2021-12-01 00:24:51 +10:00

74 lines
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= start =
to start tidal cycles:
run 'scide' (or run the SuperCollider IDE) in terminal to start SuperCollider server
execute the following code in scide:
open a new terminal and run tidalvim
you should now be running tidal, use ctrl+E to pass lines to tidal from vim
= basics =
when you add more sounds to each cycle, it speeds up, the time of the cycle remains constant
----- is the buffer to super collider, there are 9 opened by default in tidal
/ --- the "command" to run
v v
d1 $ sound "bd:2 bd bd ~"
^ ^ ^
\ \ --- is a rest note
\ --- is the sound that is going to be played; play the 3rd (0 indexed) sound in bd
--- magical $ notation
= subsequences =
using [] we can create sub sequences that run "together" in the same step of each cycle
this can be done recursively
using this we can achieve nice compound time signatures:
d1 $ n "[0 2 1] [4 4 5]" # s "drum"
alternative notation:
d1 $ n "0 2 1 . 4 4 5" # s "drum"
= speeding, slowing, repeating =
* is the same as a subsequence (s "kick*2" == s "[kick kick]")
! is the same as repeating the sound (s "kick!2" == s "kick kick")
/ "divides" the step into n steps and alternates them
we can combine these to shorten lengthy things:
s "[kick [lo hi]/2]*2" == s "kick lo kick hi"
= polyphony =
, allows us to have multiple "tracks" in the same pattern but they must be in a subsequence!
d1 $ s "[bd sn, lo hi lo lo]"
d1 $ s "bd ~ sn ~"
d2 $ s "lo hi lo lo"
are the same
{} changes tidalcycles to make the steps align instead of the cycles aligning
= effects & commands =
stut - create echos
d1 $ stut 4 0.5 (-0.1) $ s "bd sn"
= adding a samples directory =
File > Open Start Up File > Add line ~dirt.loadSoundFiles("path/to/directory/*");
= pipes =
|> is the same as #, it takes values from the right and structure from the left
| indicates which side to take structure from
and the arrow indicates which side to take values from
hence with the following combinations
we can mix and match any combinations