ else
+ exprs2 = exprs0
+ end
+ if not exprs2.returned then
+ return handle_compile_opts(exprs2, parent, opts, ast)
+ elseif (opts.tail or opts.target) then
+ return {returned = true}
+ else
+ return exprs2
+ end
+ end
+ local function compile_call(ast, scope, parent, opts, compile1)
+ utils.hook("call", ast, scope)
+ local len = #ast
+ local first = ast[1]
+ local multi_sym_parts = utils["multi-sym?"](first)
+ local special = (utils["sym?"](first) and scope.specials[utils.deref(first)])
+ assert_compile((len > 0), "expected a function, macro, or special to call", ast)
+ if special then
+ return compile_special(ast, scope, parent, opts, special)
+ elseif (multi_sym_parts and multi_sym_parts["multi-sym-method-call"]) then
+ local table_with_method = table.concat({unpack(multi_sym_parts, 1, (#multi_sym_parts - 1))}, ".")
+ local method_to_call = multi_sym_parts[#multi_sym_parts]
+ local new_ast = utils.list(utils.sym(":", scope), utils.sym(table_with_method, scope), method_to_call)
+ for i = 2, len, 1 do
+ new_ast[(#new_ast + 1)] = ast[i]
+ end
+ return compile1(new_ast, scope, parent, opts)
+ else
+ local fargs = {}
+ local fcallee = compile1(ast[1], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]
+ assert_compile((fcallee.type ~= "literal"), ("cannot call literal value " .. tostring(first)), ast)
+ for i = 2, len, 1 do
+ local subexprs = compile1(ast[i], scope, parent, {nval = (((i ~= len) and 1) or nil)})
+ fargs[(#fargs + 1)] = (subexprs[1] or utils.expr("nil", "literal"))
+ if (i == len) then
+ for j = 2, #subexprs, 1 do
+ fargs[(#fargs + 1)] = subexprs[j]
+ end
+ else
+ keep_side_effects(subexprs, parent, 2, ast[i])
+ end
+ end
+ local call = string.format("%s(%s)", tostring(fcallee), exprs1(fargs))
+ return handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(call, "statement")}, parent, opts, ast)
+ end
+ end
+ local function compile_varg(ast, scope, parent, opts)
+ assert_compile(scope.vararg, "unexpected vararg", ast)
+ return handle_compile_opts({utils.expr("...", "varg")}, parent, opts, ast)
+ end
+ local function compile_sym(ast, scope, parent, opts)
+ local multi_sym_parts = utils["multi-sym?"](ast)
+ assert_compile(not (multi_sym_parts and multi_sym_parts["multi-sym-method-call"]), "multisym method calls may only be in call position", ast)
+ local e = nil
+ if (ast[1] == "nil") then
+ e = utils.expr("nil", "literal")
+ else
+ e = symbol_to_expression(ast, scope, true)
+ end
+ return handle_compile_opts({e}, parent, opts, ast)
+ end
+ local function compile_scalar(ast, scope, parent, opts)
+ local serialize = nil
+ do
+ local _0_0 = type(ast)
+ if (_0_0 == "nil") then
+ serialize = tostring
+ elseif (_0_0 == "boolean") then
+ serialize = tostring
+ elseif (_0_0 == "string") then
+ serialize = serialize_string
+ elseif (_0_0 == "number") then
+ local function _1_(...)
+ return string.format("%.17g", ...)
+ end
+ serialize = _1_
+ else
+ serialize = nil
+ end
+ end
+ return handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(serialize(ast), "literal")}, parent, opts)
+ end
+ local function compile_table(ast, scope, parent, opts, compile1)
+ local buffer = {}
+ for i = 1, #ast, 1 do
+ local nval = ((i ~= #ast) and 1)
+ buffer[(#buffer + 1)] = exprs1(compile1(ast[i], scope, parent, {nval = nval}))
+ end
+ local function write_other_values(k)
+ if ((type(k) ~= "number") or (math.floor(k) ~= k) or (k < 1) or (k > #ast)) then
+ if ((type(k) == "string") and utils["valid-lua-identifier?"](k)) then
+ return {k, k}
+ else
+ local _0_ = compile1(k, scope, parent, {nval = 1})
+ local compiled = _0_[1]
+ local kstr = ("[" .. tostring(compiled) .. "]")
+ return {kstr, k}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ do
+ local keys = nil
+ do
+ local _0_0 = utils.kvmap(ast, write_other_values)
+ local function _1_(a, b)
+ return (a[1] < b[1])
+ end
+ table.sort(_0_0, _1_)
+ keys = _0_0
+ end
+ local function _1_(k)
+ local v = tostring(compile1(ast[k[2]], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1])
+ return string.format("%s = %s", k[1], v)
+ end
+ utils.map(keys, _1_, buffer)
+ end
+ return handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(("{" .. table.concat(buffer, ", ") .. "}"), "expression")}, parent, opts, ast)
+ end
local function compile1(ast, scope, parent, opts)
local opts0 = (opts or {})
local ast0 = macroexpand_2a(ast, scope)
- local exprs = {}
- if utils["is-list"](ast0) then
- local len = #ast0
- local first = ast0[1]
- local multi_sym_parts = utils["is-multi-sym"](first)
- local special = (utils["is-sym"](first) and scope.specials[utils.deref(first)])
- assert_compile((#ast0 > 0), "expected a function, macro, or special to call", ast0)
- if special then
- exprs = (special(ast0, scope, parent, opts0) or utils.expr("nil", "literal"))
- if (type(exprs) == "string") then
- exprs = utils.expr(exprs, "expression")
- end
- if utils["is-expr"](exprs) then
- exprs = {exprs}
- end
- if not exprs.returned then
- exprs = handle_compile_opts(exprs, parent, opts0, ast0)
- elseif (opts0.tail or opts0.target) then
- exprs = {}
- end
- elseif (multi_sym_parts and multi_sym_parts["multi-sym-method-call"]) then
- local table_with_method = table.concat({unpack(multi_sym_parts, 1, (#multi_sym_parts - 1))}, ".")
