2021-12-01 00:24:51 +10:00

30 lines
921 B

%title {title}:[:[:G:r:a:t:i:t:u:d:e: :]:]: :R:e:v:i:e:w: :J:o:u:r:n:a:l:%date {date}What went well today:
* Finally getting around to finishing the project at work
* Cooking and buying groceries
* Not buying snacks or buying outside food
* Not smoking weed despite wanting to
* Habits
What did not go well today:
* Not working out
* Taking notes and using taskwarrior, but im slowly getting better
* Still had a work fap, but it was delayed
* Switching off work
* Projects/dvlg/Creative stuff
What can I do tomorrow to improve:
* Do some exercise
* Get into the habit of writing down what you're gonna do at work
* Find a better way to split work and home time
* Find a 'wind-down' routine for after work -- maybe include something creative or leisurely
* Keep vimwiki up to date and browse it often
Today I am grateful for:
* Tanushree, and her saying she misses me
* My friends that I can rely on
* Ona beans