/* Store options UI using browser.storage.local. */ function storeSettings() { const url = document.querySelector("#url"); // console.log('storeSettings url'); // console.log(url); browser.storage.local.set({ url: url.value, }); } /* Update the options UI with the settings values retrieved from storage, or the default settings if the stored settings are empty. */ function updateUI(restoredSettings) { const url = document.querySelector("#url"); // console.log('restoredSettings url'); // console.log(url); url.value = restoredSettings.url || ""; } function onError(e) { console.error(e); } /* On opening the options page, fetch stored settings and update the UI with them. */ const gettingStoredSettings = browser.storage.local.get(); gettingStoredSettings.then(updateUI, onError); /* On clicking the save button, save the currently selected settings. */ const saveButton = document.querySelector("#save-button"); saveButton.addEventListener("click", storeSettings);