- local method_to_call = multi_sym_parts[#multi_sym_parts]
- local new_ast = utils.list(utils.sym(":", scope), utils.sym(table_with_method, scope), method_to_call)
- for i = 2, len, 1 do
- new_ast[(#new_ast + 1)] = ast0[i]
- end
- exprs = compile1(new_ast, scope, parent, opts0)
- else
- local fargs = {}
- local fcallee = compile1(ast0[1], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]
- assert_compile((fcallee.type ~= "literal"), ("cannot call literal value " .. tostring(ast0[1])), ast0)
- fcallee = tostring(fcallee)
- for i = 2, len, 1 do
- local subexprs = compile1(ast0[i], scope, parent, {nval = (((i ~= len) and 1) or nil)})
- fargs[(#fargs + 1)] = (subexprs[1] or utils.expr("nil", "literal"))
- if (i == len) then
- for j = 2, #subexprs, 1 do
- fargs[(#fargs + 1)] = subexprs[j]
- end
- else
- keep_side_effects(subexprs, parent, 2, ast0[i])
- end
- end
- local call = ("%s(%s)"):format(tostring(fcallee), exprs1(fargs))
- exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(call, "statement")}, parent, opts0, ast0)
- end
- elseif utils["is-varg"](ast0) then
- assert_compile(scope.vararg, "unexpected vararg", ast0)
- exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr("...", "varg")}, parent, opts0, ast0)
- elseif utils["is-sym"](ast0) then
- local multi_sym_parts = utils["is-multi-sym"](ast0)
- local e = nil
- assert_compile(not (multi_sym_parts and multi_sym_parts["multi-sym-method-call"]), "multisym method calls may only be in call position", ast0)
- if (ast0[1] == "nil") then
- e = utils.expr("nil", "literal")
- else
- e = symbol_to_expression(ast0, scope, true)
- end
- exprs = handle_compile_opts({e}, parent, opts0, ast0)
- elseif ((type(ast0) == "nil") or (type(ast0) == "boolean")) then
- exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(tostring(ast0), "literal")}, parent, opts0)
- elseif (type(ast0) == "number") then
- local n = ("%.17g"):format(ast0)
- exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(n, "literal")}, parent, opts0)
- elseif (type(ast0) == "string") then
- local s = serialize_string(ast0)
- exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(s, "literal")}, parent, opts0)
+ if utils["list?"](ast0) then
+ return compile_call(ast0, scope, parent, opts0, compile1)
+ elseif utils["varg?"](ast0) then
+ return compile_varg(ast0, scope, parent, opts0)
+ elseif utils["sym?"](ast0) then
+ return compile_sym(ast0, scope, parent, opts0)
elseif (type(ast0) == "table") then
- local buffer = {}
- for i = 1, #ast0, 1 do
- local nval = ((i ~= #ast0) and 1)
- buffer[(#buffer + 1)] = exprs1(compile1(ast0[i], scope, parent, {nval = nval}))
- end
- local function write_other_values(k)
- if ((type(k) ~= "number") or (math.floor(k) ~= k) or (k < 1) or (k > #ast0)) then
- if ((type(k) == "string") and utils["valid-lua-identifier?"](k)) then
- return {k, k}
- else
- local _0_ = compile1(k, scope, parent, {nval = 1})
- local compiled = _0_[1]
- local kstr = ("[" .. tostring(compiled) .. "]")
- return {kstr, k}
- end
- end
- end
- do
- local keys = nil
- do
- local _0_0 = utils.kvmap(ast0, write_other_values)
- local function _1_(a, b)
- return (a[1] < b[1])
- end
- table.sort(_0_0, _1_)
- keys = _0_0
- end
- local function _1_(k)
- local v = tostring(compile1(ast0[k[2]], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1])
- return ("%s = %s"):format(k[1], v)
- end
- utils.map(keys, _1_, buffer)
- end
- exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(("{" .. table.concat(buffer, ", ") .. "}"), "expression")}, parent, opts0, ast0)
+ return compile_table(ast0, scope, parent, opts0, compile1)
+ elseif ((type(ast0) == "nil") or (type(ast0) == "boolean") or (type(ast0) == "number") or (type(ast0) == "string")) then
+ return compile_scalar(ast0, scope, parent, opts0)
- assert_compile(false, ("could not compile value of type " .. type(ast0)), ast0)
+ return assert_compile(false, ("could not compile value of type " .. type(ast0)), ast0)
- exprs.returned = true
- return exprs
local function destructure(to, from, ast, scope, parent, opts)
local opts0 = (opts or {})
@@ -1720,14 +1816,14 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local new_manglings = {}
local function getname(symbol, up1)
