Generated Tags
=### blog =
- see
- Kitaab
- Taming Technology
- Dev Stories
- 3 Years of Owning a Server
- The New Internet is being born
- Amazed at the NixOS Community
- My journey with Linux
- Standing on the Shoulders of Understandable Giants
- Structure of Sorcery
- De-facto proprietary software
=### dstory =
=### writing =
- see
- intro
- Kitaab
- Climbing is back
- What I want to talk to my Psych about
- Jon's Mansion
- Taming Technology
- Building Norns
- Getting to a Finished Song
- Dev Stories
- 3 Years of Owning a Server
- On Noticing Your Own Reactions
- Systems, not Goals
- Why Kendrit
- Somewhere at the end of History
- Amazed at the NixOS Community
- Invincible Computing
- Idea behind Puralek
- My journey with Linux
- Why have an HPI?
- Standing on the Shoulders of Understandable Giants
- Structure of Sorcery
- Just so
- sealight services intro
20200516 think about putting Kitaab online in some sort of form
100DaysToOffload ideas:
- digital everything: the onyx note pro, kobo, kitaab, etc
- against heroes
- robust computing
- against advertising
- comfortable with the uncomfortable
- data as magic (short story)
- kindness requires strength
- morning routine
20200318 website changes:
- about/contact page with links and form
- picture of my face on homepage
- life tracker
datalife IndieMark 2 syndication
add them to maze have a wiki, links, now, contact/about for top bar main page leads you down maze links page is built from stars in shaarli
- personal
- logs
- digital infrastructure/tech commentary
- lifelong learning plan
- 4 Cs of my life (Creator, Career, Consumer, Thinker??)
- ads bad
- who free software is for
- digital charms
- dreaming of robust conputing
- piecing together my life / life tracking (meta)
- taming technology, security, privacy (firewall, foss)
- putting up barriers; against convience
- Loop Habits pull request
- the internet isnt soverign, its nationalized
- lifelong learning plan
- experiments
- securing my wifi network
- learning ncurses through snake
- configuration
- stories
- data weaver (tools like yaad), data builders (engineers), bouncers (security), operations?, data world
- how to fuck up your phone (and fix it) [story of broken line]
- against heroes
- auto publish to dat
- add indieWeb support
- have rel=me for mastodon page?
- add CSS for different kinds of tags in arts page
- add that photo that i use everywhere to the landing page
dependence on digital, losing data?
Experimental - Dissent, Hipster, Non conforming, Individual Understanding Dreamer Warm Optimism philosophical/conversational trickster/shady/mysticism Balanced/Multi disciplinary/Inbetweenness Resilient/Mindful/Adaptable Difficult, against convience Not a Consumer My troubles with Memory The Power of Words/Keeping Identity Small
post flow: intro/web+ > digital infrastructure > data hoard > what is information narrative as reasoning (analysing previous 3 posts) > the medium is the message
that which cannot be percieved
the constant stream of information - the week with no internet at home
pacisifism as a technologist The responsibility of Technologists
s o c i a l d o e s n ' t s c a l e
a d v e r t i s i n g i s e v i l , or fuck big tech giving up the media game
redefining private as a concept on the Internet the public/private divide
t h e p r o b l e m w i t h g a m i f i c a t i o n
t h e m e d i u m i s t h e m e s s a g e
Censorship as drowning out - corporations as public utilities
weekly summaries - mastobot
data dives - music library analysis, hdd folders analysis, task warrior, habits, expenses, browser history)
phones as production devices rather than consumption machines
Anonymity as a super power
ephemeralizing the social web
story (not reason) is the basis of belief You are the story
My trouble with history My trouble with Identity
no heroes
an tower unto itself, marooned on a island far away the duality of my social circles - lack of an in group
Fuck the American cultural hegemony
This website is not for you analytics that everyone can see?
Wanting to be Everything.
Possible Futures