# Hundred Rabbits on Nix **TODO** Submit PR to nixpkgs ## Example usage with `configuration.nix` Clone the repo: ```sh git clone https://github.com/egasimus/rabbits /etc/nixos/rabbits ``` Import into `configuration.nix`: ```nix { pkgs, ... }: let # ... rabbits = (pkgs.callPackage (import ./rabbits/default.nix) {}); # ... in { environment.systemPackages = [ # ... rabbits.orca rabbits.pilot rabbits.marabu rabbits.left rabbits.ronin rabbits.dotgrid # ... ]; } ``` Rebuild: ```sh sudo nixos-rebuild switch --fast ``` Launch: ```sh orca-osc pilot-osc marabu left ronin dotgrid ``` Update: ``` cd /etc/nixos/rabbits git pull sudo nixos-rebuild switch --fast ``` ## Usage with overlays/profiles/flakes/etc. Left as an exercise to the reader.