local raw = symbol[1]
- assert_compile(not (nomulti and utils["is-multi-sym"](raw)), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. raw), up1)
+ assert_compile(not (nomulti and utils["multi-sym?"](raw)), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. raw), up1)
if declaration then
return declare_local(symbol, {var = isvar}, scope, symbol, new_manglings)
- local parts = (utils["is-multi-sym"](raw) or {raw})
+ local parts = (utils["multi-sym?"](raw) or {raw})
local meta = scope.symmeta[parts[1]]
if ((#parts == 1) and not forceset) then
- assert_compile(not (forceglobal and meta), ("global %s conflicts with local"):format(tostring(symbol)), symbol)
+ assert_compile(not (forceglobal and meta), string.format("global %s conflicts with local", tostring(symbol)), symbol)
assert_compile(not (meta and not meta.var), ("expected var " .. raw), symbol)
assert_compile((meta or not noundef), ("expected local " .. parts[1]), symbol)
@@ -1771,7 +1867,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
return ret
local function destructure1(left, rightexprs, up1, top)
- if (utils["is-sym"](left) and (left[1] ~= "nil")) then
+ if (utils["sym?"](left) and (left[1] ~= "nil")) then
local lname = getname(left, up1)
check_binding_valid(left, scope, left)
if top then
@@ -1779,7 +1875,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
emit(parent, setter:format(lname, exprs1(rightexprs)), left)
- elseif utils["is-table"](left) then
+ elseif utils["table?"](left) then
local s = gensym(scope)
local right = nil
if top then
@@ -1790,30 +1886,31 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
if (right == "") then
right = "nil"
- emit(parent, ("local %s = %s"):format(s, right), left)
+ emit(parent, string.format("local %s = %s", s, right), left)
for k, v in utils.stablepairs(left) do
- if (utils["is-sym"](left[k]) and (left[k][1] == "&")) then
+ if (utils["sym?"](left[k]) and (left[k][1] == "&")) then
assert_compile(((type(k) == "number") and not left[(k + 2)]), "expected rest argument before last parameter", left)
- local formatted = ("{(table.unpack or unpack)(%s, %s)}"):format(s, k)
+ local unpack_str = "{(table.unpack or unpack)(%s, %s)}"
+ local formatted = string.format(unpack_str, s, k)
local subexpr = utils.expr(formatted, "expression")
destructure1(left[(k + 1)], {subexpr}, left)
- if (utils["is-sym"](k) and (tostring(k) == ":") and utils["is-sym"](v)) then
+ if (utils["sym?"](k) and (tostring(k) == ":") and utils["sym?"](v)) then
k = tostring(v)
if (type(k) ~= "number") then
k = serialize_string(k)
- local subexpr = utils.expr(("%s[%s]"):format(s, k), "expression")
+ local subexpr = utils.expr(string.format("%s[%s]", s, k), "expression")
destructure1(v, {subexpr}, left)
- elseif utils["is-list"](left) then
+ elseif utils["list?"](left) then
local left_names, tables = {}, {}
for i, name in ipairs(left) do
local symname = nil
- if utils["is-sym"](name) then
+ if utils["sym?"](name) then
symname = getname(name, up1)
symname = gensym(scope)
@@ -1832,19 +1929,20 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
destructure1(pair[1], {pair[2]}, left)
- assert_compile(false, ("unable to bind %s %s"):format(type(left), tostring(left)), (((type(up1[2]) == "table") and up1[2]) or up1))
+ assert_compile(false, string.format("unable to bind %s %s", type(left), tostring(left)), (((type(up1[2]) == "table") and up1[2]) or up1))
if top then
return {returned = true}
local ret = destructure1(to, nil, ast, true)
+ utils.hook("destructure", from, to, scope)
apply_manglings(scope, new_manglings, ast)
return ret
local function require_include(ast, scope, parent, opts)
opts.fallback = function(e)
- return utils.expr(("require(%s)"):format(tostring(e)), "statement")
+ return utils.expr(string.format("require(%s)", tostring(e)), "statement")
return scopes.global.specials.include(ast, scope, parent, opts)
@@ -1901,7 +1999,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local function traceback_frame(info)
if ((info.what == "C") and info.name) then
- return (" [C]: in function '%s'"):format(info.name)
+ return string.format(" [C]: in function '%s'", info.name)
elseif (info.what == "C") then
return " [C]: in ?"
