
86 lines
2.3 KiB

{ self, pkgs, ... }:
imports = [
# ../profiles/monitoring
# ../profiles/headphones # TODO broken on 23.11, see: https://github.com/rembo10/headphones/issues/3320
# ../profiles/seafile # waiting for https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/249523 to be merged
# ../profiles/archivebox
# ../profiles/woodpecker-agent
# ../profiles/jellyfin
# Backups
age.secrets.borg-password.file = "${self}/secrets/borg-password.age";
services.postgresqlBackup = {
enable = true;
databases = [ "wallabag" "photoprism" "ulogger" ];
location = "/var/backup/postgresql";
mossnet.backup = {
enable = true;
name = "mossnet";
paths = [
"/var/lib/taskserver" # taskwarrior
"/var/www/shaarli-config" # sharli
"/var/backup/postgresql" # wallabag
"/var/lib/radicale" # radicale
"/home/anish/usr/drawing" # syncthing
"/data/books" # calibre-web
# "/home/anish/usr/nonfiction" # syncthing
"/home/anish/usr/finance" # beancount
"/mnt/two/postgres" # sealight postgres backups TODO remove once moved to capsul
# seafile
services.transmission = {
enable = true;
settings = {
rpc.bind-address = "";
download-dir = "/mnt/two/new-music";
services.nginx.virtualHosts."transmission.mossnet.lan" = {
enableACME = false;
forceSSL = false;
locations."/" = {
extraConfig = ''
proxy_pass http://localhost:9091/;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
age.secrets.box-wg.file = "${self}/secrets/box-wg.age";
age.secrets.box-wg.owner = "anish";
age.secrets.borg-key.file = "${self}/secrets/borg-key.age";
mossnet.wg = {
enable = true;
ips = [ "" ];
privateKeyFile = "/run/agenix/box-wg";
services.syncthing.guiAddress = ""; # public syncthing
system.stateVersion = "19.09";