- Add rofi scripts (replace rofi-pass with homebrewed passmenu) - Replace wallpapers - New soft blue + blur A E S T H E T I C - Change from Arc Dark to Nordic - Apply GTK theme to pinentry prompt - New rofi theme - Switch from lightdm gtk greeter to mini greeter - Refactor zsh aliases
56 lines
927 B
56 lines
927 B
!! Colors
#define blk #101216
#define bblk #969896
#define red #cc6666
#define bred #de935f
#define grn #8BD49C
#define bgrn #757d28
#define ylw #f0c674
#define bylw #f9a03f
#define blu #5EC4FF
#define bblu #2a8fed
#define mag #E27E8D
#define bmag #bc77a8
#define cyn #8abeb7
#define bcyn #a3685a
#define wht #bbc2cf
#define bwht #ffffff
#define bg blk
#define fg wht
*.foreground: fg
*.background: bg
*.cursorColor: mag
*.color0: blk
*.color8: bblk
*.color1: red
*.color9: bred
*.color2: grn
*.color10: bgrn
*.color3: ylw
*.color11: bylw
*.color4: blu
*.color12: bblu
*.color5: mag
*.color13: bmag
*.color6: cyn
*.color14: bcyn
*.color7: wht
*.color15: bwht
! greys
*.color234: #1d2021
*.color235: #282828
*.color236: #32302f
*.color237: #3c3836
*.color239: #504945
*.color240: #544c49
*.color241: #665c54
!! xst
st.opacity: 200
st.font: Fira Code:pixelsize=12
st-scratch.font: Fira Code:pixelsize=15