@@ -1928,7 +2026,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local function traceback(msg, start)
local msg0 = (msg or "")
- if ((msg0:find("^Compile error") or msg0:find("^Parse error")) and not utils["debug-on"]("trace")) then
+ if ((msg0:find("^Compile error") or msg0:find("^Parse error")) and not utils["debug-on?"]("trace")) then
return msg0
local lines = {}
@@ -1984,47 +2082,47 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
return ret
- local function do_quote(form, scope, parent, runtime)
+ local function do_quote(form, scope, parent, runtime_3f)
local function q(x)
- return do_quote(x, scope, parent, runtime)
+ return do_quote(x, scope, parent, runtime_3f)
- if utils["is-varg"](form) then
- assert_compile(not runtime, "quoted ... may only be used at compile time", form)
+ if utils["varg?"](form) then
+ assert_compile(not runtime_3f, "quoted ... may only be used at compile time", form)
return "_VARARG"
- elseif utils["is-sym"](form) then
+ elseif utils["sym?"](form) then
local filename = nil
if form.filename then
- filename = ("%q"):format(form.filename)
+ filename = string.format("%q", form.filename)
filename = "nil"
local symstr = utils.deref(form)
- assert_compile(not runtime, "symbols may only be used at compile time", form)
+ assert_compile(not runtime_3f, "symbols may only be used at compile time", form)
if (symstr:find("#$") or symstr:find("#[:.]")) then
- return ("sym('%s', nil, {filename=%s, line=%s})"):format(autogensym(symstr, scope), filename, (form.line or "nil"))
+ return string.format("sym('%s', nil, {filename=%s, line=%s})", autogensym(symstr, scope), filename, (form.line or "nil"))
- return ("sym('%s', nil, {quoted=true, filename=%s, line=%s})"):format(symstr, filename, (form.line or "nil"))
+ return string.format("sym('%s', nil, {quoted=true, filename=%s, line=%s})", symstr, filename, (form.line or "nil"))
- elseif (utils["is-list"](form) and utils["is-sym"](form[1]) and (utils.deref(form[1]) == "unquote")) then
+ elseif (utils["list?"](form) and utils["sym?"](form[1]) and (utils.deref(form[1]) == "unquote")) then
local payload = form[2]
local res = unpack(compile1(payload, scope, parent))
return res[1]
- elseif utils["is-list"](form) then
+ elseif utils["list?"](form) then
local mapped = utils.kvmap(form, entry_transform(no, q))
local filename = nil
if form.filename then
- filename = ("%q"):format(form.filename)
+ filename = string.format("%q", form.filename)
filename = "nil"
- assert_compile(not runtime, "lists may only be used at compile time", form)
- return (("setmetatable({filename=%s, line=%s, bytestart=%s, %s}" .. ", getmetatable(list()))")):format(filename, (form.line or "nil"), (form.bytestart or "nil"), mixed_concat(mapped, ", "))
+ assert_compile(not runtime_3f, "lists may only be used at compile time", form)
+ return string.format(("setmetatable({filename=%s, line=%s, bytestart=%s, %s}" .. ", getmetatable(list()))"), filename, (form.line or "nil"), (form.bytestart or "nil"), mixed_concat(mapped, ", "))
elseif (type(form) == "table") then
local mapped = utils.kvmap(form, entry_transform(q, q))
local source = getmetatable(form)
local filename = nil
if source.filename then
- filename = ("%q"):format(source.filename)
+ filename = string.format("%q", source.filename)
filename = "nil"
@@ -2035,7 +2133,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
return "nil"
- return ("setmetatable({%s}, {filename=%s, line=%s})"):format(mixed_concat(mapped, ", "), filename, _1_())
+ return string.format("setmetatable({%s}, {filename=%s, line=%s})", mixed_concat(mapped, ", "), filename, _1_())
elseif (type(form) == "string") then
return serialize_string(form)
@@ -2149,11 +2247,9 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
local friend = require("fennel.friend")
local unpack = (_G.unpack or table.unpack)
local function granulate(getchunk)
- local c = ""
- local index = 1
- local done = false
+ local c, index, done_3f = "", 1, false
local function _0_(parser_state)
- if not done then
+ if not done_3f then
if (index <= #c) then
local b = c:byte(index)
index = (index + 1)
@@ -2161,7 +2257,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
c = getchunk(parser_state)
if (not c or (c == "")) then
- done = true
+ done_3f = true
return nil
index = 2
@@ -2186,10 +2282,10 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
return _0_
local delims = {[123] = 125, [125] = true, [40] = 41, [41] = true, [91] = 93, [93] = true}
- local function iswhitespace(b)
+ local function whitespace_3f(b)
return ((b == 32) or ((b >= 9) and (b <= 13)))
- local function issymbolchar(b)
+ local function symbolchar_3f(b)
return ((b > 32) and not delims[b] and (b ~= 127) and (b ~= 34) and (b ~= 39) and (b ~= 126) and (b ~= 59) and (b ~= 44) and (b ~= 64) and (b ~= 96))
local prefixes = {[35] = "hashfn", [39] = "quote", [44] = "unquote", [96] = "quote"}
@@ -2225,18 +2321,16 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
local unfriendly = _0_["unfriendly"]
if unfriendly then
- return error(("Parse error in %s:%s: %s"):format((filename or "unknown"), (line or "?"), msg), 0)
+ return error(string.format("Parse error in %s:%s: %s", (filename or "unknown"), (line or "?"), msg), 0)
return friend["parse-error"](msg, (filename or "unknown"), (line or "?"), byteindex, source)
