Ahoy, internet stranger!
Some strange magic indeed must have led you to this particular place. We don't get many travellers round these parts no more. Are you a long way from home? Come sit down by the fire, you can learn a little bit about me, before advancing down this labyrinth.
Inquisitive Navigator
My name is Anish Lakhwara, and this is my digital garden. I don't expect the notes here will be of much use to you, but I like working in public so I'm sharing them here. Since this is my lab room, things are haphazard, but I have a method to my madness, trust.
Being a collection of notes mostly for me, also might make it a little tricky for you to navigate this maze. I've tried to provide helpful indexes where I can, but they're just aggregates. I've included back-links so you can traverse up and down. My now page might also be a good place to orient yourself, or there's created_index too.
Normally I just search through the text of my pages to find what I'm looking for, but I don't want grant you that power here.
You can find me elsewhere on:
You can also follow this website through RSS here, despite the integrity of that feed being questionable
If you're more interested in my work history that's also available here