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<h1> Building my own Static Site Generator </h1>
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<date>1970-01-01 10:00</date>
<p>Everything is really coming together now, and I could launch if I wanted to. There's still the whole footer and header things that needs attention. There's one outstanding bug about empty list items for things that get filtered. A 404 page would be nice. But I'm pretty happy with the way most of it looks. It's not perfect by any means currently, but it's good enough to go now and that makes me happy. I'm getting closer to calling it 'finished', but I'm also running out of energy on this project. There's still a bunch of maintanence things that need to happen also, like being able to grab and build in one step (that's the big one tbh), and maybe packaging up the application nicely so it's all one module, but I'm still not entirely sure how to do that yet. I should maybe link my resume somewhere too I guess?</p>
<p>Getting ready to launch, a few outstanding bugs I'm still ironing out, and then there will be lots of pages that need fixing up</p>
<p>So finally getting to the point where pages build correctly, links are working the way I expect, and we can move around the pages within the web browser. There's still a lot of formatting work to be done on styling, and a <code>splash</code> page as well as <code>home</code> page that add some flavor and direction to my website. also <em>a ton</em> of pages need to be tidied up. wondering how to link the <code>created_index</code> page?</p>
<p>Also need to parse these pages better. In particular = stuff not being parsed well to form the title, and markdown expects 2 line breaks before it'll show a new line, which might be a little tricky-er.</p>
<p>There's a huge collection of half done things currently going on, and so many other things I'm going to have to re-write...
Also remember to consult <a href='hyperplane.html' >hyperplane</a> because it has a bunch of notes on it about how this process works. Here I'm specifically trying to deal with templating issues, and I don't quite have the full system in my head right now</p>
<h3>Tasks | +website pro:dev</h3>
<li>[x] use pandoc to convert Vimwiki markdown into regular ass markdown</li>
<li>[ ] Fix entry['title'] not showing up on untagged_index.html</li>
<li>[x] Sometimes links don't get parsed correctly and their filename shows up instead of the title</li>
<li>[x] fix tag_index page</li>
<li>[ ] generate backlinks for pages through VimZettel<ul>
<li>[ ] Use back links in footer</li>
<li>[ ] Create a real header... </li>
<li>[ ] sealight not being imported</li>
<li>[ ] import current blog entries</li>
<li>[ ] create art tag, and add it to the list</li>
<li>[ ] 404 page</li>
<li>[x] create a list of all the pages with no tags</li>
<li>[x] change the index link to point to a list of all tags</li>
<li>[x] fix filtering </li>