local function parse_stream()
- local whitespace_since_dispatch, done, retval = true
+ local whitespace_since_dispatch, done_3f, retval = true
local function dispatch(v)
if (#stack == 0) then
- retval = v
- done = true
- whitespace_since_dispatch = false
+ retval, done_3f, whitespace_since_dispatch = v, true, false
return nil
elseif stack[#stack].prefix then
local stacktop = stack[#stack]
@@ -2249,16 +2343,16 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
local function badend()
local accum = utils.map(stack, "closer")
- return parse_error(("expected closing delimiter%s %s"):format((((#stack == 1) and "") or "s"), string.char(unpack(accum))))
+ return parse_error(string.format("expected closing delimiter%s %s", (((#stack == 1) and "") or "s"), string.char(unpack(accum))))
while true do
local b = nil
while true do
b = getb()
- if (b and iswhitespace(b)) then
+ if (b and whitespace_3f(b)) then
whitespace_since_dispatch = true
- if (not b or not iswhitespace(b)) then
+ if (not b or not whitespace_3f(b)) then
@@ -2281,10 +2375,10 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
table.insert(stack, setmetatable({bytestart = byteindex, closer = delims[b], filename = filename, line = line}, getmetatable(utils.list())))
elseif delims[b] then
+ local last = stack[#stack]
if (#stack == 0) then
parse_error(("unexpected closing delimiter " .. string.char(b)))
- local last = stack[#stack]
local val = nil
if (last.closer ~= b) then
parse_error(("mismatched closing delimiter " .. string.char(b) .. ", expected " .. string.char(last.closer)))
@@ -2305,7 +2399,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
val = {}
setmetatable(val, last)
for i = 1, #last, 2 do
- if ((tostring(last[i]) == ":") and utils["is-sym"](last[(i + 1)]) and utils["is-sym"](last[i])) then
+ if ((tostring(last[i]) == ":") and utils["sym?"](last[(i + 1)]) and utils["sym?"](last[i])) then
last[i] = tostring(last[(i + 1)])
val[last[i]] = last[(i + 1)]
@@ -2314,8 +2408,8 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
stack[#stack] = nil
elseif (b == 34) then
- local state = "base"
local chars = {34}
+ local state = "base"
stack[(#stack + 1)] = {closer = 34}
while true do
b = getb()
@@ -2343,12 +2437,12 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
return ("\\" .. c:byte())
formatted = raw:gsub("[\1-\31]", _2_)
- local load_fn = (_G.loadstring or load)(("return %s"):format(formatted))
+ local load_fn = (_G.loadstring or load)(string.format("return %s", formatted))
elseif prefixes[b] then
table.insert(stack, {prefix = prefixes[b]})
local nextb = getb()
- if iswhitespace(nextb) then
+ if whitespace_3f(nextb) then
if (b ~= 35) then
parse_error("invalid whitespace after quoting prefix")
@@ -2356,13 +2450,13 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
- elseif (issymbolchar(b) or (b == string.byte("~"))) then
+ elseif (symbolchar_3f(b) or (b == string.byte("~"))) then
local chars = {}
local bytestart = byteindex
while true do
chars[(#chars + 1)] = b
b = getb()
- if (not b or not issymbolchar(b)) then
+ if (not b or not symbolchar_3f(b)) then
@@ -2408,7 +2502,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(
parse_error(("illegal character: " .. string.char(b)))
- if done then
+ if done_3f then
@@ -2490,12 +2584,23 @@ package.preload["fennel.utils"] = package.preload["fennel.utils"] or function(..
return out0
- local function copy(from)
- local to = {}
+ local function copy(from, to)
+ local to0 = (to or {})
for k, v in pairs((from or {})) do
- to[k] = v
+ to0[k] = v
+ end
+ return to0
+ end
+ local function member_3f(x, tbl, n)
+ local _0_0 = tbl[(n or 1)]
+ if (_0_0 == x) then
+ return true
+ elseif (_0_0 == nil) then
+ return false
+ else
+ local _ = _0_0
+ return member_3f(x, tbl, ((n or 1) + 1))
- return to
local function allpairs(tbl)
assert((type(tbl) == "table"), "allpairs expects a table")
@@ -2522,7 +2627,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.utils"] = package.preload["fennel.utils"] or function(..
return self[1]
local nil_sym = nil
- local function list_to_string(self, tostring2)
+ local function list__3estring(self, tostring2)
local safe, max = {}, 0
for k in pairs(self) do
if ((type(k) == "number") and (k > max)) then
@@ -2534,22 +2639,22 @@ package.preload["fennel.utils"] = package.preload["fennel.utils"] or function(..
return ("(" .. table.concat(map(safe, (tostring2 or tostring)), " ", 1, max) .. ")")
- local SYMBOL_MT = {"SYMBOL", __fennelview = deref, __tostring = deref}
- local EXPR_MT = {"EXPR", __tostring = deref}
- local LIST_MT = {"LIST", __fennelview = list_to_string, __tostring = list_to_string}
- local VARARG = setmetatable({"..."}, {"VARARG", __fennelview = deref, __tostring = deref})
+ local symbol_mt = {"SYMBOL", __fennelview = deref, __tostring = deref}
+ local expr_mt = {"EXPR", __tostring = deref}
+ local list_mt = {"LIST", __fennelview = list__3estring, __tostring = list__3estring}
+ local sequence_marker = {"SEQUENCE"}
+ local vararg = setmetatable({"..."}, {"VARARG", __fennelview = deref, __tostring = deref})
local getenv = nil
local function _0_()
return nil
getenv = ((os and os.getenv) or _0_)
- local function debug_on(flag)
+ local function debug_on_3f(flag)
local level = (getenv("FENNEL_DEBUG") or "")
return ((level == "all") or level:find(flag))
local function list(...)
