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<h1> Buchi Flavors </h1>
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<date> 2020-10-19 20:20</date>
<p>== 14/10/20 5th Batch ==</p>
<h3>Blueberry cream</h3>
<p>Same as before</p>
<h3>Mango + Pear</h3>
<p>1 mango
2 pear blitzed (only a lil added)</p>
<h3>Straw + Lime</h3>
<p>Blitzed strawberry 250g
Juice of some lime</p>
<h3>Pear + Apple x2</h3>
<p>Blitzed pear (Only buy 1 of these!)
Blitzed apple (Only buy 1 of these!)
Some lime juice</p>
<h3>flavors ideas</h3>
<p>lime + mint
lime + ginger
vanilla, banana, blueberry, cinnamon, peach, basically any fruits
look into heating flavors, adding sugar before 2nd ferment</p>
<p>= 21/09/20 4th batch =</p>
<h3>Blueberry cream</h3>
<p>Blue bottle
same as below</p>
<h3>Tropical blast</h3>
<p>Red bottle
250g strawberry</p>
<li>half chopped</li>
<li>half crushed and heated
half a pineapple, chopped
some lemon
some lime
some blueberry</li>
<h3>Pineapple + passionfruit + lime</h3>
<p>Green bottle
quart a pineapple, blitzed
2 passionfruits
juice of 2 limes</p>
<h3>Kiwi + Lemon</h3>
<p>Blue bottle
3 kiwis, blitz
juice of 1 lemon</p>
<h3>Pineapple swirl</h3>
<p>quart a pineapple, blitzed
some kiwi
some lemon
some lime</p>
<p>= 23/08/20 3rd batch =</p>
<h3>Blueberry Cream</h3>
<p>230g blueberry
turned into jam
heated with 1 cup water
a little sugar
1 cap vanilla extract
3rd full batch</p>
<h3>Strawberry Cream</h3>
<p>250g strawberry
turned into jam
same steps as blueberry
3rd full batch</p>
<h3>Lemon Mint Musk</h3>
<p>3 full limes from jj
5 fresh mint leaves
half a pack dried mint
3rd full batch</p>
<h3>Banana Cream</h3>
<p>2 full bananas
1 cap vanilla extract
3rd full batch</p>
<p>= 3rd batch first stage 09/08/20 =
Madura organic green tea
All boxed water</p>
<p>= Review of 22/07 batch =
all undrinkably sour, should have re-made from the first stage</p>
<p>= Strawberry 22/07/20 =
~500g strawberry, chopped
about 1/3rd bottle
Diluted water batch</p>
<p>= Citrus 22/07/20 =
Oca/Orange blend
Half a large orange
3 chopped Ocas
Diluted water batch</p>
<p>= Orange OG 22/07/20 =
Ginger/Tumeric/Orange blend
Half a large orange
Diced ginger + tumeric 50/50
about a 1/4th of the bottle
Diluted water batch</p>
<p>= The OG 12/07/20 =
Tumeric/Ginger blend
Diced, roughly 50/50
About 1/4th the bottle</p>
<p>= Berry Buch 12/07/20 =
Strawberry + Blueberry blend
250g strawberry, diced
125g blueberries smushed
Around 1/3rd of the bottle</p>
<p>= Spiced Fruit 12/07/20 =
Strawberry, Pomogranite, Blueberry and Ginger
200g strawberry, diced
100g blueberry, smushed
1 pomogranite, sorta smushed
a teaspoon of ginger, diced and smushed
About 1/3rd of a small bottle</p>