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[[201015-2153|Vim Kendrit Review]]
= Goals =
- check out all the vim plugins i have saved
- tagbar
- fzf / ctrlP / vim-clap / ag
- linting
- iron.vim
- intermediate vim
- buffers/tabs/sessions
- folds
- make / build integration
- indentation with `=`
- how to exit paste mode
- how to utilize macros better
- compile a vim cheat sheet
- learn advanced vim tricks
- complete vimtutor to the end
- learn some vimscript
- contribute to taskwiki
== .vimrc Configuration ==
- `set path+=**` When using `:find` like commands, search all subdirectories recursively
- `set wildmenu` Display all matching files when tab-completing
== Commands ==
- `zf` create fold
- `zo` open fold
- `zc` close fold
- `za` toggle fold
- `zd` delete fold
- `zO` open all folds
- `zM` close all folds
Alternatively use the `range` command like so:
- `:20,101 fold`
Folding method is defined through the `foldmethod` option
`foldmethod` can be one of:
- manual - the above commands will all require a motion if set to this
- indent - fold based on indent
- syntax
- marker - set a marker with `{{{ }}}`
- expr
- `H` top
- `M` middle
- `L` bottom
- `zz` center viewport on cursor
- `ctrl+e` down one line
- `ctrl+y` up one line
- `ctrl+d` half page down
- `ctrl+u` half page up
- `ctrl+f` foward one page
- `ctrl+b` back one page
- `f{character}` find char
- `t{character}` to char
- `F{character}` back find char
- `T{character}` back to char
, / ; for navigating matches
- `c{motion}` change {motion}
e.g. cw is change word
like d{motion} followed by i
- ``m` exact position to mark
- `'m` go to mark
- `:marks` list marks
- `:set spell` activate spelling
- `]s` Jump to next mistake
- `[s` Jump to previous mistake
- `z=` Spelling suggestions
- `:ab` abbreviation
- `zg` Adds word to regular dictionary
- `zG` Adds word to the current session dictionary
Modifiers: You can use modifiers to change the meaning of a noun. Some modifiers are i, which means “inner” or “inside”, and a, which means “around”.
- `ci(` change the contents inside the current pair of parentheses
- `ci[` change the contents inside the current pair of square brackets
- `da'` delete a single-quoted string, including the surrounding single quotes
Substitue: `:s` or `:%s/<find-regex>/<replace-regex>`
Macro pause: if you started recording macro with `qa` and need to pause, stop the recording with `q` and then resume with `qA`
- `~` flips the case of a character
- `)` Takes you to the start of the next sentence
- `(` Takes you to the start of the previous sentence
- `}` Takes you to the start of the next paragraph or block of text
- `{` Takes you to the start of the previous paragraph or block of text
- `[[` Jump to function start
- `[{` Jump to block start
- `Ctrl+A`, `Ctrl+X` Increment, or decrement the first number found after the cursor.
- `:undolist` Show the undo *tree*
- `:set nopaste` disable pastemode
== external ==
`bindkey -v` to set vim commands in terminal (zsh only)
`export EDITOR=vim`
`echo "set editing-mode vi" > ~/.inputrc` for GNU Readline basic vim emulation
== tutorials ==
== talks ==
== books ==