- return setmetatable({...}, LIST_MT)
+ return setmetatable({...}, list_mt)
local function sym(str, scope, source)
local s = {str, scope = scope}
@@ -2558,40 +2663,40 @@ package.preload["fennel.utils"] = package.preload["fennel.utils"] or function(..
s[k] = v
- return setmetatable(s, SYMBOL_MT)
+ return setmetatable(s, symbol_mt)
nil_sym = sym("nil")
local function sequence(...)
- return setmetatable({...}, {sequence = SEQUENCE_MARKER})
+ return setmetatable({...}, {sequence = sequence_marker})
local function expr(strcode, etype)
- return setmetatable({strcode, type = etype}, EXPR_MT)
+ return setmetatable({strcode, type = etype}, expr_mt)
local function varg()
- return VARARG
+ return vararg
- local function is_expr(x)
- return ((type(x) == "table") and (getmetatable(x) == EXPR_MT) and x)
+ local function expr_3f(x)
+ return ((type(x) == "table") and (getmetatable(x) == expr_mt) and x)
- local function is_varg(x)
- return ((x == VARARG) and x)
+ local function varg_3f(x)
+ return ((x == vararg) and x)
- local function is_list(x)
- return ((type(x) == "table") and (getmetatable(x) == LIST_MT) and x)
+ local function list_3f(x)
+ return ((type(x) == "table") and (getmetatable(x) == list_mt) and x)
- local function is_sym(x)
- return ((type(x) == "table") and (getmetatable(x) == SYMBOL_MT) and x)
+ local function sym_3f(x)
+ return ((type(x) == "table") and (getmetatable(x) == symbol_mt) and x)
- local function is_table(x)
- return ((type(x) == "table") and (x ~= VARARG) and (getmetatable(x) ~= LIST_MT) and (getmetatable(x) ~= SYMBOL_MT) and x)
+ local function table_3f(x)
+ return ((type(x) == "table") and (x ~= vararg) and (getmetatable(x) ~= list_mt) and (getmetatable(x) ~= symbol_mt) and x)
- local function is_sequence(x)
+ local function sequence_3f(x)
local mt = ((type(x) == "table") and getmetatable(x))
- return (mt and (mt.sequence == SEQUENCE_MARKER) and x)
+ return (mt and (mt.sequence == sequence_marker) and x)
- local function is_multi_sym(str)
- if is_sym(str) then
- return is_multi_sym(tostring(str))
+ local function multi_sym_3f(str)
+ if sym_3f(str) then
+ return multi_sym_3f(tostring(str))
elseif (type(str) ~= "string") then
return false
@@ -2610,7 +2715,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.utils"] = package.preload["fennel.utils"] or function(..
return ((#parts > 0) and (str:match("%.") or str:match(":")) and not str:match("%.%.") and (str:byte() ~= string.byte(".")) and (str:byte(( - 1)) ~= string.byte(".")) and parts)
- local function is_quoted(symbol)
+ local function quoted_3f(symbol)
return symbol.quoted
local function walk_tree(root, f, custom_iterator)
@@ -2632,7 +2737,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.utils"] = package.preload["fennel.utils"] or function(..
local function valid_lua_identifier_3f(str)
return (str:match("^[%a_][%w_]*$") and not lua_keywords[str])
- local propagated_options = {"allowedGlobals", "indent", "correlate", "useMetadata", "env"}
+ local propagated_options = {"allowedGlobals", "indent", "correlate", "useMetadata", "env", "compiler-env"}
local function propagate_options(options, subopts)
for _, name in ipairs(propagated_options) do
subopts[name] = options[name]
@@ -2643,20 +2748,31 @@ package.preload["fennel.utils"] = package.preload["fennel.utils"] or function(..
local function _1_()
root = {chunk = nil, options = nil, reset = _1_, scope = nil}
- root["set-reset"] = function(new_root)
+ root["set-reset"] = function(_2_0)
+ local _3_ = _2_0
+ local chunk = _3_["chunk"]
+ local options = _3_["options"]
+ local reset = _3_["reset"]
+ local scope = _3_["scope"]
root.reset = function()
- root.chunk, root.scope, root.options, root.reset = new_root.chunk, new_root.scope, new_root.options, new_root.reset
+ root.chunk, root.scope, root.options, root.reset = chunk, scope, options, reset
return nil
return root.reset
- local _3_
- do
- local _2_0 = {"./?.fnl", "./?/init.fnl"}
- table.insert(_2_0, getenv("FENNEL_PATH"))
- _3_ = _2_0
+ local function hook(event, ...)
+ if (root.options and root.options.plugins) then
+ for _, plugin in ipairs(root.options.plugins) do
+ local _3_0 = plugin[event]
+ if (nil ~= _3_0) then
+ local f = _3_0
+ f(...)
