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<h1> Getting Web-Services to run on NixOS </h1>
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<date> 2020-11-18 15:22</date>
<li>Haven't configured a systemd service to ln -s the nix derivation yet</li>
<li>Upstream seems broken</li>
<li>Docker works, but data is not persistent</li>
<li>Find a way to use overlay so I can use an older version</li>
<li>broken on 20.09</li>
<li>not sure what to do</li>
<p>LUKS / LVM</p>
<li>does not mount the big partition</li>
<li>not sure why</li>
<li>Need to restore nextcloud data</li>
<li>Most other data is missing</li>
<p>Basically I've learnt that running php web-apps are a nightmare, and that I don't really understand nginx, fastcgi, phpfpm at all really.
For the past ~2 weeks I've been trying to rebuild <a href='bowl.html' >bowl</a> to be running on NixOS, and I've come up against many difficulties, and lost all the data in both of these services...</p>
<p>I had issues with getting shaarli to read the environment variable as defined in it's nix derivation. So instead, Timo (the package maintainer) told me another solution is to just <code>ln -s</code> the package directory into somewhere it can read/write to since that's what the environment variable is supposed to do anyway. Once I did this it was easy enough to get Shaarli running. I did have to be careful with the nginx config because I'd accidentally disabled the API. Currently my Shaarli install</p>
<p>Wallabag has been another story. It seems like upstream is broken because it's overwriting a php function (<code>mb_string</code> is the package and <code>mb_str_replace</code> is the function) that php says it can't overwrite.</p>
<p>Before I managed to get these to run on bare metal, I was using docker once again to run the services. But since Nix is declarative, and I have no idea how docker volumes work, it wiped everytime I ran <code>nixos-rebuild switch</code>, which remains a problem I haven't quite solved. I somehow managed to get the docker install working, but I don't believe it to be declarative because I did exec into the docker container and ran some esoteric database migration in order to get it to work.</p>
<p>Further more my main issue currently is that in order to do anything in nixOS I need to be able to write the language, understand the options, and then all the services that the options declaratively define. The way I currently run any of the infrastructure is through googling around and hoping to find a module or someone else trying to run the same software, but more profficient at nixOS than I am. That needs to change, since even for services written in easy to run languages like Go, I can't write the nix file to get them to work.</p>
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