+ Bumped fennel: 0.8.1 -> 0.9.2. + Use luajit for awesomewm + fennel. + Add barebones awesomewm fennel config (more to come later).
112 lines
4.1 KiB
112 lines
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(local gears (require :gears))
(local awful (require :awful))
(local naughty (require :naughty))
(require :awful.autofocus)
(local wincmd (require :commands.window))
(local tagcmd (require :commands.tag))
(local pa (require :utils.pulseaudio))
(local input (require :utils.input))
(fn initialize [bindings]
;; Error handling
;; Check if awesome encountered an error during startup and fell back to
;; another config (This code will only ever execute for the fallback config)
(let [preset { :timeout 0 :bg "#000000" :fg "#ff0000" :max_height 1080 }]
(when awesome.startup_errors
(naughty.notify {:preset preset
:title "Oops, there were errors during startup!"
:text awesome.startup_errors}))
(var in-error false)
(fn []
;; Make sure we don't go into an endless error loop
(when (not in-error)
(set in-error true)
(naughty.notify {:preset preset
:title "Oops, an error happened!"
:text (tostring err)})
(naughty.notify {:preset preset
:title "Oops, an error happened!"
:text (tostring err)})
(set in-error false)))))
(root.keys bindings.global-keys)
(naughty.notify {:text "Glorious fennel"})
(gears.wallpaper.set "#282c34"))
[[:mod] :s hotkeys_popup.show_help "show help"]
[[:mod :shift] :r awesome.restart "reload config"]
[[:mod] :space (fn [] (awful.util.spawn "rofi -show run")) "app launcher"]
[[:mod] :e (fn [] (awful.util.spawn "emacsclient -c -n -e '(switch-to-buffer nil)'")) "emacs"]
[[:mod] :v (fn []
(let [option "gopass ls --flat"
prompt "rofi -dmenu -p pass"
action "xargs --no-run-if-empty gopass show -c"
cmd (.. option " | " prompt " | " action)]
(awful.spawn.easy_async_with_shell cmd (fn []))))
"secret vault"]
[[:mod] :Return (fn [] (awful.spawn "xst")) "open terminal"]
[[] :XF86AudioMute pa.toggle-muted "⏼ audio muted"]
[[] :XF86AudioMicMute pa.toggle-mic-mute "⏼ mic muted"]
[[] :XF86AudioRaiseVolume (fn [] (pa.adjust-volume 5)) "raise volume"]
[[] :XF86AudioLowerVolume (fn [] (pa.adjust-volume -5)) "lower volume"]
[[:mod] :h (fn [] (awful.client.focus.bydirection :left)) "focus left"]
[[:mod] :j (fn [] (awful.client.focus.bydirection :down)) "focus down"]
[[:mod] :k (fn [] (awful.client.focus.bydirection :up)) "focus up"]
[[:mod] :l (fn [] (awful.client.focus.bydirection :right)) "focus right"]
[[:mod] :n (fn [] (awful.client.focus.byidx 1)) "focus next"]
[[:mod] :p (fn [] (awful.client.focus.byidx -1)) "focus previous"]
[[:mod :shift] :j (fn [] (awful.client.swap.byidx 1)) "swap next with previous"]
[[:mod :shift] :k (fn [] (awful.client.swap.byidx -1)) "swap next with previous"]
[[:mod] :n wincmd.minimize "minimize"]
[[:mod] :t wincmd.toggle-ontop "⏼ keep on top"]
[[:mod] :m wincmd.toggle-maximized "⏼ maximize"]
[[:mod] :f wincmd.toggle-fullscreen "⏼ fullscreen"]
[[:mod :ctrl] :space awful.client.floating.toggle "⏼ floating"]
[[:mod :ctrl] :Return wincmd.move-to-master "move to master"]
[[:mod :ctrl] :m wincmd.toggle-maximize-vertical "⏼ max vertically"]
[[:mod :shift] :m wincmd.toggle-maximize-horizontal "⏼ max horizontally"]
[[:mod :shift] :c wincmd.close "close"]
(input.mousebind [] input.left-click client.mouse-raise)
(input.mousebind [:mod] input.left-click client.mouse-drag-move)
(input.mousebind [:mod] input.right-click client.mouse-drag-resize)
(initialize bindings)