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
- return {["debug-on"] = debug_on, ["is-expr"] = is_expr, ["is-list"] = is_list, ["is-multi-sym"] = is_multi_sym, ["is-quoted"] = is_quoted, ["is-sequence"] = is_sequence, ["is-sym"] = is_sym, ["is-table"] = is_table, ["is-varg"] = is_varg, ["lua-keywords"] = lua_keywords, ["propagate-options"] = propagate_options, ["valid-lua-identifier?"] = valid_lua_identifier_3f, ["walk-tree"] = walk_tree, allpairs = allpairs, copy = copy, deref = deref, expr = expr, kvmap = kvmap, list = list, map = map, path = table.concat(_3_, ";"), root = root, sequence = sequence, stablepairs = stablepairs, sym = sym, varg = varg}
+ return {["debug-on?"] = debug_on_3f, ["expr?"] = expr_3f, ["list?"] = list_3f, ["lua-keywords"] = lua_keywords, ["member?"] = member_3f, ["multi-sym?"] = multi_sym_3f, ["propagate-options"] = propagate_options, ["quoted?"] = quoted_3f, ["sequence?"] = sequence_3f, ["sym?"] = sym_3f, ["table?"] = table_3f, ["valid-lua-identifier?"] = valid_lua_identifier_3f, ["varg?"] = varg_3f, ["walk-tree"] = walk_tree, allpairs = allpairs, copy = copy, deref = deref, expr = expr, hook = hook, kvmap = kvmap, list = list, map = map, path = table.concat({"./?.fnl", "./?/init.fnl", getenv("FENNEL_PATH")}, ";"), root = root, sequence = sequence, stablepairs = stablepairs, sym = sym, varg = varg}
utils = require("fennel.utils")
local parser = require("fennel.parser")
@@ -2672,32 +2788,41 @@ local function eval(str, options, ...)
_ = nil
- local env = (opts.env and specials["wrap-env"](opts.env))
+ local env = nil
+ if (opts.env == "_COMPILER") then
+ env = specials["wrap-env"](specials["make-compiler-env"](nil, compiler.scopes.compiler, {}))
+ else
+ env = (opts.env and specials["wrap-env"](opts.env))
+ end
local lua_source = compiler["compile-string"](str, opts)
local loader = nil
- local function _1_(...)
+ local function _2_(...)
if opts.filename then
return ("@" .. opts.filename)
return str
- loader = specials["load-code"](lua_source, env, _1_(...))
+ loader = specials["load-code"](lua_source, env, _2_(...))
opts.filename = nil
return loader(...)
local function dofile_2a(filename, options, ...)
local opts = utils.copy(options)
local f = assert(io.open(filename, "rb"))
- local source = f:read("*all")
+ local source = assert(f:read("*all"), ("Could not read " .. filename))
opts.filename = filename
return eval(source, opts, ...)
-local mod = {["compile-stream"] = compiler["compile-stream"], ["compile-string"] = compiler["compile-string"], ["load-code"] = specials["load-code"], ["macro-loaded"] = specials["macro-loaded"], ["make-searcher"] = specials["make-searcher"], ["search-module"] = specials["search-module"], ["string-stream"] = parser["string-stream"], compile = compiler.compile, compile1 = compiler.compile1, compileStream = compiler["compile-stream"], compileString = compiler["compile-string"], doc = specials.doc, dofile = dofile_2a, eval = eval, gensym = compiler.gensym, granulate = parser.granulate, list = utils.list, loadCode = specials["load-code"], macroLoaded = specials["macro-loaded"], makeSearcher = specials["make-searcher"], make_searcher = specials["make-searcher"], mangle = compiler["global-mangling"], metadata = compiler.metadata, parser = parser.parser, path = utils.path, repl = repl, scope = compiler["make-scope"], searchModule = specials["search-module"], searcher = specials["make-searcher"](), stringStream = parser["string-stream"], sym = utils.sym, traceback = compiler.traceback, unmangle = compiler["global-unmangling"], varg = utils.varg, version = "0.5.1-dev"}
+local mod = {["compile-stream"] = compiler["compile-stream"], ["compile-string"] = compiler["compile-string"], ["list?"] = utils["list?"], ["load-code"] = specials["load-code"], ["macro-loaded"] = specials["macro-loaded"], ["make-searcher"] = specials["make-searcher"], ["search-module"] = specials["search-module"], ["string-stream"] = parser["string-stream"], ["sym?"] = utils["sym?"], compile = compiler.compile, compile1 = compiler.compile1, compileStream = compiler["compile-stream"], compileString = compiler["compile-string"], doc = specials.doc, dofile = dofile_2a, eval = eval, gensym = compiler.gensym, granulate = parser.granulate, list = utils.list, loadCode = specials["load-code"], macroLoaded = specials["macro-loaded"], makeSearcher = specials["make-searcher"], make_searcher = specials["make-searcher"], mangle = compiler["global-mangling"], metadata = compiler.metadata, parser = parser.parser, path = utils.path, repl = repl, scope = compiler["make-scope"], searchModule = specials["search-module"], searcher = specials["make-searcher"](), stringStream = parser["string-stream"], sym = utils.sym, traceback = compiler.traceback, unmangle = compiler["global-unmangling"], varg = utils.varg, version = "0.6.1-dev"}
utils["fennel-module"] = mod
- local builtin_macros = [===[;; The code for these macros is somewhat idiosyncratic because it cannot use any
+ local builtin_macros = [===[;; This module contains all the built-in Fennel macros. Unlike all the other
+ ;; modules that are loaded by the old bootstrap compiler, this runs in the
+ ;; compiler scope of the version of the compiler being defined.
