require("love.event") local function prompt(cont_3f) local function _1_() if cont_3f then return ".." else return ">> " end end io.write(_1_()) io.flush() return ( .. "\n") end local function looper(event, channel) do local _2_ = channel:demand() if ((_G.type(_2_) == "table") and ((_2_)[1] == "write") and (nil ~= (_2_)[2])) then local vals = (_2_)[2] io.write(table.concat(vals, "\9")) io.write("\n") elseif ((_G.type(_2_) == "table") and ((_2_)[1] == "read") and (nil ~= (_2_)[2])) then local cont_3f = (_2_)[2] love.event.push(event, prompt(cont_3f)) end end return looper(event, channel) end do local _4_, _5_ = ... if ((nil ~= _4_) and (nil ~= _5_)) then local event = _4_ local channel = _5_ looper(event, channel) end end local function start_repl() local code ="lib/stdio.fnl") local luac if code then luac = love.filesystem.newFileData(fennel.compileString(code), "io") else luac ="lib/stdio.lua") end local thread = love.thread.newThread(luac) local io_channel = love.thread.newChannel() local coro = coroutine.create(fennel.repl) local options local function _10_(_8_) local _arg_9_ = _8_ local stack_size = _arg_9_["stack-size"] io_channel:push({"read", (0 < stack_size)}) return coroutine.yield() end local function _11_(vals) return io_channel:push({"write", vals}) end local function _12_(errtype, err) return io_channel:push({"write", {err}}) end options = {readChunk = _10_, onValues = _11_, onError = _12_, moduleName = "lib.fennel"} coroutine.resume(coro, options) thread:start("eval", io_channel) local function _13_(input) return coroutine.resume(coro, input) end love.handlers.eval = _13_ return nil end return {start = start_repl}