+ ;; The code for these macros is somewhat idiosyncratic because it cannot use any
;; macros which have not yet been defined.
(fn -> [val ...]
@@ -2881,7 +3006,8 @@ do
(local subscope (fennel.scope scope))
(fennel.compile-string (string.format "(require-macros %q)"
- {:scope subscope})
+ {:scope subscope
+ :compiler-env utils.root.options.compiler-env})
(if (sym? binding)
;; bind whole table of macros to table bound to symbol
(do (tset scope.macros (. binding 1) {})
@@ -3015,7 +3141,14 @@ do
package.preload[module_name] = _0_
_ = nil
- local env = specials["make-compiler-env"](nil, compiler.scopes.compiler, {})
+ local env = nil
+ do
+ local _1_0 = specials["make-compiler-env"](nil, compiler.scopes.compiler, {})
+ _1_0["require"] = require
+ _1_0["utils"] = utils
+ _1_0["fennel"] = mod
+ env = _1_0
+ end
local built_ins = eval(builtin_macros, {allowedGlobals = false, env = env, filename = "src/fennel/macros.fnl", moduleName = module_name, scope = compiler.scopes.compiler, useMetadata = true})
for k, v in pairs(built_ins) do
compiler.scopes.global.macros[k] = v
diff --git a/lib/stdio.fnl b/lib/stdio.fnl
index b6a49cd..1aee6de 100644
--- a/lib/stdio.fnl
+++ b/lib/stdio.fnl
@@ -7,23 +7,25 @@
(local (event channel) ...)
(when channel
- (let [prompt (fn [] (io.write "> ") (io.flush) (io.read "*l"))]
+ (let [prompt (fn [next-line?] (io.write (if next-line? ".." ">> ")) (io.flush) (.. (io.read) "\n"))]
((fn looper [input]
(when input
;; This is consumed by love.handlers[event]
(love.event.push event input)
- (let [output (: channel :demand)]
+ (let [output (: channel :demand)
+ next-line (and (. output 2) (= "next-line" (. output 2)))]
;; There is probably a more efficient way of determining an error
- (if (and (. output 2) (= "Error:" (. output 2)))
+ (if next-line :ok
+ (and (. output 2) (= "Error:" (. output 2)))
(print (view output))
(each [_ ret (ipairs output)]
- (print ret))))
- (io.flush)
- (looper (prompt)))) (prompt))))
+ (print ret)))
+ (io.flush)
+ (looper (prompt next-line))))) (prompt))))
{:start (fn start-repl []
- (let [code (love.filesystem.read "stdio.fnl")
+ (let [code (love.filesystem.read "lib/stdio.fnl")
luac (if code
(fennel.compileString code) "io")
@@ -33,7 +35,10 @@
coro (coroutine.create fennel.repl)
out (fn [val]
(: io-channel :push val))
- options {:readChunk coroutine.yield
+ options {:readChunk (fn [parser-state]
+ (when (> parser-state.stack-size 0)
+ (: io-channel :push ["next-line" "next-line"]))
+ (coroutine.yield))
:onValues out
:onError (fn [kind ...] (out [kind "Error:" ...]))
:pp view
@@ -43,4 +48,4 @@
(: thread :start "eval" io-channel)
(set love.handlers.eval
(fn [input]
- (coroutine.resume coro (.. input "\n"))))))}
+ (coroutine.resume coro input)))))}
diff --git a/lib/stdio.lua b/lib/stdio.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c49418..0000000
--- a/lib/stdio.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- require("love.event")
- local view = require("lib.fennelview") local event, channel = ... local function _0_(...) if channel then
- local prompt = nil local function _0_() io.write("> ") io.flush() return io.read("*l") end prompt = _0_
- local function looper(input) if input then
- love.event.push(event, input)
- do local output = channel:demand()
- if (output[2] and ("Error:" == output[2])) then
- print(view(output)) else
- for _, ret in ipairs(output) do
- print(ret) end end end
- io.flush()
- return looper(prompt()) end end return looper(prompt()) end end _0_(...)
- local function start_repl()
- local code = love.filesystem.read("stdio.fnl") local luac = nil
- if code then
- luac = love.filesystem.newFileData(fennel.compileString(code), "io") else
- luac = love.filesystem.read("lib/stdio.lua") end
- local thread = love.thread.newThread(luac)
- local io_channel = love.thread.newChannel()
- local coro = coroutine.create(fennel.repl) local out = nil
- local function _2_(val)
- return io_channel:push(val) end out = _2_ local options = nil
- local function _3_(kind, ...) return out({kind, "Error:", ...}) end options = {moduleName = "lib.fennel", onError = _3_, onValues = out, pp = view, readChunk = coroutine.yield}
- coroutine.resume(coro, options)
- thread:start("eval", io_channel)
- local function _4_(input)
- return coroutine.resume(coro, (input .. "\n")) end love.handlers.eval = _4_ return nil end return {start = start_repl}